Thursday, October 26, 2017

TAX REFORM 2017: How The APPLE Of The EYE is a Pie In The SKY ... From Tax HAVEN to Tax HEAVEN ... The "Happy Pill" Edition ... (HOW TO PRIVATIZE AMERICA PT.16)

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**** trump- tax- reform.pdf

WATCH: Speaker Ryan, House GOP leaders hold news conference ... Thanx to PBS NewsHour

This will be Part 16 of the "How To Privatize America" series. This is very boring, because it has to do with taxation, although it is something that Americans should be concerned about, and not get too excited over the hype and sales pitch of this. I mean, it's not as popular or showcased in media as former President George H. W. Bush, Harvey Weinstein, or Bill O'Reilly groping and raping women. I'm not an economist or a tax accountant, but have alot of questions when I view these things, or whenever someone is trying to sell me something, that looks too good to be true. I actually posted the video above for humour, because of how funny it was, listening to the "American people and workers" pitch this is cloaked in, either they are a little slow in the head, or they think the people are. When these people have corporate/ banking attorney drafted legislation to do anything, and they say, that they are doing it for you, or their love for country, etc ... that there should make you stop and think ... I mean, why, in the type of dog eat dog economies we live in, would these folks suddenly love us? What did we do as the American majority to deserve such generosity from these types? Are they humanitarians, philanthropists? Actions speak louder than words they say ... the history of actions by some of these folks have been clear, as to their agenda. We should call this tax plan what it truly is, not the Trump plan, it should be called more like a Goldman Sachs or Koch Industries tax plan, a Wall Street stimulus plan or whatever. The 'tax filing postcard' I put in the heading, and that they are flashing in their talk, is what really made me laugh. Just look at it closely ... a postcard with 14 simple lines, just fill it in, drop it in the mailbox, eh? ... all your financial/ earnings info is exposed to anyone ... no social security number?, what about your name and address?, etc ... the President himself wouldnt use it, he wont even make his tax filings public as it is. I mean, it looks simple and appealing of course, but can we really simplify our complex tax system with a couple pages overnight like this? Even if we all did our own taxes, we would still have to go through the new tax book every year, to refer to charts, revisions, qualifications, etc. I would bet the tax preparation lobbyists must be furious when they see this, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) ... can you imagine how much money/ business that would put them back? They say this is to compete in the global arena as far as corporate taxation, why?, so that we can try to outdo each other internationally to see who can get to the bottom first and eliminate all taxation and representative government?

I'm sure many folks in the working classes can get excited looking at getting a few hundred or a thousand bucks in their pocket every year. But the idea, that this will make folks run out and buy new cars, homes, take cruise vacations or whatever, is a bit silly. Get a thousand bucks that year ... you would be lucky to get a month of child day care with it. The whole reason we get excited when peanuts are thrown to us, is because they have us lowering our expectations year to year, and constantly squeezing us for a few more bucks ... and basically, so they can give it out to some of these fucken fruit loops on Wall Street ... while we should be sending them to get counseling for gambling addiction instead. The idea for economic stimulus they present to us, is that, when we give out these massive breaks to the top wealth, they will no longer use all their international or U.S. state havens and shell companies to divert earnings, profits, so we can close these loopholes ... and miraculously they will decide to bring all their money back home (U.S.). In turn, they say that these people will invest here and create millions of jobs, etc, etc. What is the incentive in this global arena of today, that would make one of them choose to hire an American here at home for $10 bucks an hour for example, over paying someone in China or wherever a buck ($1) an hour? Would small businesses just hire on many more folks without reason or business to? Would President Trump bring his investments and business in China and elsewhere here to America? Would his daughter Ivanka do it, with all her business in these poverty wage countries? As I was explaining to some guys here in Dallas the other day ... let us just say that this goes through (even though I think it may run into obstacles in the Senate), and all of the sudden we pay less tax and are in 'Prosperity Heaven' psychologically, corporations are getting even more of a free ride, and the top of the top, etc ... what about the tax revenues that we annually depend on for our public services and needs across the board ... what happens to them? Where is the money going to come from to take care of our country's needs and to balance the costs of this? This is where the 'privatization' part expands itself. Who has all the money now? ... the public/ government certainly dont, so we have to again, ask for the mercy and help of the top wealth to financially take care of everything we once done for ourselves. We will need to depend on them (the top wealth we handed over all our money to) for everything from schools, to police, fire, public parks and libraries, etc, etc ... to invest their money in, making it now, not the peoples/ citizens, but their exclusive ownership, and all profit driven by their shareholders. They already have a monopoly on so much including our health care ... they would have to privatize everything to the top wealth ownership ... and boom, there goes more of our voice, democracy, liberties ... as well as our capital/ assets.

***** MoveOn Petition: Not One Penny! No Trump Tax Cuts for the Rich!

These GOP politicians are so intoxicated like on happy pills, in their mental state of euphoria listening to them above, maybe we should call them 'dreamers', because I cannot find the math in anything I been reviewing, to even say this can work, and that our country as a whole would benefit economically. And it's nonsense having to listen to this talk about how high the taxes are ... sure, on paper/ law it looks high, but that's not the reality with all the loopholes, many dont pay squat in taxes. Right now, the markets are doing great, most on Wall Street are pumped up, profits at the top have broken records, etc. So why are so many people still living paycheck to paycheck, eh? Where are the tens of thousands of new jobs from all these new pipelines? The top wealth is NOT spending the money we have all collectively blessed them with ... instead, they are sitting on it and ratholing every buck they can. Many are just getting and stashing all they can, waiting for the next crash/ downturn, so they can all run to their algorithm controlled market slave computers, to short sell and whatever, to capitalize on the next downturn ... after all, even in a crash, while most lose ... those other few make off like bandits ... money doesnt disappear, it changes hands, eh? They dont need anymore breaks, they are over their limit, and we should be voting these people out of office that cater to these SOB's, we should be signing petitions, raising Hell, jamming their phone lines in Congress, etc. This last monday, I was first in line on first day of early voting in Dallas County, voting on every goddamn budget/ spending proposal and state amendment. With all the changes coming with AI/ robotics/ automation, we should be focusing more on tightening our giveaways to Wall Street, focusing more on our needs to come. I was talking with my son- in- law the other day, a corporate guy, who does his business in North and South American countries mostly ... they/ he been focusing on India now ... I asked "why India"? (even though I presumed why), he talked about their (India) new market and growing middle class, that everyone wants a piece of, that may surpass China even. That's the whole point here ... all this wealth knows this as well, they dont plan on doing jack shit for this country, they have their eyes elsewhere ... it's business, eh? The bottom line, is we need to look out for ourselves, instead of looking out for and feeding the top more ... they're doing great as it is. Below are some reads and videos, to take a closer look at this, from experts and their view. I even included David Stockman, who served in the Reagan Administration as Director of Office of Management and Budget, listen to what he has to say about this crap, while Reagan lover FOX News talking heads try to gang up on him, while kissing up to this garbage.

Word Out ....


***** Democracy Now!: Trump's Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global "Tax War" ... (video & transcript)

***** Trump Exaggerates 'Small Business' Tax Cuts ... (read)

Stockman: Here's Why Trump's Tax Plan Won't Stimulate the Economy Like Reagan's ... Thanx to David Stockman

***** New York Times: Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It ... (newsread)


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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