Thursday, December 12, 2013


Ohhh ... Lordy, lordy, lordy ... it's time for another bloody damn round of the Republican's messin with Texan's here in the Lone Star State, and they should know better than to pull these stunt's here, ya know ... like "Dont Mess With Texas" heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: ) so if any of this shit backfire's on ya'll in any way, ya'll aint got no one to blame but yourselves ... in other word's ... ya'll cant blame this shit on ObamaCare ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: ) I Mean ... these SOB's these dayz (GOP Texas) blame everything from the war in Afghanistan to a bad hair day to the poor economy to the Dallas ice storm to their ole lady not givin them any sex in the morning, either on ObamaCare or God/ Jesus having the red- ass (bad mood)! But kiddies will be kiddies at play ... that's why us serious mother fucker's gotz to do all the work! But yeah, there are multiple lawsuit's from the government to even Dallas County Commissioner's and city people even in all of Texas' metro area's bucking this tooth and claw.

But what inspire's this posting is because my wife and daughter just got their new voter registration card's mailed to the house (sample above of yellow card) and I received mine at my PO Box, so on mine I have my PO Box address as well as my home address too, these card's are automatically mailed to us since were frequent voter's, so we dont need to apply or anything (and I been voting in Texas since the 1970's at that) and this one expire's 12/ 31/ 2015, then of course they mail another, but that's basically how it worx here. It appear's now, we will have to also show our photo ID/ Drivers Liscense with it, or sign an affidavit at the polling place confirming that, that is who we are if the addresses dont jive or whatever, etc.

For folk's like us it dont make a difference, because we all have ID's/ liscenses, bank card's, birth certificate's, SS card's, passport's, etc BUT ... this will be a tad harder for some that dont have photo ID's or whatever. The thing is, you can go to the DPS (Department of Public Safety) which is linked below ... say if you dont have a liscense/ ID and get some kind of special voter ID with photo on it free of charge, BUT ... remember, you must have documentation proving of some kind that your an American or have a residence or whatever to get that, and if you have any outstanding warrant's like for unpaid traffic ticket's or citation's, they WILL NOT give you one until you pay off the ticket's/ warrant's. And these fly- by- night photo ID card's that they sell at the check cashing joint's or the latino bazaar's or Asian Trade District wont cut it, they will want a state approved ID, get my drift ... so yeah ... their making it difficult for alot of low income and immigrant  folk's too, who may get by just on the simple photo ID's like they buy at them place's I mentioned above, that they use around town for cashing their check's or to apply for apartment's, etc. more below.

Word Out ....


***** VOTETEXAS.GOV: Required Identification for Voting in Person (new rules and info)


***** DALLAS MORNING NEWS: In split vote, Dallas County commissioners agree to sue Texas Gov. Rick Perry over voter ID

***** WFAA8/ DALLAS: Government to sue Texas over voter ID law

***** NY TIMES/ POLITICS: Texas' Stringent Voter ID Law Makes a Dent at Polls

***** CBS NEWS: Former House Speaker hit by Texas voter ID law

Texas voter ID laws mean extra step for some: Judith Browne Dianis on MSNBC ... Thanx to ADVPROJECTDC


***** PD/ RCJ: "VOTER ID LAW'S" PART'S 2 & 1



***** RANCH CHIMP JOURNAL/ YOUTUBE  (posting's preview)

***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** THE RESISTANCE/ PERIL'S OF THE POWER POSSE (inspiration for hope & change)



  1. and if you have any outstanding warrant's like for unpaid traffic ticket's or citation's, they WILL NOT give you one until you pay off the ticket's.

    So you can de facto lose your right to vote because of a disputed traffic ticket? Are these people ever going to finish wiping their asses with the Constitution?

    Thank goodness people are suing.

  2. Actually no Infidel, I didnt mean that as far as having a disputed traffic ticket or any arrest, ticket, etc ... Example: If you get a ticket, citation or whatever that's one thing ... "IF" though you decide to never show up to court or attempt to pay the ticket if you admit to guilt on it or a no- contest plea, etc ... thus making it go into a "warrant status" for failure to pay, appear or whatever, they will not issue you an ID, liscense, or in this case a voter ID until it's resolved as far as settling what you owe and/ or declined to pay (basically in Texas a real big problemo is, there are 10's of million's of dollar's in unpaid ticket's, and that is ONLY in the Dallas- Fort Worth Metroplex at that, on lady that was the biggest non- payer, actually she ran the toll booth's without paying something like 5000 I was reading, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: )... I know alot of folk's that bnever pay their ticket's or even show up to court on them, a couple dude's I known just throw them in the trash {: ) ... if that make's any sense ... but that is even standard peoceedure across thae nation as far as I know in I reckon most of the state's that I know of, such as California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois or whatever. As long as the ticket, arrest or citation or whatever IS NOT in "warrant status" because of "refusal" to settle it ... you wont get denied any ID. Lot of poor folk's dont pay their ticket's off, because they dont have much money basically. No ... I alwayz pay any ticket's I have or settle them in court and actually show up to court, etc.

    Glad you pointed that bout Infidel, Thanx for your input here ....

  3. As far as the lady that ran the toll's booth's above without ever paying ... I meant 5000X "times" she done it ... so I assume she done it on a daily basis {: )

  4. Did anything eventually happen to the person in your last comment? It's hard to believe the police wouldn't have come after him eventually.

  5. No#1 (Infidel) (I will do this in part's since it may tell me I have too many character's or whatever) Actually in Dallas they generally dont Infidel, which is exactly the reason why so many folk's dont pay their fines, court cost's, ticket's, etc, and it can seem a lil complicated, so let me try to explain. First place Dallas County/ City for example is over stuffed and there isnt even bed/ bunk space as it is alot of the time, you may be on the floor sleeping for a few dayz before you even get a bunk. Petty warrant's the cop's may ignore or you can say use their own unofficial discretion, I have been pulled over with outstanding traffic warrant's and the cop tell's me just to try to take care of them, but wouldnt bust me, even not writing me more ticket's just so he wouldnt have to say he even talked to me, and just forget about it. So the way they get you is refusing to renew any liscenses or permit's or anything until you pay up, this way it forces you to pay without having to waste time arresting you or whatever. Now if you have felony warrant's they will take you in, if it's in another county that has the hold on you, they will hold you about 24 hour's for them, if they dont come and get you, they will let you go again (cut you loose)

  6. No#4 Also let me add here Infidel, that DPD dont fuck around though on serious offenses/ felonies, in fact, in Dallas they are some of the most trigger loose cop's in America, I think just last night or the night before they shot and killed another, this happen's in this town monthly it seem's if not even up to a couple times a month it's so common. If you are involved with a serious crime or shoot at a cop or even act like your gonna, they will take your ass out in a heartbeat and think nothing of it, you got some rogue mother fucker's (cop's) here man, they shoot to kill, istead of shooting to disable, if that make's any sense. I spent as you know a week in your city of Portland, and here it's almost different as day and night on these two issue's as far a shooting's and issueing warrant's or enforcing them.

  7. Interesting system. I can see why this would tempt people to disregard the rules.

    This is a side of Texas most people elsewhere don't seem to know about. Everyone knows about that "trigger-happy" side of Texas police, and the generous use of the death penalty, but the lackadaisical practice on petty offenses is contrary to the stereotype of Texas that people have.

  8. BUT ... alot of that has to do with "where" you are in Texas too Infidel, in other word's, the city is different than say some rural area like Pecos, Texas, which is one of the worst, and some of those town's are so tiny that ticket's and speed trap's are just about their only source of revenue. Then you have to consider the cop too, Dallas PD are backlogged the minute they hit the street after roll call, so they have alot of priorities, then you got them lazy cop's who dont want to do shit and will waste time at accident's sitting around or shaking down homeless dope fiend's or whatever, basically burning the clock so they can just do a breeze day, hang up their hat and take it on to the house, or many of them like to work contract moonlighting for cash outside nightclub's and stuff at night, because they get like %35/ $40 an hour for that gig and it's gravy train work.

  9. **** Infidel: Glad that I was able to answer your question's in the case of what happened to my friend. I had to delete some of them comment's I made responding to you, because they were also personal info on my friend "T", so they were just posted here to explain some of this to you, and Thanx for your comment's.
