Wednesday, April 11, 2018

MEDICARE FOR ALL TOWN HALL 2018: America's People, Businesses, & Medical Providers Movement for AFFORDABLE from DEPLORABLE Healthcare ... The "Disgrace & Insanity" Edition ... (From The FOXHOLE with Bernie PT.36)- (Health Care Reform PT.12)- (American Exceptionalism PT.9)

Image result for MEDICARE FOR ALL TOWN HALL 2018 with bernie sanders draws 1 million viewers

**** Healthcare- NOW | Home

**** Medicare for All: Home

**** Medicare for All | National Nurses United

**** Medicare for All- Bernie Sanders

Debbie Stabenow Birddogged by single payer activists ... Thanx to Healthcare NOW

This posting will be for 3 series of this journal, to focus on the growing problem and push for affordable healthcare in the U.S., as well as the growing movement behind it. This happened at the end of january this year, and is really a good piece, that is a must for this journal/ blog. This town hall was the first of it's kind in Washington, and Big Thanx to Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), again, because this man busts ass for the people of this country. Thanx to all who put this together and the guests that appeared at it, from business people, medical providers, and supporters, and those from abroad, for their help in making this movement "move". America, whether we realize it or not, has a serious health care crisis going on today ... this lengthy and informative town hall video below, will point out how importante this is, and the need to focus on fixing it. I opened above with a short vid with Senator Stabenow (MI), the questions from the audience that she is asked, is the kind of questions American voters need to ask these folks in Washington face to face, as above ... same as this gentleman questioning Senator Rubio (FL), face to face. You must keep the pressure on, especially in these election years. I also included a good read below ... "Phantoms In The Snow", recommended by Dr.Danyaal Raza of Canada, who is also a guest in the town hall. This posting will also dispel some of the hysterical myths, about how horrible national healthcare systems are ... we have familia in Toronto, who worked for years in the national healthcare system there, we talked about it when they're visiting here in Dallas, and they sure as Hell dont want our system. A short vid below that on U.S. and Canadian healthcare ... and at the bottom, I will add my part.

Bernie Sanders 'Medicare for All' Town Hall LIVESTREAM  | Now This ... Thanx to Now This News

***** Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians' Use Of Health Care Services In The United States ... (PDF)

Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada ... Thanx to Senator Bernie Sanders


Image result for medicare for all 2018 art


***** PD/ RCJ: "From The FOXHOLE with Bernie" ... PART'S 35 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "HEALTH CARE REFORM: another "FORM" of "REFORM" ... PART'S 11 THRU 1



Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I mean, let's stop kidding ourselves, year after year, and face it ... as folks point out at this town hall, it's insanity and disgraceful ... a perfect example of American exceptionalism. Senator Stabenow sayz that the issue is "how do we get there?", a decades old question, by some of these decades old establishment folks in Washington, that have to kiss the asses of corporate lobbyists. For starters, and to simplify it some, you get there by pushing for what the majority of American people want, and moving your ass on it ... not year after year of lolligagging with repetitive excuses of no substance. What would many of these politicians feel, if they had to pay income percentagewise, what most pay for insurance on much more modest incomes, and get the plans most do? I question when Stabenow sayz that these experts say that the plan being pushed by folks like Sanders, will eliminate the insurance industry in only 5 years ... this has also been playing like a broken record out of politicians looking for excuses for their neglect and incompetence. How would insurance companies be totally shut down, even in 10 years? ... when they themselves pride themselves as the best providers for healthcare, even by their own claims ... "the best in the world". Credit to Stabenow though, for at least saying she would support expanding Medicare to folks 55 years of age, or support a Medicare for All "choice/ option", but how sincere of an effort she puts forth (I would have to see), I question some, knowing some of her history on a couple other things, unless I see real action ... not just talk, which includes pressuring her colleagues. I mean, dont paint this picture, that countries with healthcare for all, have no insurance companies, free enterprise, or related nonsense, eh? The idea that any of this would just miraculously shut down the insurance industry suddenly is nonsense. It would actually force them,  pharmaceutical giants, and private care providers to be more competitive and conservative on spending and costs to consumers.

I like the idea for starters, of letting the people/ consumers of this country decide for a change, on what they want ... after all, I'm not a commie, I'm for free market, and conservative on keeping costs down. We start a medicare for all ... by an expansion and revision of the current, and not mandatory, but for folks that choose to participate (and millions are ready as it is), have the deductions from payroll ... and since it's a majority of Americans asking for this, we can also find other wayz to publicly add subsidies. In a "free market" ... it will "earn" it's own way, or fail, by public/ consumer demand, whether private or public, and opening up competition, negotiating prices from services to pharmaceuticals, etc. People can simply choose, just like they do when shopping for anything. I have talked to many people that want to try something else ... a guy I know just found a job to where they pay most of his insurance, he pays like $100 a month ... medical, dental, and vision. The guy was so happy, since his last jobs had nothing to offer (2 part time jobs), and kept him at minimal hours of work, to not have to offer him any benefits ... he had a plan he took up, that was $1500 a month premiums before this new job, and several thousand annual deductible. Insurance for my wife and I, costs as much as our rent, utilities, and groceries per month combined, with a $6000 a year deductible and co- pays. Why in Hell would I want to pay this, if I can get a better plan, at significant lower costs from a "Medicare for All" plan? Why would I want a plan, where I have to buy even more plans with multiple parts and gimmicks in them, to supplement the plan you are selling me? Why would I choose to have a for profit corporation dictating my terms and conditions, over a public government plan that is more transparent, cost efficient, simplified, and supported by the people/ consumers, with the consumers input and oversight? Why would I want a corporate for profit plan that restricts my negotiating power, voice, and choice, according to stockholders demands?

Another thing that is mentioned in this town hall that we dont hear much about, is the burden on so many businesses across the country ... it is squeezing domestic business to death ... and the costs for coverage and keeping step with it all, and it just keeps increasing by the year. I have told many folks that are at least 30 years younger than me, what insurance was like back in the 1970's and 1980's, as far as simplification, out of pocket, deductibles, premiums, etc, and many were surprised ... since their generation knows nothing besides this overrated and overbloated garbage that is force fed to us now ... makes you wonder ... what happened? All your county hospitals are also feeling the pinch these dayz, with emergency rooms crammed to the limits, many even folks with simple care needs, that have no where else to go ... and who gets squeezed on that? ... the taxpayers as well. Much of this could be avoided with more clinics that are government funded through Medicare expansion, and more focus on preventative care, as all explained at the town hall. Look at how our doctors and medical providers staffs are squeezed in this system we have, also explained by folks above in the industries. It has become such a complex system, that so many hours are wasted just figuring out the plans and services, and what or who covers what ... it's become insane. Also understand that an insurance company provides very little, besides to shareholders and their CEO's pay, that is in the 10's of millions ... I mean, they act simply as a middle man management type entity, if anything. And I'm not against insurance companies, I worked for a Fortune 500 insurance company for over 6 years back in the late 80's and early 90's, it was a good place to work for. We are alwayz told that we need to adapt to change ... all these entities/ industries need to adapt to change as well, and throughout history, some become obsolete, just as jobs do as well ... it's a 2 way street in a free market and changing world, eh?

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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