Wednesday, October 4, 2017

ONE NATION UNDER GOD/ KEVIN M. KRUSE: How CORPORATE America Invented CHRISTIAN America ... PREYING on the PEOPLE with $$$$ & PRAYER ... The "Christianity Incorporated" Edition ... (CORPORATCOMMUNAZICA PT.16)- (HUMAN MORALITY PT. 23)

Image result for kevin m. kruse

Kevin M. Kruse | Department of History

First up ... my thoughts and condolences to the families of the victims killed and injured in the recent Las Vegas mass shooting/ terror attack (CNN- victims), before anything else ... the problem in this country is NOT concert goers or the musicians ... our problems are some of our politicians and the rest that I do in these series. This posting will be for the "Corporatcommunazica" and "Human Morality" series of this blog/ journal. It is to highlight some interviews with History Professor Kevin M. Kruse, concerning one of his books. This is a posting I planned on doing some time back, but like many, never got around to it, I have many things that I want to post on, stuff jotted down on paper, etc ... that I simply dont get to, so better late than never. What inspired it the other day, was the last posting I done concerning the NFL player National Anthem piece, so it came to mind again. Whether you agree with Kruse or not, it's healthy information for thought, so I think the guy is worth the listen. In fairness to Eisenhower, even founding fathers like Pres. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, seemed to use religion/ God concept as a tool for the citizens, as far as promoting unity and virtue to build society on, and came from christian upbringing, yet their own beliefs as far as where they stood on denomination was questionable, prescribing a type of generic religion of sort for the public, but separating themselves, seeming more deist than anything. I've known many atheists and pagans with high moral standards, so I dont believe that a prescribed religion is the only way to achieve that in a society. Some video, audio, read/ transcript below ... then after below, I will add some of my own thoughts on the related.

***** NPR | KERA: Interview: Kevin Kruse, Author Of 'One Nation Under God' ... (audio interview, book review, transcript)

One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America ... Thanx to WVPT Public Media


Related image

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Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

As for me, I think Kevin makes some really good points concerning todayz corporatization using religion, same as politics as a tool to take over everything ... they (oligarchs) see their version of todayz capitalism design as soul mates with the carefully created religious ideology they molded, in todayz popular culture package of neoliberalism. I dont really enjoy much doing postings on religion or even politics ... I do them because of the issues/ problems with both, as another one of millions of folks on online media to bring atencion to it ... I actually like to do music postings the most, and as far as I'm concerned, I have too much religion and politics in here, in the past I trashed several hundred postings I had in here. My views should be fairly clear in these series, for me, this is nothing new. I point out throughout related postings/ series about what I call the "3 entities" to simplify it some ... bottom line, the manipulation and control of folks by government, corporations/ banks and religions, more like institutionalized programming of the masses. Nor do I see any of this as having a thing to do with belief in God/ Allah/ Higher Power, or spiritual at all, to me it's like a newly revised and repackaging of power and wealth doing what they alwayz done for centuries. At the same time, considering the type of system and era we live in ... I dont see the idea/ design of capitalism or corporations as the problem, but just a handful and their culture of those at the top as being the problem. Same with religion or ones personal beliefs, just those at the top in clergy and who dictates and buys them as the problem, and you can bet on it, that they are not being guided by spiritual divinity. Spirituality shouldnt be about oppression, slavery, thievery, wars to invade nations to take everything they have, or make them think to your specifications, etc. Politics shouldnt be about a handful of oligarchs controlling what should be the peoples voice and representation with a governing body, etc, the structure of our government has nothing wrong with it, only those who try to contaminate it ... and taxes should be to benefit our societies, not to give it all to those who have too much to begin with. Banks, corporations and capitalism by design shouldnt increase slavery, poverty, despair, austerity, etc ... or to create monopolies that restrict fair trade instead of expanding it. So whatever definitions, semantics, labels and sugarcoating you try to peddle these ideas as ... is bullshit, so dont let them manipulate you as much as they try, that is where you lose. These systems are not designed badly, they are abused and contaminated by a few only.

I look at this neoliberalism, market, institutionalized commercialized religion being pushed by the west today, as like an extension of the Roman Empire, and when they get "too big and fail", when their empires fall and the masses see through them, another takes over ... using the same shit and motives, with a different packaging and sales pitch. When you look at it, everything is controlled and designed over the centuries, to revise, refresh and keep past failed empires, ideologies and such alive to benefit those who would lose their asses otherwise, if they didnt have control over it. As far as religion in Christianity for example that is talked about above ... I even view the Holy Bible/ New Testament as Constantine's Bible, although some would disagree with me, saying that it was not finalized till years after the death of the Roman Emperor Constantine (Constantine order to Council of Nicaea), and text centuries before Constantine. I see institutional Christianity the same, of Constantine, who brought it mainstream, and freeing christians from past persecution, around 313 AD, first recognized as Roman religion about 323 AD through 380 AD. For me it was Constantine who kick started and inspired it all, from the Holy Bible of "today", to the religious- political institution of Christianity. Did not Constantine have a so called "divine intervention vision", that guided him to incorporate it into military, and conquer everyone he could to obtain wealth, power and control of trade? ... of course he did, and even crediting his victories and power to it himself, it served as a political tool as well ... you know ... conquer, destroy, control and enslave, in the name of goodness, liberty and patriotic duty, sound familiar? Christianity as a political and monetary institutional form and tool, made its way to conquer so many lands east and west, the Inquisition was an institutional group in the government of the Catholic Church ... you dont bow to and obey the oligarchs, you suffer and die ... and not because it is the will of God, but of men. Even in conquering the Americas and its natives, it was full of bloodshed, war, slavery, oppression and thievery, etc. Adolf Hitler used institutionalized Christianity for the same reasons, and to eradicate/ execute humans that they didnt approve of existing ... the Ku Klux Klan also used Christianity as a tool for racism and killing blacks and undesirables in our country. A country in our time like Saudi Arabia with their Wahhabism, institutionalize and politicize the faith of Islam in the Arab world to do what those I pointed out above do with Christianity ... and to gain power, wealth, conquer lands, and keep indefinite control, and to exterminate humans, even of the Muslim faith, who do not bow and obey to them.

It is also popular thought, or what I see as propaganda, that these institutional/ political religions are growing in numbers and the masses are embracing them more and more ... all that IS REALLY happening, is those at the top are spending a fortune to promote more of its media propaganda. This is all bullshit as well to me, many folks may claim to be of a religious brand/ faith, or have faith in God, especially when times get tough like now, and austerity and oppression are imposed more, while people lose their liberties slowly, but noticeably ... but as far as people embracing this institutional and political religion, frankly, people are losing faith and trust in it, because many are seeing what it's all about ... as also historically happens in any culture and empire, over and over. The same as people are losing faith in the governments and their political party favourites and its prepaid flunkies ... there is actually a resistance to all this once again growing, much more than those embracing this garbage. Just like other times throughout history over thousands of years, when these institutions once again, get too big and fail, the majority of the people dump them and walk away. Which they historically alwayz do fail over time, and will fail again, as far as empires, religions, politics and their prepaid institutions ... so like a merry- go- round ... those at top will try once again to convince the masses that they and their institutions are the chosen saviours of humanity and all our problems, and design some new bullshit, to try to preserve their old bullshit. In the meantime between these recorded events in human history, the majority alwayz manages to slowly create changes and maintain a certain amount of liberties and even some new ones that are past due. It is the majority who make everything work, most of those at the top, dont do much of damn thing, which is why I dont see many as "elite", or care to ever bow to them or praise them ... I mean, frankly we dont need them ... for where would they be without us? As far as their bullshit, that they are serving or doing the will of God ... they are only using a concept of God, to serve and do for themselves, nothing else ... dont waste your time, life and energy on trying to gain 'their' approval. Because of the subject in this posting, I wanted to close out with a video from Jesse Dollemore below, of some of this "prosperity gospel" snake oil of today, that Houston televangelist Joel Osteen (wikipedia) peddles for millions ($$$$) to millions of folks. Enough from me.

Word Out ....

Joel Osteen's "Gospel" Message to Starving and Thirsty Children ... Thanx to dollemore


**** AMAZON: "One Nation Under God | Kevin M. Kruse"




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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