Friday, July 15, 2011


This Taste of Texas PT.8 will be to take a look at some of rural Texas. Even though I live in a large metro area of Texas ... Dallas/ Fort Worth , I am one who actually covered the entire state, and it's large. I was not born in Texas, I was born in the Northeast, my familia's home's were New York, Pennsylvania, Southern California and Southern Nevada, Grandma had a small beauty salon business in Miami Beach (FL), and kin in Birmingham, England, so I came here as a Lone Ranger of sort, with no familia here ... actually as a fugitive from justice as a teen from Montreal, QE (Canada), and settled first in the City of Houston . I came here for a fresh start, and for me it paid off, and that is why I love this state, which must seem insane to some folk's, with all the talk you hear about Texas that is negative ... it actually was the best move I made, as odd as this may sound, but you would have to realize some of the obstacle's and issue's I faced too.

However, one of my favourite thing's is visiting load's of small Texas town's while driving, whether it's between Dallas and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas (Mexico) and other Mexicano cities close by, or the far western part's out toward's El Paso, Big Bend, the Rio Grande Valley, or the south sub- tropical valley, the coast, hunting in the Big Thicket's and Southeast Texas ... or the small town's way up in the Panhandle by Palo Duro Canyon ... you name it, I been there. But Texas is full of these little town's, and the Barbeque and TexMex is like no other in the nation, at really great price's too ... it can be very difficult to watch your diet in this state, some of the most friendliest laid back atmosphere's, etc ... and I have covered this nation coast to coast as well, and frankly I never could find TexMex/ Mexicano/ Barbeque like here. But the link below on one of those small town's from CNN. This damn video below make's my mouth water! Lot's of reasonable clean motel's as well to spend the night, in some of your favourite area's you get to find over the travel's, as well as the great eateries and place's to take in a few drinx and some music or such.

CNN/ WELCOME TO LITTLE AMERICA: LEE COUNTY, TEXAS Actually this piece was done, showing the ethnic diversity and balance according to America overall as far as culture percentage's in population's, or such.




  1. Small towns offer a way of life that appeals to many. It's not my cup of tea, but I can see why some people prefer it to living in a city.

    Interesting that the county unemployment rate is so much lower than the national one. I'd have thought jobs would be harder to find in smaller towns, but apparently not.

    which must seem insane to some folk's, with all the talk you hear about Texas that is negative ...

    Talk is talk. There are people who laugh at the insulting stereotypes of places like France but still believe in the insulting stereotypes of places like Texas. Stereotypes often have some truth to them, but not the whole truth.

  2. Mornin Infodell ... Yeah, I'm a city boy myself of course, but I like going out to these place's and stop off while driving between cities, spend a weekend doing such or whatever ... it in a strange way unwind's me, then you get back to the city and of course have to get back in the swing of the faster pace, traffic, etc, for me, it's just a psychologically healthy pratice I reckon, done it for year's.

    The unemployment, I never knew the figure's on, I'm sure the job's pay less, I can tell you the rent/ real estate, and cost's in these town's sure as Hell is alot less, so I assume this. I mean I can still get a really clean motel room for the night for $35/ $40 buck's, etc.

    As far as the stereotype's ... kind of strange ... you can have horror event's/ experience's too, as many stories you hear about, that are true too. But it isnt to the proportion that folk's may work themselves up to believe with hearing about these isolated instance's. Also ... believe it of not, I have found bigotry even in place's like New York, and even, believe it or not rural England, or even Mexico, so you can actually run into folk's that may think this way I would assume in some place's you would never expect it too ... kind of strange, whether it's disliking someone over their accent, religion, ethnicity, sex preference, or whatever.

    Thanx for your input here Infodell ....

  3. Funny story I may add to your comment Infodell ... after I first came here, and stayed for several year's ... I was at my mom's sister's house in New York on a visit, I had hair halfway down my back, stoned on pot, etc ... my aunt just looked at me and said something like "Oh my God Tommy, what happened to you ?! ... you need to come back to New York Tommy with your familia, Texas is not a good place, and your too skinny, you need some good pasta ..." etc ... I had to tell her the reality though, that I loved this place, she thought the sun had ruined my brain ... she never even been to Texas to begin with, but bless her heart for her concern ... it was just kind of funny being stoned and lisdtening to her with that look on her face :)

  4. That's gotta be a new one -- thinking that Texas was making you skinny!:-)

  5. I wasnt really skinny, I was just well toned physically, but not boney at all ... she just looked at my attire, hair, etc ... and she was kind of old school thinking on alot of thing's, good folk's, but just kind of old fashioned in a way on even furniture, fashion, and alot, lived in a mostly Italiano neighborhood, everyone was catholic, wise guy's, dressed alike, talked alike, etc ... when I showed her a couple pic's of friend's and stuff, she seen the black girl, and was not pleasant that I dated her, when I told her (she believed that white's ahould be with white's basically) I showed my mom once a latino/ mexicano girl I was dating once, and she told me she looked "mean" and "violent" ... now ... if I dated a white italian girl or german or whatever, they were all beautiful to them , etc ... so in a way, that's racial thinking, and their not even from the south.

    After I got in my 30's the weight started building on the wasteline ... from exactly the opposite ... the Texas food! :(

    I actually have to hit the road as a matter of fact now ... enjoy your mild weather Infodell, today should be a 100 degree's over a majority of Texas ....

  6. Being an Englishman in England I can offer very little to this post other than to say - from an Englishman's perspective - some of our 'small towns' are no longer England.

    They have been colonised by aliens from India/Pakistan/Somalia etc.

    In a probably vain attempt to avoid accusations of being a racist I have many Indian friends...although, I admit, few Pakistani and absolutely no Somalian...if I'm nowt else I'm honest...

    Mind make such a statement in our politically correct times is to advertise yourself as a Nazi.

    Oh well...Seig bloody Heil Dinners...;-)

    After several vodka's I'd better go to ned now before I get in trouble again...;-)

  7. No problemo at all 4D ... you are NOT a Nazi or racist on this blog, your comment's are very welcome on this issue. I myself am like the bloody UN I have socialized with so many from various part's abroad, etc ... I believe we have very strong cultural diference's, and am also very strongly for staying out of these land's affair's and business, which is driving both our nation's broke frankly. This racism talk is just politipop talk, many American's think the same of me ... what is odd, is that many of the folk's from them land's I talked to one on one, agree with me. The liberated bear hugging of ingrate's in Western Europe has been awful ... there are folk's from Middle Eastern countries there justifying "rape" because they say that western women ask for it and dress like slut's and whore's ... I wont tolerate that shit, period ... and those who dont like or want to embrace our democracy ... get the fuck out of here and go back to where you came from, dont bring that shit around my familia or daughter.

    Thank You for your voice here brother ....
