Thursday, September 23, 2010

GOP "PLEDGE TO AMERICA": ... and the KNOW to say NO to "Fuzzy" Math ...

First of all ... I am posting another political post ... because this election is yet another very critical election due to the current condition ... and as I posted in The 2010 Show series ... this is going to be a Hell of a show ... which I been anticipating 2 year's already ... and writing about the people's frustration's to come since day one of this journal ... so it's finally here. But first of all, 2 video's below as well as this piece on the Republican's "Pledge to America" which is to be officially unveiled today by the GOP ... then of course a few word's I will add, since I have voted conservative most of my life, and surely understand conservative thinking. The Pledge in full here. Also ... there has been relentless whining out of Republican's as well as the Tea Party ... that under this current President and Administration, businesses across America are "paralyzed", which you should be "THANKING" this administration for the "paralyzation" Why? ... because under the last Republican Administration, businesses across America were closing and losing 100's of thousand's of job's per month! So paralyzing such a drop from continueing is great! Which ya'll can stop whining about since that too, the President/ Administration is working on here .

Paul Ryan on House Republicans' Pledge To America ... Thanx to REPPAULRYAN

As far as I'm concerned, this is all too little, too late, and again pulled as a last minute stunt as usual when vote's are on the line, and I have been through this dog and pony show before, and just the article's and video's above give me a clear enough picture on what to expect. And frankly I'm burned out and disgusted over this. It remind's me of a couple sour relationship's actually from past ... where I had a girlfriend/ lover ... who would do outrageous thing's to me when angry, such as throw pottery or small appliance's at me, when she was angry or intoxicated, then say she's sorry and share's some intimate moment's with me later, then goes back to the same "tantrum via sorry" again ... to where .. I would get to the point ... where I say enough is enough ... and know when to say "NO" and just "walk". The GOP has built a new recent reputation for usage of the word "No" ... and the man behind creating this mess, former President GW Bush liked to use the term "Fuzzy Math" ... so as a former conservative voting American having voted for Bush/ Cheney as well ... I can assure you ... I know when to say NO! After all ... it was conservative's that turned me into the democrat voter I am today, because of these similar shenanigan's. And Hell "NO" as well to the Tea Party ... which isnt the democrat's problem ... but ya'll's (GOP) problem, because ya'll created them as well, with your shenanigan's! In fact ... the GOP and the last administration created every damn problem that we have now, from housing to employment, to unfair trade, war's, economic's, spending, deficit's, the list is endless ... if you want "TRUTH", I sure as Hell will give it!

No ...really ... I am sick and tired of this! And this video of Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) is pathetic! Do you realize how pathetic you look with that puppy dog look on your face Sir? ... and trying to verbally cover for a bunch who helped create one of the biggest financial messes in American history Sir? Your promise/ pledge? How many time's have ya'll promised to clean up politic's in America? How many chance's have we gave ya'll? How many more do you need? When in Hell are ya'll going to get ya'll's act together? Now you have the nerve to constantly do nothing but blame all this on this President and Administration? A President you vowed at day one he took office that you would do everything you could to work with and reach across the table for bipartisan solution's? This President bent over backward's to do everything possible to work to some degree with ya'll ... and your only response was to say "NO"! Well I think Sir ... that the American people, especially fiscally conservative American's should say NO to ya'll! But that's just my opinion.

Let me just point out here a couple of the promises that Rep. Ryan bring's up here in this interview. And I will be fair Sir ... and truely unbiased, only pointing out "fact's". These what you call the first key step's to get the country back on track? Sir ... the country has been going off track since around 2002 ... where have ya'll been? I was talking about the decline of this country as far as the current issue's since then ... wondering what in Hell was the man I voted for Bush doing by giving away all our surplus abroad ... starting war's that would only backfire from previous experience's, deregulating all the major corporate influence's, while giving them solely all the tax cut's, and not even wanting them to pay even a fair minimal amount ... while taking all those incentive's overseas, and spending more time building the UAE and communist China's economies than the USA's ... to the massive unfair trade negotiation's he set up with China. The list of anti American deed's and deal's are actually endless ... and had the full support for several year's before this current administration of ya'll. Even when job number's were falling by hundred's of thousand's per month in the last administration ... where were ya'll when American's needed you most? Now your damn asses are backed against the wall ... and we have to hear this whining out of you? The same similar whining that I said former Treasury Secretary "Bank of Hank" Paulson would do in the last day's of Bush/ Cheney to milk the last of the surplus and tax revenue before they leave office, which I hoped I was wrong, but you done exactly what I feared ... then handed this broke, bent, overcharged account and debt, along with a couple war's, one for Middle East oil (Iraq), and the other for China to strip Afghanistan of all the copper and other resource's, to benefit China, not us ... and threw it all on this administration's desk, patted the new President on the back and said ..."Good Luck Guy ... we'll stand by you". Are you kidding us!!? Now you have "first step's" for us?

You have planned $1.3 trillion in spending cut's proposed now? And what may that be Sir .... closing all the police and fire department's, libraries, school's, and more to the entire nation half the year? ... because that truely is "fuzzy math". You can save $100 million just next year ... and promise deliverable's and aspiration's? How? ... what kind of cut's and of who will that take to guarantee such a sudden drastic enormous saving's? You will try but we must realize that we have a divided government situation? And ... exactly why do we have this situation? who constantly was saying "No" to everything? Who would NOT compromise? Who did not "pull" their weight in this situation? It's hard to clean up the mess because of what Congress is like? Well ... when we all voted for you back in era's like 2000/ 2004 and ya'll had Congress to ya'll's advantage and we were slowly declining on the down slope, what was the excuse for that? ... because you still havent even answered to ANY of that or the other action's prior to this current administration. You want to make your first cut's to EPA and DOT? After what happened in the Gulf of Mexico ... and the deteriorating highway/ road's infrastructure in the nation already?, while you are still in contract spending on reconstruction of Iraq, after you tore it to shred's?

You dont want to privatize Social Security ... because ya'll are about "voluntary choice and option"? Where was million's of people's choice's and option's when ya'll done everything ya'll could to stop even a small public option and choice on health care reform? After all ... are ya'll not about free market and competition? Where is the competition or choice? If the corporate insurance system is so great ... frankly you have nothing to fear ... and those who choose to buy that insurance are free to by choice, and those who want to buy a government subsidized option have their choice, isnt that what choice is about? As good as the system you say you have .... how could anything beat it competitive- wise ... and if it's so great ... why do you agree and say it need's reform and is plagued with problem's?, ... c'mon ... share with us ... give us some of them pie chart's or those figure's that ya'll rustle up in these campaign's to show us folk's. Do your choice's and option's for SS include us investing in those companies who invest it all offshore with no regulatory oversight that we used in the past with our over- regulated 401K's and similar investment's? And what guarantee's protection from losing them account's to overseas economic fall's across the board? Basically all your offering us, we can get in any casino on the Las Vegas Strip.

You want to repeal all the taxation and regulatory reform on all the wealthy business? Why? ... Where were any of those till this day after we commited billion's to them to invest, when our small domestic bank's and financial institution's needed help? I mean ... I am all for tax break's ... but I would like to see some for American investment's since I dont live in Communist China or the UAE ... is that asking too much? ... when the housing market bursted, where were ya'll? .. when folk's like AIG who insured all these asset's failed? Where have ya'll been when under a GOP last administration ... when small businesses across the nation were failing by 100's per week? The bottom line is ... your party has done frankly nothing to try to keep this nation on "track" in any shape or form, nor have ya'll once taken America's need's and interest's into account on any avenue ... yet you been promising so much since the 1990's ... I mean ... I'm an investor minded semi conservative mind myself when it come's to business, but frankly you have "delivered" ... nothing ... where would be the so called "aspiration's"?

( A LIL HUMOR, CAUSE THEY WOULD NO WAY AGREE TO THIS, EVEN THOUGH IT IS REALLY BALANCED BUSINESS ) ... I'll tell ya'll what ... being the entrepreneurial type feller I am and pro business, and understanding that one hand washes the other ... Let's make a deal, heh? This is a proposal where "we all" come out winner's. I will say .... take the amount put up by pharma/ insurance giant's (and "they" pay it)during the health care reform drafting, which was approximately say $80 billion they spent on that particular venture/ pay-off ... and I'll even give another incentive ... and go as far as taking off $5 billion ( like one of them instant cash back rebate's ... you know, like the similar one's ya'll market to us seasonally )... and for $75 billion cash, paid to American people's small businesses and infrastructure contract's all domestic using American steel and product's to save importing cost's as well from China and equal tax business incentive's domestically, since over 3 quarter's of American's are employed by small business ... we will start a drive and campaign for 2012, to give ya'll back all your tax haven's, break's, etc., you have used and cherished for so long ... and since ya'll love our business so much and America for all we give and buy from ya'll ... instead of paying off Congressional and Senate member's everytime some legislation come's up, since we pay them salaries with our dollar's, you pay the same amount's to these account's of the American people as well ... since were the one's who vote ... how bout it ya'll?!! .... Deal?



  1. Good post. I think you have it all about covered here. Personally, I'm really sick and tired of these nuts and the way the media never bothers to point out that practically everything they say is untrue and/or not factual.

  2. Leslie (TNlib) ... In total agreement with you on that Leslie, I can tolerate quite a bit in politic's actually ... I'm not anti tax break's for those who contribute at all, I'm not a hardass ... but what we have seen Leslie is simply a one way street! We do for them ... They dont do for us.

    BTW ... I updated this posting and included a link to the entire pledge in the first paragraph of this posting.

    Thanx for your word's here Leslie ...

  3. The problem RC is that the Pledge is nothing more than the Bush plan rehashed that got us into this mess. Nothing new here.

  4. Exactly Demeur, and I strictly vote democrat these day's out of only desperation/ selfishness . This whole two party system is hopeless politically that we have now, not trying to sound pessimistic, but being honest. To not be able to see this is either stupidity or strictly of pop culture mentality. The GOP/ TeaBag bunch are basically the same, and the worst of the bunch as far as people's interest, and even if the democrat's maintain power too long they will be totally taken over a few year's down the road too. Understand that the power's that control are just that ... "POWER", (campaign finance reform as you pointed out in past is also essential, but how will it actually happen?) and the way we let thing's operate, and keep going back and forth to these two parties, is as dumb frankly as a dog chasing it's tail. Looking at the mindset of the majority of American's, I dont see much change of any kind to come soon. I respect the Tea Party only because they are speaking up ... but they are so misled as far as who they support. Politically guy ... and frankly, were in a hopeless situation at this time, and not a damn thing ever get's any better unless you have money, if you want the truth, and everything were sold is same shit in different packages. Basically our government across the board frankly is the most worthless bunch of folk's you could find. And the whole system need's a drastic overhaul. The system was redesigned this way, to keep us the people at battle/ odd's (by the power's that finance this bunch), such as over the petty shit they create over ss marriage or other morality crap to keep us preoccupied with stupidity, and our eye's and mind's off what they do. I had to learn at a young age the realities of life, I didnt live a sheltered life as a child, so this is what made my senses keen and showed me survival necessities/ tool's. Until folk's wake up and REALLY retaliate this cesspool, your not gonna get any change any more than finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, it's the same dumb pop culture mentality. Right now it's fairly hopeless even looking at job's, I said it would be, over 2 year's ago and was accurate on most of this mess, which make's me confident that I still am accurate on this. I dont see any other evidence to show me anything else right now. Yet I know it wont last forever.

    Thanx for stopping by Guy as alway's and putting in your point.

  5. The Republicans are just practicing slight of hand...
    You know that old magic gimmick..
    Look nothing up my sleeve..presto look at all these new ideas..

    If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

  6. Thanx for your opinion here Tim ... that is one way to see it clearly though. I would bet my paycheck that I am accurate on this one as far as their economic's motive though ... I sense mega business behind this all the way.

    Take Care Guy ....
