Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Birke Baehr

This posting to also serve for 2 series in this journal to highlight this GMO issue and upcoming public patriot's like Mr. Birke Baehr, who although is 14 year's of age ... no rookie to this and alot more informed than I am. But also I want to give credit to RT America as well, because this news source has been all over this issue like a cheap suit on sunday for the longest, yet I havent posted a thing on this because of my mixed feeling's on this type of issue which I will explain after these vid's/ link's below.

'No GMO' kid goes after Monsanto ... Thanx to RTAMERICA


***** NY DAILY NEWS: New York bill that would have required GMO food labels goes down in committee ... this just in


***** CBC NEWS/ MONTREAL: Protestors match against GMO giant Monsanto in 430 cities

What's Wrong With Our Food System: Birke Baehr at TEDxNextGenerationAsheville ... Thanx to TEDXTALKS





Thomas Hudson Pickering (aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie") with daughter "Bear"

Actually as much as I read, view and hear about this, I would figure that I am clear on what in Hell is going on here, but I am still full of question's and doubt, and not clear on a thing. For year's back at least 30 year's back or so, I have alwayz been in support of genetically modified food's and have brought it up so many time's even that far back, as far as it's importance in the manufacturing of food's and genetic engineering that serve better health and large enough entities to feed the more growing population's of the planet ... so for the record here, I have never been against giant's doing their job like Monsanto ... I actually encouraged this decade's ago and still feel that this engineering could be a big plus for humankind. And anyone who know's me these dayz know's how tight I am on eating balanced and nutrition, yet I dont knock people's choice's ... to each their own.

But the way this is starting to look is that there isnt much choice for anyone in this matter, not even a shred of transparency which I cant understand ... I mean ... if your producing/ manufacturing a product for consumption and you claim that you are doing for the positive reason's as well as good business as I point out above ... why all the lobby pressure's to even go as far as trying to restrict ANY information to even be printed on label's of your product's, especially when your so huge, lobbying to make yourselves immuned from any litigation ... you DONT have to worry about someone putting ya'll out of business or competition? And why such a block of ANY transparency WHATSOEVER? Why is there all these small farmer's being attacked and bought out? Why are folk's being pressured to use ya'll's seed's and method's ... I mean ... they are your's, are they not? these small organic and other farmer's have hardly any impact on ya'll competition- wise, and surely arent cutting into your profit's even. So you see why I have so many question's. Euro nation's have been all over this as well before us and are a step up on us on this too (like so much else). Monsanto claim's that this is ALL about feeding the masses and they have such a strong hold in this market, so all this is uncalled for that we see them acting on, plain and simple.

And dont insult these folk's that come up with conspiracy theories and call them lunatic's or whatever ... what in Hell do you expect folk's to think by ya'll's action's? I mean ... we obviously have a big health and obesity issue in this nation as example ... you produce and sell enormous amount's of product's to consume, some  that are clearly bad as poison for us, some crop's/ veggies for instance that have been found like the spinach to have 10x to 20x time's less nutritional value than damn dandelion's in your yard at that, then in turn that make's them have all these health ailment's, then your friend's in the pharma/ medical industries sell them drug's and remedies to cure all the damage, even in many cases, compounding these doses and drug's and doing more damage, which need's more medical atencion and even lead's to premature death ... is this not so? ... public and medical record's clearly show this. So you can SEE how easy it would be to form some kind of conspiracy theory ... it look's like a profiteering mechanism designed for using then disposing of people, eh?

But I'm sure as Hell not here or anyone else to accuse of anything ... we are simply consumer's ... and like in any pro- business market enviroment, the customer should alwayz be number #1 ... the customer has every right in definition of good business to KNOW what they are purchasing ... PERIOD. So all this political stalling, lobbying, lolligagging and fucking around is uncalled for and OUT OF ORDER. So ... this is why there are massive protest's and negative news about ya'll's business, because it look's like more of a fucken racket ... get my drift? Change that, make good and it will be all settled and ya'll can go on with business and even have the opportunity to do something great and leave some kind of trademark legacy for the future.

Word Out ....




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