Monday, January 27, 2014

ADELFA BOTELLO CALLEJO: ... The Quotes & Clout of "la Madrina de Dallas" & Advocate of SOCIAL JUSTICE (PUBLIC PATRIOT'S PT.29)


This posting of the "Public Patriots" series is to highlight and honour one of Dallas' finest and strongest leader's Adelfa Callejo. A local attorney who has helped so many folk's and families I even know, stayed in the trenches, fought cancer 3 times, an advocate of social justice that was seen as one of the strongest civil rights leader's around town as well, strong on education, voter's rights and inspired so many young people in this town, and she's as tough as they come, believe me, and anyone who was anyone around town in law or politic's knew this woman too. If you lived in Central Dallas as long as I have, there is a good chance that you bumped into this woman around town, whether it's in the court's, council meeting's, activist rallies, the neighbourhood restaraunte, market, or on the street ... whether your in Pleasant Grove, Lower East Dallas, North Oak Cliff, West Dallas, Uptown, Lovefield, Little Mexico, etc. Although her and her partner in law and life didnt have any children ... many see her as the Godmother (la Madrina) of so many children around town.

This woman tried to keep a low profile, but was so outspoken it was difficult, and even at times there was controversy over her strong straight forward opinion's, truely one of Dallas' elite though when it comes to leadership qualities and in my opinion should have been at least a mayor of this town, but I feel she didnt like the political arena too much either ... and who in Hell can blame her? Some of her quotes are real food for thought on the reality ... such as far as the establishment's worship of money, and religious leader's being the biggest failures to society overall and the cause of all the war's (I personally feel too many war's of "today" are mega corporate inspired/ instigated, for business reason's, mining, drilling, fracking, cheap labour, to put in puppet government's, etc ... but agree with Mrs. Callejo because religion is historically probably the largest reason for war, death, bloodshed, etc ... and religion dont have a bloody thing to do with God or spirituality at that), she is as straight as it get's whether you agree with her or not. I was visiting with the Davila familia in Lovefield when she passed, so I heard about it immediately, and just thought ... "what a loss". But, you can bet her influence and spirit will continue ... bank on it. Thank You Mrs. Callejo for all you have done here, not just in Dallas, but across the state as well ... a true public patriot!

Adelfa Callejo- A Leader in the Hispanic Community ... Thanx to Valerie Jimenez


***** KERA NEWS: Remembering Dallas Civil Rights Activist And Attorney Adelfa Callejo


Adelfa Callejo ... Thanx to MYWEBSITEPRONTO




Adelfa Botello Callejo Elementary School- Dallas



***** RANCH CHIMP JOURNAL/ YOUTUBE  (posting's preview)

***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** THE RESISTANCE/ PERIL'S OF THE POWER POSSE (inspiration for hope & change)


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