Monday, April 25, 2016

CHINA BULLDOZER BATTLE: China's Contract Competitive Capitalist Culture ... FUCK America's CORPORATE COMMUNISM, it DON'T Get any Better Than THIS ... The "RED-ASS CHINA" Edition ... (HELLUVA F'N DAY PT.10) ... for Chen

This posting for a little humour, will be Part 10 of the "Helluva F'n Day" series for this journal ... because this is a perfect example of one of those dayz on the job ... that is just one Hell of a fucken day, eh? Basically what happened here is 2 companies got the red- ass fighting over a job contract in Hebei, China. When it comes to capitalism and fighting for contracts, America's corporate communist's controlled shithole think they're No#1 ... but this will take a look at the nitty gritty of how China can run us alot of competition ... I mean ... this shit just makes you want to go out and get a bulldozer ... it would be great to see this happen on "Capitalism Hill" (aka Capitol Hill) grounds at that! ... and just fuck up the grounds totally ... at the same time, it would create jobs having to clean that shit up, eh? heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) This posting is dedicated to a guy here in Dallas I know named Chen who just moved to Dallas from China this last year! ... Enjoy! {:-)

"War of Loaders" on the street of Chinese town ... Thanx to NEW CHINA TV

***** SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: Rival firms battle it out with bulldozers on street in northern China ... (newsread)






***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** RCJ/ THOMAS PICKERING: GOOGLE+ (video posts)

***** THE RESISTANCE/ PERIL'S OF THE POWER POSSE (inspiration for hope & change) ... to be viewed as a "profit- see", not a "prophecy".


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