Sunday, June 3, 2012

PASTOR CURTIS KNAPP: Should Our Government MURDER Homosexual's?, how about your wives and daughter's too? ... the Bible Sayz to ... (HUMAN MORALITY PT.9)

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, : ) ... only God would have known that I would have back to back "Human Morality" series posting's within a week or two both concerning the same new wave queer talk out of preacher's about killing homosexual's ... BUT ... it happened, and they are back in the news : )

This latest piece is about Pastor Curtis "Knappy" Knapp up in Kansas, who is the shepherd of the New Hope Baptist Church .... ohhhh lordy, lordy, lordy ... what is up with these folk's? ... I think this is bullshit to begin with, why? I dont know, maybe a publicity gimmick or somethin. I dont believe this man  is any more interested in killing homosexual's than castrating a camel's ball's on the Sabbath. I mean, as I was posting in the previous posting and other's ... this is getting to be some pop culture fad now ... one preacher come's out of the woodwork (or closet), and here come's the rest ... who's next? He ask's for the Government to do it? ... well, due to the budget crisis, that wouldnt be possible (just joking : ), if your one of these neo- fundamoralist conservative's, you should know that well, eh? : )

Look ... there is hundred's of verses, passage's, etc in the Bible, that one could have a sermon about, they are all over it like a cheap suit on sunday ... Hell, you can find thing's to justify, sexually assaulting women and underage girl's, to force marriage, to kill for eating pig's, working overtime, killing your kid's, mother- in- law, or even killing your dumb ass preacher/ mouthpiece ... the list is endless. So I'm not going to criticize the  Pastor here, for pointing out the part that sayz to do this ... after all ... it DOES say that. But my question to the Pastor would be "why" of all thing's to give a sermon on, would you want to have it, to point out that killing homo's would keep them in the closet till they can be saved, and prevent spreading more homosexuality? I mean ... one may even wonder if your in the closet making those statement's ... after all ... it's happened before , eh?

The sermon's you give Sir are familia oriented, I mean you have your following/ flock bring their familia's to the service, some of those children are very young and dont know balance and judgement yet or how to weigh thing's, have objective view's, etc ... your teaching lil children Sir, that it is God's will/ command to murder homosexual's in actuality ... now if that child truely believe's in God ... how may that influence that child's thinking in the near future, eh?

***** NYDAILYNEWS.COM: Kansas Pastor stands by his semon that the Government should kill gays

Christain Pastor: Government Should Kill Gays ... Thanx to SKEPTICSTREAM




  1. If we killed everybody the Bible says we're supposed to kill, the country would be left with a very small (and boring) population. Pre-marital sex, adultery, picking up pieces of wood on a Sunday -- the list is endless.

    your teaching lil children Sir, that it is God's will/ command to murder homosexual's in actuality..... how may that influence that child's thinking in the near future, eh?

    Yes, nasty filthy bigots, they want to recruit our children.

  2. Funny that you mention about "if we were to kill everyone the Bible tell's us" ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ) ... because I was actually thinking about that earlier Infodell when I done this posting, and concluded, that all would be left if men ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... then who would we all have to have sex with, eh? .... that would create more "homosexuality" ... : )

    Thax for your word's here Infodell ....

  3. Is this the same guy that suggested building a fence around all the homosexuals and expecting them to die off?
    One slight problem there he forgot about the bisexuals.

    RC either that or we guys would have to kill ourselves for masturbating he he he. :-)

  4. I believe that is the other shepherd in the last posting Part 8, Whoreley I reckon who wanted to build the fence style of genocide ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... yeh man, we could have aspyxiation circle jerk session's, jerk ourselves while hanging ourselves and ultimately killing ourselves : )

    Thanx for your input Demeur ....

  5. Actually, it's necrophiliacs who logically would masturbate and commit suicide at the same time. I mean, think about it.....:-)

  6. I dont see the connection Infodell, a necrophiliac is one who engage's in sexual contact with corpses (post death) ... one who is into breathplay fetishism or even suicide (which most arent, but use the psychodrama only as a roleplay sort of thing) ... self inflicted death by asphyxiation I would categorize as an act of suicide, but nothing to do with necrophilism, or not even necessarily sexually fetishistic ... just my opinion guy ....

  7. A necrophiliac likes to have sex with a dead person.....

    Masturbation is having sex with yourself.....

    Committing suicide means turning yourself into a dead person.....

    It's "new math".:-)

  8. Okay Infodell ... took me a lil time to figure that out : )
