Friday, September 23, 2011

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN & COUNTDOWN ... "Stand- Off & Outta Town by Sundown" (PT.1) ... The Return of the SATAN SANDWICH {: (

Well ... It's that time of the year once again, and time to put back on our "frightened mask's" and once again become Scary Mary & Larry, shivering in fear and at each other's throat's in that good ole American tradition bitching to each other who is good and who is evil, which satan sandwich is worse, and asking again after were told to jump in fear ... "How high Master?". Some video's/ newsread below, then of course, a few word's from the Chimp here ...

RCJ: Satan Sandwich, Fright Fries, & Potomac Piss Tea To- Go ... Leadership Vs. Weakness & RC's "Liberal Perspective" (Debt Crisis PT.4) this is the previous "satan sandwich" piece which partly inspired this title, you can look at the face of fear that should loom once again viewing mid- way in this piece the reaction of Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver in particular.

This will also be included in "DEBT CRISIS PT.1, THE PAPER DOLL SHOW" for reference

CNN: Senate reject's GOP spending plan as SHUTDOWN LOOM'S

Andy Cooper voice's his note's here perfectly clear ... but also note the math here as far as figure's on how much work GOT DONE when Democrat's were a majority in both the Congress and Senate, a Hell of alot more work! This "show's" you CLEARLY that the Republican Party are the entire "instigator's" of this circus that's going on, the MATH speak's for itself. Now, one may say if the Republican's had both houses they would get MORE DONE(?) ... True ... however ... being a former Republican voter and also very keen to the Republican agenda today ... YOU DO NOT want them to have a majority in both houses.

***** CNN: KTH: 'Do- nothing' Congress ... (video)

As for myself, I dont have much sympathy and/ or explaining why this or that is done, asking what we should do? etc, etc ... I know what to do as I have posted previously time and again ... it's just a matter of how long will the American People put up with this continuous nonsense? Again, this is all staged over and over and over ... they get into a bind, each side blame's each other (the stand- off), they deal the fear card, then all take another week or month vacation (outta town by sundown) while we shiver in fear, and wait in anticipation, worrying/ wondering what we will have to give into next, or suck up to, to appease these of what's over half a crew of incompetent misfit's, while they are on vacation brewing up a fresh batch of the same bullshit to package in a new cover to come back with, let the clock run down while we sweat and shiver, then at the last moment ... miraculously agree to something or some package that cut's deeper into us and leave's us holding the expense and burden of their ill action's. And especially notice how when I said "miraculously" at the last moment ... manage to all of the "sudden", to be able to agree ... once of course they managed to draft some bullshit to screw us and give in to their special interest's support. All this right there, show's you CLEARLY just how full of shit this crew is as a whole ... even a person by now with a below average IQ could see this ... need I say more?

Word Out!



  1. I'm disgusted with all the crap from these political errant children. All this stupidity they are making us all a mess. I wish we would can every frigging one of those inflated egomaniacs.

  2. I'll second that Jim.

    All in favor say yea!

  3. Hey Jim! ... I hear ya Guy ... seem's like I also hear that more and more by the day ... it's just a matter of time Jim, that's all ... Thanx for your voice here Jim ....

    NBC Sunday Night Football is fixin to come on ... and it should be a damn good one too! Pittsburgh Steelers (1- 1) are going to be in Indianapolis Colts (0- 2), I'm a big fan of both, but more of a Colts fan these dayz and Peyton Manning is one of my all time favourite Quarterback's ... but anywayz ... the Colts being 0- 2 and especially at home, their ball's are against the wall on this, and Steelers are tough anywhere!

  4. Howdy Demeur!

    And the distinguished gentleman from Washington speak's ... and get's another YEA!

    Thanx for your input here Demeur ....

  5. I agree with Jim. the only way that we can see change is to have a near 100% turnover in our Washington politicians.

    Absent that, our trick turning ethics whores, are going to continue to wreak destruction on our nation.

  6. Hey Jack/ WD ... I have done some posting's on that as well way back in the start of this journal, as far as a Washington overhaul ... because you see Jack, we keep voting in the same folk's if you noticed decade after decade, some of these folk's been running shit since car's had fin's and fastback's and used lead gas! Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Jack ... I dont know I reckon how these folk's think ... Oh well Guy ... folk's will learn in time, or die off and let the younger generation's repair our mistake's one.

    You know it Guy!! ... the Redskins are in town tonight to take on the Cowboys, Redskins are 2- 0 actually (Cowboys 1- 1), which suprise many, but not me, their tough (Washington)usually in the start anywayz, but you know how old this NFC East rivalry is, and I love it!! You know ... I was just listening to some sport's radio earlier on the freeway and they were saying that Tony Romo may not even quarterback the Cowboys tonight because ... get this ... "it may be too physical" ... Jezuz.F'n.Christ Jack, WTF is that?!! I mean, if the game is too tough, dont do the goddamn job .... GEEEEZZZ!! But to, that's fine by me on the other hand, personally I would like to see Jon Kitna do some play's ... when Romo got taken out last year due to injuries (which is why they are trying to preserve him now for later in the season) Jon Kitna came in, didnt wash his hand's first, or say a damn thing and was kicking ass and taking name's ... I thought Jon was impressive last season!

    You know who really suprised me, get this ... the Detroit Lions are actually 2- 0 and the Buffalo Bills too! The Bills really dont suprise me much ... but wassup with Detroit?! that really shocked me! BTW ... if I recall correctly Jon once was a Lion Quarterback before Dallas(?), I thought I remember a few year's back him and the Lion's pulling a royal ass whipping on Oakland in like a Thanxgiving game over at my daughter's house, we were a tad intoxicated, so my memory slip's some at them event's.

    Thanx for your voice here Jack ....
