Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RICK PERRY uses "Subliminal Messaging" in his speech, saying "Please DONT VOTE for Me" (GOV. RICK PERRY PT. 3)

I never even thought that Gov. Rick Perry would even get a 3rd/ Part 3 posting in this journal, but ole Rick has been mildly entertaining and deserving of another, especially from a fellow Texan. Now when I first seen this ... I was downright confused ... I didnt know whether to laugh, cry, take a shit, or wind my watch! : ) The Governor said for folk's over 21 year's old and up to vote for him on November 12th, 2012 ... trying to figure out what ole Rick was doing by making this statement, being that the voting age is 18 and the election's are actually 6 dayz before the date he wanted folk's to vote, brought me to the conclusion that Rick is using "subliminal message's" (aint that some of that "satanic cult" shit Rick?) ... and really want's to tell American's and Conservative's ... "Please DONT VOTE for me".

Other than that, where Rick talk's about the multi trillion dollar behind closed door's deal's between Washington and Wall Street, and related corrupt shit, cause that's mostly what this "do nothing" gvmnt does, is corrupt shit, legalized and made "good" by the legislator's, Rick ought to know about that, they done plenty of that in Texas after all under his Governorship ... or about firing and/ or cutting in half salaries, work etc on Washington/ Politician's ... I agree with Rick 110% ... some of the thing's that I been writing about since the beginning of this journal as well. So if Rick was inspired by what I already wrote about and been reading my journal ... I'm in shock and awe that he would be so influenced/ inspired by someone of my low caliber ... if I didnt inspire him ... I dont give a shit one way or the other Rick.

***** "Rick Perry messes up U.S. voting age" (CNN newsvideo)




  1. He's probably confused because he got held back at school a lot and by the time he reached 21 he was three years behind in everything.

    Based on his speeches, it does look like they've decided he's old enough to drink, though.

  2. Bah, fuck the talking heads, we're not going to have any good choices to vote for, only idiots run for president.

  3. Howdy Infodel, your probably right on that ... hard for me to imagine though, because I never was kept after school, beside's ... they couldnt even get me to attend for that matter : ) But I still suspect it may be some of that satanic cult rock band shit, secret message's, etc ... back a few year's ago Rick was trying to tell us he wasnt a homosexual, when some of that ole "Buckin Butt Hill" talk came up in Texas on ole Rick (Texas equivalent to "Broke Back Mountain" ... a pop culture love story) ... some sexpert's think he still is a ranch queen ... joining the GOP race, enable's him to get close to, and touched by Mit Romney, known for his underwear fetish for the Mormon cult he belong's to ... it all fit's neatly : ) ... and YES, there was body contact in the debate's that is on video, Mit touched Rick's shoulder, and we all know what that mean's ... such as in when Cain touched a woman's knee, and "Musty Husky Sandusky" touched a boy's knee as well : )

    GET A ROPE! ....

    Thanx for your voice here Infodel ....

  4. You got that right Billy! Beside's there isnt no money in being President ... your watched too closely ... being a Senator, Congressrep, or Governor pay's more bribe's and under the counter shit. Other than that Billy, their all queer's and devil worshipper's to me! : )

    Thanx for your word's of wisdom here Billy ....

  5. I'd go camping with Obama but he'd have to put up with me telling him what a fucking idiot he is as a president.

    I voted for the stupid shit but I voted for what I thought was the lessor of two idiots.

    I didn't expect much out of him and he's lived up to that.

  6. Frankly Billy, there really isnt much of anything to vote for anymore, and it's just getting more and more pointless even voting for either of these two parties, I know it's on the way out the door, just a matter of when. The younger generation's will dissolve this in time, not us.

  7. The younger generation's will dissolve this in time, not us.

    I'm not sure of that, they've been pretty brainwashed. Fuck, they're so brainwashed that they don't even take guns to protests and movements.

    Noting ever gets fixed or improved without some bloodshed.

    But you're right that it's up the youth to do something about it, it's their future.

    All we have to do is be cheerleaders and enjoy a few drinks on the porch while we take pot shots at those passing by to keep everyone alert. :-)

  8. Well said Billy, you are straight on this. As far as these young folk's not bringing gun's or violence ... as I wrote in previous posting's ... they have it in them, but just havent wanted to resort to this or even discuss it, plus of the threat that you are criminalized and demonized for this type thought/ conduct, but you are absolutely right on the violence end as well ... there come's a time when it's needed. Look at our government for instance and how deep the corruption is in Washington, even those who want to do better and their job are basically blacklisted from their voice and mainly their financial support, this is how deep the corruption is, the endless programming through media's, political parties, etc as well ... but rest assured Billy, it's building as I pointed out time and again. Back when I first started this journal and just spoke of this what's going on now, I was looked at as nutty or paranoid even by some, and believe me, paranoia doesnt come easy with me ... this is what is happening currently, and what I added that come's after and with that will also come about ... in time ... you can bank on it! Of course, absolutely violence and bloodshed is a part of healthy revolution, 110%.

    Thanx again Billy ....
