Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SOPA/ PIPA: "Censorship and Corporate Governing Neo- Communism" or "Protecting Us"??

This is another past due posting, but still importante enough to post at anytime, and because I have been following this for at least a few week's now, trying to be fair and look at this closely ... and Special Thanx as well to Senator Wyden of the Great State of Oregon! for being very attached to this, because in my opinion the corruption in our goverment is way deep ... and in the link below the Senator's petition. This has concerned me as well, because of all the past posting's I done on this neo- corporate communism that we have been seeing over the past few year's growing at rate of concern for all American's.

Look, there are wide arguement's for and against this, I'm a big music industry fan for instance and understand piracy and such, even when everyone bitched out Metallica for trying to protect their music year's back. But this isnt a group/ artist, but those who manage to even dictate them, and the one's who decide who and what get's airtime as well ... Oh Yes ... ask any artist in the industry who has a major label contract how that worx, I could write endlessly on that cesspool issue as well! But the issue of concern is ... is this another slippery slope scam to just support more censorship?, being fed to the industries and Washington by those who would have enough money ratholed to censor anything they feel bother's their personal interest's ... and I've certainly wrote plenty about this shit throughout this journal as well, so you can see my concern.

You see already how they are breaking up and trying to break down movement's like "Occupy" ... and you know damn well they will try to shut up anything else they dont like ... they bought the majority of our Government representation as it is ... need I say anything else? ... the evidence is overwhelming by now and clear as day. With all due respect to folk's like NBC and their affiliate's (and other media's and entertainment avenue's that I even use and support), those in Hollywood, etc ... who pay's Ya'll What and Why? And is this TRUELY about just protection for us all? As far as I'm concerned, this lead's to more of this neo- corporate communism and privatization of this nation by those crook's who own just about everything else already. That's all the fuck it boil's down to regardless of what political slant or spin or other horseshit you may want to believe.

STOP CENSORSHIP: WWW.CENSORSHIP.ORG ... This site to oppose this censorship from Senator Wyden of Oregon.

TECHDIRT: Best selling author Barry Eisler on Copyright, Piracy and Why SOPA/ PIPA are 'Extremely Disturbing' ... This I chose, because it's an interesting piece for thought.

WEBPRONEWS: NBC Wants Partners to Support SOPA or Else ... A look at some of the huge media support that also come's with this.



  1. I see that you are under the illusion that you can accomplish something, hahahaha

    Put another nickle in, in the nickelodeon, and let there be music music music.

  2. No Billy, no illusion at all ... I'm simply excersizing what right I do have left as far as free speech, utiizing the dollar I spend on the service, and supporting the posted video that sayz to share/ post, etc, so this is common people like myself using media of sort to get out our voice's as well, and yes, it will change thing's in time, or at least contribute toward's change, it's just a matter of how long and how strong. If a million of us were to do this (and do) it "inform's" folk's whether it's one or many of issue's that need atencion, folk's are so bombarded with the major corporate media's and mainly dependent on them only and what the major issue's are, so I see doing this as kind of a civic duty for blogger's as well, not mandatory, but helpful. It's far from over and hopeless Billy, it just take's some effort is all.

    Thanx fo your input here Guy ....

  3. Scott Adams (Dilbert comics) wrote two very interesting books you may find interesting. Gods Debris, and The Religion War.

  4. Another book you should read is The Best Damn Garage In Town, by Smoky Yunick. He tells it like it is.

  5. neo- corporate communism

    That is a good term, it fits the times really well.

  6. Well Bum ... it certainly wasnt a difficult title to come up with, it IS exactly what we are seeing today esepcially, and as distintively clear as black and white by now.

    Thanx for your voice Bum! ....
