Thursday, June 20, 2013

SEN. WARREN'S "REEK of the WEEK" ... The Courts "Corporate Henchmen" ... DEODORIZING the Stench from the BENCH (ELIZABETH WARREN PT.6)


First ... 5 minute's of some importante strategical food for thought lesson from the Senator below .... and Thank You Senator!

Senator Elizabeth Warren- Corporate Interests Have Too Much Influence Over Our Federal Courts ... Thanx to MARIE MARR


It's key importance what the Senator point's out above because it is also so common for us to be preoccupied with simply all the political dime a dance show's we have going on. But what's importante while were occupied with that show, is the other show's that are being orchestrated by the mega entity of corporate communism of today ... because they know how to play to stay ... and that is through "law" ... so they keep the arena saturated with lame- duck's, lobbyist's, and lawyer's to do the bidding. Because of this new wave of oppression, it's not just importante to clean up Washington politic's and make those who are worthy of their position's but not efficient enough on the job ... clean up or ship out, plain and simple ... if we dont have parties that are working and no existing parties that are strong enough as of yet to take over, then we hold all those currently with their feet to the flames. It's a tough fight as the Senator point's out ... and we can never get a perfect society and result ... these type's of oppression, tyranny, etc in various form's have been going on since our first recorded history and will continue, look at it as simply part of life and the condition of our so called liberated and civilized species. This fighting though is necessary to not only enlighten ... but to learn from the past mistake's where our own fault's were and how to improve the condition, then is when we move on to the next phase of our evolution. We have at this point got to where we cant distinguish the lawmaker's from the lawbreaker's ... which put's up the red flag clearly ... that need's as the Senator put it ... a new generation of judge's especially.

Word Out ....







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