Tuesday, March 14, 2017

TEXAS WANKER BILL- HB4260: "JUNK SPUNK LAWS ... No SEED Left BEHIND" - - BOYZ!! ... Put That Puppy Back In Yo Pants & Zip It Up!! ... The "Financial Castration" Edition ... (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.34)- (CITATION VIOLATION NATION PT.12)- (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.7)

Hitler is Informed a Pro- Choice Lawmaker in Texas Wants To Fine Men For Masturbating ... Thanx to Disco Saturn Loves To Do Subtitled Comedies and Other Things 24/7

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**** Jessica Farrar

Well ... Texas politicians of the left and right are at it again! There has been so many attacks by republicans here recently on women's rights, as far as what they do with their bodies and lives, so as retaliation, Texas State Representative Jessica Farrar (D) of Houston, decided to present a bill to hold men equally accountable for their sins, as a sort of satire and sarcasm! ... the republicans though were the main instigators in this. This bill is to fine men for masturbating, counseling for the guyz, saving their seed/ semen, etc. And these people are actually doing this, as you can read below, I'm not making this up ... just like the popular bathroom bills. I mean, these people are actually grown adults, educated in colleges/ universities, receive decent salaries and benefits, believe they're role models to set standards for others around the globe, etc, etc. And they actually worry about things like, what women decide for themselves and their bodies, styles of clothes women, men and kids wear, who is using a bathroom, folks masturbating, and folks sex lives. Now you see why these oligarchs/ wealthy, corporations/ banks, take advantage of us ... because of how stupid and sensitive we are on certain issues ... and worry about pointless shit. In the meantime, while we are busting each others chops over some of these things, they're robbing us blind of everything {:-) This could also open up new doors for big business here in the Lone Star State ... between having funeral and burial services for aborted fetuses ... to issuing fines/ citations to good ole boyz wanking on that home on the range, where a little more than just "deer and antelope play", collecting fines/ fees, court ordering counseling and doctor visits/ examinations, in a state with 29 million people, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) I dont know what else to make of this ... but some newsread below.

Word Out ....

***** THE TEXAS TRIBUNE: With proposal to penalize men for masturbating, legislator aims to shake up health debate ... (newsread)


Image result for no masturbation texas bill

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Image result for there is no substantive- due- process right to stimulate one's genitals for non- medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of a interpersonal relationship - ted cruz








***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)


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