Friday, July 22, 2011

DEBT CRISIS PT.3: SEN. BERNIE SANDERS talk's about, the issue's, the President, & "Gangsta 6 Pack" ... & RC on "Defining ORGANIZED CORRUPTION"

First of all, big credit here to Vermont Inde Sen. Bernie Sanders, I mean, this Guy to me is truely a warrior and hero, or what I look at, as the "true" elite of our nation, and just to think ... 5 year's ago, I couldnt even have told you who in Hell Bernie Sanders was ... Hell, I didnt even keep up with politic's much then, and bought my first computer in 2008. Sir ... your a rare breed ... and Thank You! : )

One may think I'm just a liberal socialist in some of my posting's that hate's corporation's and the rich ... so far from the truth ... I am more pro business than most Republican's actually, stand for many of their so called value's even, for giving tax incentive's, rugged individualism, strong defense (real defense though, not corporate dictated), fiscal conservatism, pro "Right to Bear Arm's" etc. Never drew once any gvmnt assistance in my life, alwayz paid my taxes, and voted Republican most of my voting life at that.

But what we are seeing in America today (and many other nation's being scammed by the same force's) is by any sane standard's ... "Organized Corruption" any way you slice it. It is anti free market, anti capitalism, it is one sided, unfair to those who are really elite and all small businesses and corporation's, and frankly robbing the American people from the lowest wage earner's to the higher wage earner's ... and no one sum's this up better than Sen. Sanders in Washington, I am grateful that we even have some folk's in Washington left like him. And this so called politipop group "Gang of Six" ... is nothing more than a "Gangsta Six Pack" ... as I pointed out before ... we dont have a damn sudden budget crisis, except for getting muscled on this by a bunch of thug's in well tailored suit's ... listen to the man Sanders and other's below and learn.

POST NOTE ADDITION: As far as all ya'll's talk about the "deadline" and America defaulting if ya'll arent allowed and agreed on milking us ... GO FOR IT! ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... DEFAULT, and see what happen's ... maybe all Hell will break loose in this country and we'll be able to get rid of most of ya'll's sorry asses, see who survive's it the best ... us or ya'll ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ) The bottom line is this ... the mega corporate and financial sector's are trying to drive every free country into bankrutcy basically so they can buy it all up and have all resource's, mineral's, energies/ utilities, medical, emergency, insurance, money, etc ... all under their roof, this eliminate's all government's or at least minimize's them and they control everything alone.

DEBT CRISIS PART'S 2 & 1 ... Part One here include's several posting's/ link's to give an overall picture of the condition and answer some question's for the reader ...

MSNBC/ ED SHOW: Ed and Bernie hammer "Gang of Six" ... Thanx to SANDERSFORSENATE

CNN: Sanders on Cut, Cap, Balance a "Disaster" (RC: Cut, Cap, Balance, humor & truth) ... Bernie also discusses why he voted against the President here, and I will as well, even though I supported President Obama 110% ... but this Mr. President is too serious an issue to support you on, not some nonsensical issue, and will have a tremendous economical effect in our country, according to what decision/ support you choose ... dont dig your own grave Sir ... and Yes ... I realize what your up against.

Bernie on the Budget: CNN (cut, cap and balance) ... Thanx to Senator Bernie Sanders



  1. I am so sick of Republican BS and this game. The 14th Amendment Article 4 says you can not refuse to raise the debt.

    This is a frigging game to go after Medicaid, Medicare, and the lower classes.

    I am sick of this crap and when are people ever going to realize they do not matter!

  2. Sanders makes an important point, that the deficit wouldn't be so large if unemployment were lower (more people working and paying taxes, fewer drawing unemployment and other benefits). If the government would focus on jobs, as the public clearly wants, instead of on the deficit as they have been, any success in reducing unemployment would help with the deficit also.

  3. Mornin Jim (AAP) ... I am almost tempted to start calling you AARP (Average American Rebel Patriot) ... and in a positive sense Jim ... because that is exactly the attitude more American's need ... but rest assured Jim ... American's are waking up, a lil slowly perhap's, but it's happening. You sum it up accurately here Guy and Thanx for your input here ....

  4. Mornin Infodell ... I know you know Sanders is right on too, having you posted him as well. I'll tell you Infodell ... and I agree with Jim here ... and would not let this 14th amendment get trampled either ... I would be more firm than Obama with this bunch he's dealing with ... and this crap is also dividing the dem party .... take a look at Leslie Parsley's posting she done, it's the truth. The President has tried to be as fair and bipartisan than anyone can get, and this stalemate and game just keep's getting fueled by the GOP, and sooner or later, we are going to have to take a harder stand on this bunch too. I'll shut up on this now ... this is just a one sided game, and Thank You for your voice here Guy ....

  5. RC I heard it last night for the first time on MSM after Obama's speech followed by Boehner's lies. The MC said the only way things are going to change is if we have another Revolution. The son who is here on leave right now is ready but I am afraid the vast majority of Americans do not have the spine. As Jim said, we are the ones with the guns. I am just so fed up with the lying Republican scum.

  6. Franfly Jim ... I have to agree with ya'll ... I myself have pointed out time and again, that WE ARE NOT MAKING PROGRESS, the game's as you point out, etc, Jim. None of these folk's in Washington are getting the message, and we have to have a new approach, or else none of this will end, and I think you know it.

  7. BTW Jim ... I didnt watch any of the President's address last night, only because I already knew what he was going to say ... and I already know what the deal will be that is cut before the deadline ... as I have already posted.

  8. It is really frustrating listening to these worms screw around while we know we have a catastrophe coming.

  9. It is frustrating Jim ... but the flip side to this is ... we are finally getting to catch them in the open in all their lying glory, they are so desperate, that they cant even conceal any longer their habitual lying and hypocrisy, and a blessing that we see this more and more everyday ....

  10. We have to get rid of them all and do a do over if there is any time for us. We really are screwed. The bastards!

  11. I agree Jim .... we would have to get rid of at least a large portion, and sadly even the one's that are worthy of staying in office are even forced into this corrupt way, making them accept the monetary/ gift bribe's their paid. It's kind of like the early 1970's in New York City is how I see it ... the Police Dept of New York at the time was largely corrupt, and those who didnt want to accept pay from individual's or from what's been skimmed, were socially black listed and labeled as a potential "snitch" if they didnt, so they would take the pay- out's and just turn their head's. This is the level of the corruption that controll's Washington this day actually. But that's just my opinion.
