Sunday, December 11, 2011

JANE FONDA: GOP/ Politic's, Sexuality, & War ... BEAUTIFUL GIRLZ PT.1

Image result for jane fonda

This Part One will be of a new series for this journal called "Beautiful Girlz", title of the series inspired by the Van Halen song (late 1970's) "Beautiful Girls". And this one will be to take a look at and honour Ms. Jane Fonda. Whether she is 24, 44, 54, or 74, she can make a young or old guy's heart rate get in high gear ... and in my opinion at age 74, she is still drop dead gorgeous! even moreso now!

But Jane is the whole package all around and a dream for many men, not just the beauty end, she's talented across the board, business savvy, sharp/ intelligent, not a bore, a fitness instructor, liberated enough to where she dont consider being called "hot" as sexual harassment, an activist, enough money of her own, a producer, actor, sensual, outspoken- no nonsense ... and damn sure know's what many men like ... she's no rookie! : ) She got my adrenaline in high gear at 12 year's old and still does at 55 year's old! ... and her beauty is timeless. Enough from me and onto Jane.


***** YOUTUBE/ CNN: "Jane Fonda takes aim at the media"

On the sex- symbol thing and arousing men ... : ) You STILL arouse me Jane! : )

***** CNN: Fonda: Never thought I was a sex symbol ... (video)

THE GREANVILLE POST: Jane Fonda decries 'Grotesque' internet lies about her anti- war activities ... I wanted to add this because of all the controversy over Ms. Fonda back in the Viet Nam war era up to this day ... alot of veteran's were not pleased with her, she was bold, anti- war activist type, etc I myself am very pro- defense/ military and even have a "Veteran's Spotlight" series I love keeping in this journal for that reason. I think alot of American's in these dayz dont want to disrespect our veteran's when they preach anti- war stuff ... yet many American's, whether they lost loved one's, or other's they heard of who sacrificed are sick and tired of some of the reason's for war, and some of the later result's it end's up in ... if that make's any sense. I have wrote at the same time throughout this journal my disgust with some of the defense contractor's that milk this nation and corporate influenced instigation for war, not leaving well enough alone and minding our own business at time's. I feel some of these nation's, despite how hard we fight for them and try to help them ... many of the folk's in them nation's even look at us as occupying and deciding what's 'right' for them, etc.

My idea of "defense" is basically that ... defending our nation, not occupying some nation, placing a puppet dictator in there to mine and drill their resource's without "invitation" and common social/ political interest's ... this is why I was so supportive of the bombing of Hiroshima/ Nagasaki for instance, even though it is an unpopular stance to take, you dont fuck around with our damn Naval Fleet like that (Pearl Harbor), and expect us to ask why you did?, or try to sympathize with you ... bottom line for me is ... you bomb and fuck with us, I will come back harder if I have the authority and arm's/ defense to do so. Even countries like Iran dont bother me ... I would sit down face to face with them and explain in simple term's where I/ we stand and would NOT try to stop any of their nuclear endeavor's (beside's asking folk's to consider this for 'enviromental reason's', which I feel we have the technologies now, to where we dont need nuclear weapon's and still have very outstanding defense) ... because I know that if they used it against us, what my/ our reaction would/ should be ... and frankly they dont want to fuck with us when it come's to that ... so we can set the slate straight from the get- go and be friend's or die as enemies, plain and simple.

VAN HALEN- BEAUTIFUL GIRLS (1979) (Remastered) HQ ... Thanx to TheManFromCabo ... I want to dedicate this song to Jane {:-)



  1. I don't care if they elect a republican or a democrat next year.

    Americans are going to elect the president they deserve.


  2. No kidding, it's my opinion that things are just going to get worse.

  3. Most of my life I've voted democrat, I don't think it's done any of us a hell of a lot of good because I did.

    Whoever we have to vote for next will be some idiot that believes in a make believe god out there, this is really fucked.

  4. Mornin Billy and great to see you so hot and frisky this time in the morning (you must have got laid this morning or last night, or came damn close : ) ... But I hear ya Guy ... kind of like "Fuck Em All" ... but this posting was mainly to focus on Jane. But reading any of my past posting's in this journal, is clear that I would agree with you as far as getting "worse" before any improvement at all ... even job's ... because mathematically speaking as I have pointed out since the beginning of this journal, we or the President cant do a Hell of alot about the job situation, period, looking at the market's, trade, our- sourcing, and especially the fact that if you lose something like 8 million job's so fast and sudden, there's no way you can just create a couple thousand here and there and think you can play catch up ... it's as common sense as a goddamn football game and being down in the 4th quarter with 2 minute's on the clock and down 14/ 21 point's. (Even though football history show's that the Dallas Cowboys actually did come back in situaion's like that more than once, way back in the 1970's, with the "Hail Mary" pass and "Doomsday Defense" : ) But also true, no matter who get's in ... were going to be in for a rough ride, BUT ... and this is a BIG BUTT ... rest assured that if the GOP get's ANY more power, were on a doomsday ride economically as far as workin and middle class folk's ... fuck the religious end, the scariest thing about that would only be trying to stagger abortion, because were pumping out babies too much as it is, for folk's that are young and certainly cant afford the financial burden ... the prayer shit I never gave a rat's ass about, pray yourself till your blue in the face as far as I'm concerned, that aint going to fix a damn thing either, were in a fucken mess ... and those who created this bloody mess need to be dealt with one way or another!

    Thanx for you input as alwayz Billy ....

  5. Odd Billy ... most of my voting life I voted Republican ... I dont even see anything conservative, especially fiscally as far as the GOP any more ... and the religious infiltration has become just a fucken freak show.

  6. If you are not seen as a christian you can't get voted in as president of this country. I believe the last man that had no use for religions and was the president was Lincoln.

  7. Oh, yeah, I got laid last night, and it was freebee cuz she was horney. :-)

  8. Yeah, that's another problem Billy and a big one ... we as people are more focused on petty bullshit, whether or not a person goes to church or what religion they belong to, who they slept with, their eating habit's, whether their hair look's nice or what brand suit they wear ... none of these concern's mean fuck in reality ... I want folk's that get the job done and work in the countries best overall business, I wouldnt give a shit whetehr their Christian, Muslim, Aetheist, Jew ... or had a scat- shit eating fetish! I want WORK and RESULT'S, ACTION ... I am so sick of listening to both end's farting around with petty issue's about each other.

    Well, if you got laid last night and did so because the ole gal was horny ... that is patriotic to our American women, as far as for the "call of duty" and what I call getting the job done ... so job well done Sir!

  9. We've been friends for over five years and it's not like she is a real hooker even though I give her money at times to help her out.

    I enjoyed Jane in Barbarella.

  10. Helping out? ... Well Billy, what are friend's for, that's the spirit. I liked your last posting as far as the fun you had out there, 75 round's and no jam's or anything is cool, I'm assuning your using that .22, or else it would cost alot. I tried to comment bu you closed off comment's I reckon because of the gal leaving comment's, probably most likely isnt even a female at that. But you can alwayz just delete their comment's, spam it or whatever I reckon.

  11. Leslie is a bitch that spends her time in New Jersey and New Orleans and likes to harass me. She'll leave comments faster than I can delete them and she never gives up and I don't have all day to delete comments so at times I just turn them off.

    I ran some shells through the .22 Luger pistol I bought last year cuz I haven't shot it much and wanted to see how it would do.

    Shooting at a 6 inch target just over a 100 feet away put nine of 40 slugs in the target, not bad for a pistol I guess.

    They would have all made it in a 12 inch target.

  12. No, at that distance and a 6" inch target isnt bad at all, yu have to also consider the gun you havent used too much, and also, it isnt a pro- range or at home, that you frequent daily.

    Today are quite few great game's (NFL Football), this late in the season get's so critical and do or die for many team's, the heat get's turned up, as fra as play- off hope's. I gotz to get some groceries in here ... I eat all this whole grain's and health shit these dayz basically, lean meat's, etc, so I cook at home alot more too. I dont know if it will make me live any damn longer or anything, I did manage to lose the gut though and have less baggage to carry around, and save a few buck's if anything, etc

  13. I'm not trying to live longer, I have no intention of getting so old I'm shitting in a diaper again. :-)

  14. I live by one firm rule..


    And I do. :-)

  15. I'll tell you who turns my crank, someone I like and is local, movie stars are just that, movie stars.

  16. I love em all Billy, rich, poor, movie star's, etc ... doesnt alwayz take too much to crank me Billy ... I'm ready to go ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... bad habit for me in the past too, but that's another story, and I'm not going to fret over spilt milk.

  17. Goddamn Cowboys (football) lost again tonight ... un- fucken- believable too! Almost a bloody replay of their loss last week ... tonight they are up the whole goddamn game, even 12 point's up with 5 minute's left on the bloody clock, New York Giant's manage to score twice! ... and make a touchback for 2 extra point's in the last goddamn minute. Dallas get's the ball, drive it quick down the field on just a 3- play quick gig, now down by 3 point's and running the no huddle clock on goddamn second's ... 3 second's left ... Cowboys go for a 47 yard field goal attempt to tie the game and go into overtime ... the kick is good, however ... within a split second before the snap for the kick, Giant's head coach call's New York's final time out, therefore making the kick invalid, so the kicker tries the 2nd time to make it again, missing it with 1 second on the clock ... same fucken thing that happened last week with Dallas ... frankly New York or Dallas with 7- 5 record's or whatever dont even deserve to go in the play- off's!! Cowboys lost about 3 game's this season where they were ahead the entire goddamn game in the last second's ... how in the fuck does that happen?!!

    Enough said ....
