Wednesday, January 31, 2018

BANK DEREGULATIONS 2018: Democrats & Republicans that BACK Trump to UNLEASH The BEAST in The East ... The "Shank Dodd- Frank" Edition ... (TOO BIG TO FAIL BA(N)KERY PT.5)- (ELIZABETH WARREN PT.16)

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**** CREDO Action: Stand with Warren and Sanders: Tell the Senate Bailout Caucus to stop helping Trump deregulate Wall Street ... (petition)

**** Rootstrikers | SIGN: Democrats must resist Trump's attack on Dodd Frank! ... (petition)

**** DAILY KOS: Sign now to Senate Dems: Don't help Trump deregulate big banks! ... (petition)


Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the Senate Bank Deregulation Bill ... Thanx to Senator Elizabeth Warren

This posting will be for the "Too Big to Fail Ba(n)kery", and "Elizabeth Warren" series of this journal/ blog ... to focus on something that is not getting much media atencion right now, as far as new banking deregulations, cause they're fixin to stick the shank in Dodd- Frank. I chose Senator Warren above for the opening video, because she alwayz gets straight to the point with folks, while bringing public awareness as well, and Thank You Senator Warren. There is also a few petitions to sign, above Warren's video. Before I start though ... Congratulations to President Trump, in a great SOTU speech last night, despite any disagreements I have ... but it's just a speech too, and you have a good hustler making it ... and Mrs. Trump was knockout beautiful as alwayz! {:-) The speech was great, much optimism, and even a few parts, where President Trump sounded more progressive to me, than even some of these so called "liberals". On the flip side of the speech, there was just so much as far as serious issues that were NOT addressed, which is why I do postings like this one. This same confidence and optimism you seen at last week's dinner engagement with Trump and European business leaders and investors in Davos . You can bet they were all cherry picked to join Trump, and especially praise the tax reform, while highlighting their American investments, so it could be filmed. Part of this posting's title was inspired by the 2010 song "Unleash the Beast", by the music crew "Sealed in Scarlett" out of Hertfordshire, England, with the song at the tail of this posting. Since they been unleashing the beast of the east (Wall Street, Washington) on America, it is the peoples responsibility to release the beast within them, to counter it! I'm not an accountant, financial advisor, in the banking business or whatever, but I have alot of questions as a working class person when folks are trying to sell me on something, and it's healthy for taxpayers/ consumers to question everything. When we bailout and subsidize these investment banks/ bankers, we are basically financially covering folks with our taxes, that are gambling, ratholing, and loaning out peoples money, that is not even theirs to begin with, eh? Below, Gillian White will explain in simple terms, what Dodd- Frank is, for anyone not familiar with it. After, the first NY Times article on this, and the 2nd article from Common Dreams, for their input. After, I will add my views below.

Why Trump Wants to Make Banks Risky Again ... Thanx to The Atlantic

***** NEW YORK TIMES: Democrats Add Momentum to G.O.P. Push to Loosen Banking Rules ... (newsread)

***** COMMON DREAMS: #BailoutCaucus: These 11 Senate Democrats Are Joining GOP in Effort to Dismantle Wall Street Regulations ... (newsread)






Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I'm not a hard- ass, I can understand the spot that these democrats are in, that are supporting this, as far as what the republicans are pushing, and they have to try to compete with republicans, at a time where they are almost rock bottom. Plus, much of this is this ratrace we are in to compete and sustain substantial global economic power as a nation, and the oligarchs buy and play both sides and all countries with their neoliberal agenda too. As for me, even Dodd- Frank dont cut it enough, I feel we need something more like Glass- Steagall more than we even needed it back in the 1930's, especially with the global markets and banking of today. And Yes, I support the separation of investment and commercial banking, because of these times ... because of the way and packaging, they peddle these ideas and plans to so many, that sound like wayz to get rich for many ... but very few will. It also mathematically faces too much risk to folks that cant afford to gamble at that level, and financial risk is VERY importante for the bottom 90%, the bottom 90% is what fuels the economic engine ... and this is not good, when you are also cutting consumer protections, at the same time. Of course, a little gambling is fine, I gamble myself, but it can be intoxicating, you must know when to walk and call it quits. While your 401k may look great now, or wherever else you have your money, it can excite you, and the younger you are, the more down hits you can take, because of the long stretch ... but the market is like a rollercoaster. I myself think 401k's are bunk marketed trash actually, but that's just me ... and so many praise them, because that's what they were given/ offered, by those in control. Any of these plans that are peddled off on us to choose from, are designed like any financial business or casino, and rest assured, the house comes out the winner percentagewise, with more fine print, fees, penalties and regulations than you can shake a stick at. The banks and portfolio managing firms have much lower risks, and the bigger they are, the less the risks. They dont mind you getting the penalties, fees, and want to regulate and have a hand on every dollar you spend, save, or invest to get their cut, but they want all regulations taken away for themselves. Plus they have our tax dollars and too many politicians in their pockets, to even know what it feels like to take a big hit/ loss. The economy is rocketing off, much improvement to get to this point, did come under the Obama administration too, so not all credit should go only to this new administration. In my view, we may be growing a little too fast also, and the optimism may be overrated, as much as many stocks are overvalued ... but that's just my view. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the burst too ... and yes, when the smaller banks/ firms go bust, it WILL put much more stress on the system at top too.

Rodgin Cohen Sees Significant Bank Deregulation in 2018 ... Thanx to Bloomberg TV Markets and Finance **** click "watch video on YouTube"

Rodgin Cohen calls this a regulatory regime, I call it a deregulatory regime. What this is going to be peddled as (by both political sides), is to make buying a house more easy for the working classes, and improve community economies, which is a good thing on the surface. With the loose oversight though (and you can bet it will be LOOSE as it progresses), an increase in these subprime lenders, cash for title, and other joints, will come out of the woodwork big time (all targeted at the working low income). I heard the argument first hand too, from a lady I know that has worked in regulations for Bank of America for 20 years or so now ... she complained how much of a mess Dodd- Frank has been for her department, as far as regulation. And no, I wouldnt vote for any banking deregulation in these times, and would sign every petition against it ... there is NO NEED for it, we been growing our economy without it, and will continue to, without it. As usual, we are being squeezed and drained dry, and purposely, to feed these people at top, to make us depend on them only, with no peoples voice/ input or representation left. My daughter was telling me the other day (not referring to this), about how things got so screwed up years back (08), because they were allowed to peddle these loans to working folks, that they knew many they would foreclose on, because these folks would lose their homes very easy, if they took any kind of financial/ income, or illness hit ... basically pushing folks to live beyond their means in a way, like with much else that's peddled for business. And despite the great economic news, unemployment numbers or whatever, profits at top are booming ... but the payscales at the bottom 90% have seen very little boom, considering the inflation/ cost of living. She was telling me also, that even so many of the young professionals that live in these high dollar places Uptown, and buy these import luxury cars (some clients and associates of hers), are all living on plastic/ loans, and many in big debt, but are not even looking at it, and just living for today without thinking. My daughter has a point, and you can bet that the slope this deregulation will slide on, will bring that out big time. As far as the Volcker Rule not applying to the smaller, as Cohen points out above, as making sense and simplifying things, it does make sense. But I also think this will climb uphill as well in time, especially in these good economic times, we will let down our guard, and the big players like Jamie Dimon WILL get similar deregulation, less capital/ assets requirements, and far less oversight, stress testing, and whatever else. And I dont agree with having taxpayers pay for speculation investments of high risk, regardless of how great the damn economy is. When anyone else gambles, we dont get subsidized and bailed out, even if you're gambling in the markets, we all have to pay and swallow our losses, and even have to still pay the lousy management fees, to those who mismanaged our shit.

I dont even see any reason for this deregulation, except for republicans pushing through shit faster than they can properly draft it, just because they are in this long awaited majority position. We have been growing our economy steadily, with record profits off the charts, and all this came without the deregulation of these institutions, go figure. This deregulation is about as much needed as the so called tax reform was needed, which was also pushed through in good economic times, in other words, our growth came WITHOUT the tax reform. And now, while damaging the deficit more, we'll end up in an estimated $1.5 trillion more debt, because of the reform, and mind you, these are the people (republicans) that they call "deficit hawks". And I would bet money, that 10 years down the road, the figures as far as what it will cost us, will even be much larger than $1.5 trillion off this new tax reform, they alwayz underestimate, to push it through, and overbid everything. And you are going to have to cut social needs and even public amenities ... which they want, because they want to privatize anything public/ government owned ... in their view, everything from freewayz to public parks to libraries, to public schools, to public water, is some form of socialism, telling us it will lead to communism, while those orchestrating, drafting and dictating this shit at the top are the actual communists. This bloody damn border wall alone came in during the Trump campaign run, as $10 billion needed, in the last year, it jumped to $18 billion, and now to like $25 billion, after it's all said and done, we'll be shelling out over $30+ billion probably. And Senator Warren is right, even though the Volcker Rule and requirements will still apply to the largest of these banking institutions, there are a shitload of side treats in the legislation, that the top will make substantial gains on ... and you know damn well, that it will mostly go to stock buybacks and executive compensations, not to loan out to the smaller, now less regulated institutions. All this sales pitch talk about the banks at top are going to help the smaller institutions, is also bullshit. And if we see some, it wont last long, because this culture is a jungle, and all these large entities are only out to gobble up everyone else. Just like all this talk about companies giving out bonuses ... for every bonus they give out, they are laying off another, this is part of the scam, and how they sell you. Look at the tax reform, when they were telling us we were going to have simplified taxes on a postcard with 14 lines, as I pointed out in the posting linked above ... it's NOT likely. There is NO SIMPLIFIED TAX FORM POSTCARD, they never even included it in the bloody damn bill, why in Hell do you think they were laughing while showing the card on the news ... because they think most people are dumb enough to buy it.

Word Out ....

Sealed in Scarlett- Unleash the Beast ... Thanx to tellubbullet **** these gents really done an outstanding job on this piece, and it will be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY"




***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. They're just setting up the next banking crisis. Sooner or later they will really screw everything up and bring about a real Great Depression 2.

  2. The sad part is, yep, they were dumb enough to believe they were gonna send a postcard. They still think that Trump is going to save them. Sad!

  3. That's one of the things that I'm wondering, Bum ... what I mean is, when I was talking about the fast extreme growth in the markets currently breaking recent records, and stocks being overvalued ... a hard hit would hurt many. Just look at what happened overnight for instance (I believe yesterday), on just a small move ... with Bezo (Amazon), Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway) ... and Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan)... what a f'n combination, and I wouldnt trust Dimon on anything). They announced to create their own health care business, for their employees, which consolidated is around a million or less employees. The damn health insurance stocks took a nosedive all at once, in a matter hours ... JUST ON THE IDEA. And that's small, in comparison to some other kind of more significant hits, mergers or whatever else can happen. Thanx for your voice Bum.

  4. I actually laughed, as I posted on the "Tax Reform" posting, when they showed the post card in the video at top the posting, I couldnt believe that they would be so bold to pull a cheap stunt like that and think folks would buy it. You can bet Patricia, that people are going to question Trump in time, I'm talking about some of his diehard supporters at that. The high they're on now, wont last that long if things keep going the way they are. Actually Patricia, you can go to YouTube, ... and there are people who think that Trump is sent from God ... some think he is the 2nd coming of the Christ figure, I thought it was humour at first, but they are serious. Thanx for your input here Patricia.
