Friday, January 19, 2018


Image result for children of family in california in shackles news 2018

Louise and David Turpin with baby

This posting will be for 3 series of this journal, to look at the alleged torture and abuse case of David and Louise Turpin, on their children in Perris, California (little over an hour southeast of LA). David and Louise are from Princeton, West Virginia ... but it appears, they began their abuse cult and such, in Rio Vista, Texas (about and hour southwest of Dallas- Fort Worth), then relocating it to California. This is a pretty extreme case, with a long history of many years of abuse and torture. The reason this is in the "Human Morality" series as well, is because, you wont find this sort of well calculated and extreme torture of offspring/ children, especially by the mother, anywhere else in the animal kingdom, this is unique to humans, and a display of twisted man made morals ... morality, in my view, is even natural as well with other animals (Prof. Frans de Waal). It is in the "Problem Parents" series for obvious reasons, and in my opinion, a perfect example of why abortion is needed. David Turpin bragged to folks, that the reason for so many kids, is because God called him to. It's in the "Thinking of the Kids?" series, because we boast endlessly about how everything we do, and our values, are all for the best interests of the kids ... I mean, we have a society (again, IMO), that exploits kids on every level, with adults and parents, that use children for everything from tax breaks and money making ventures, to bargaining chips, where parents use kids to battle each other, not even thinking of the kids, and how the kids grasp all of this, nor allowing the children's voices be heard hardly. Grooming children to be like we are, and to continue to not just make things better for our societies, but to continue to make the mistakes that we did, and contaminate their brains in the process, with our institutional assembly line way of thinking. The parents were formally charged yesterday, both defendants entered a "not guilty" plea at their arraignment ... and now the office of District Attorney is asking for $13 million bonds each for both defendants. I read up quite a bit on this case of what I could find so far, and will be following this trial. But below, I chose a few pieces to link, to get a general view of what's going down with this. The defendants are innocent until proven guilty, and it appears so far, that the DA's office of Riverside County, is handling this case fairly and carefully ... you dont want to fuck up on a case like this, take your time, there is much investigative work still to be done. After below, I wanted to add some of my own views on this case ... and these are my views only, from what I gathered so far.

***** KTLA5/ Los Angeles: 12 Counts of Torture, Other Charges Filed Against Perris Couple David and Louise Turpin ... (newsread/ video)

***** THE WASHINGTON POST: Case of 13 California kids allegedly tortured 'fits this pattern we've been tracking for a long time' ... (newsread)

Charges filed in California "house of horrors" case ... Thanx to CBS News


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Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

***** Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE): Abuse in Homeschooling Environments ... (Advocate for Homeschooled Children)

First of all, I had no bloody idea, just how lax the law is as far as homeschooling requirements, registry, and oversight, and the state to state extremes of such ... it's almost unbelievable. Homeschooling is gaining popularity because of problems in public schools, funding, and some of the curriculum battles that are being pushed these days, low scores or whatever. Many fundamoralist religious types as well, dont like the science or history that may be taught in some public schools, and feel that they should teach creationism theory over scientific facts. They may not approve of the history that may be taught, which more these dayz, exposes the negative side of religion in history, wars, torture, or slavery, that has been covered up otherwise, for example. Some parents just see the public school systems as failures in advanced education or whatever, falling too short of what we should expect. I dont believe in this state to state shit, when it comes to oversight of public, private, or homeschools, I feel there should be more across the board federal oversight and regulations. And when it comes to the education end, these home schools should have more inspections and tests to see if the children are getting at least, sufficient education. I also hear that some of these homeschoolers, are opposed to basic much needed vaccinations too. Apparently folks like the Turpins have been cruising for years below radar, and no one had any idea what's been going on ... and sadly, there is probably alot more going on too. I noticed David Turpin, as school principal, also changed the status to a non- religious school for registry. And I seriously doubt that it was non- religious, in fact, they were very religious, and even the grandparent of the kids in West Virginia talked about how they were learning not only bible verses as education, but trying to learn the entire bible. Now, I'm not against folks reading a bible, especially in their own home, I have read the Holy Bible myself, both old and new testaments, and found some great stories in it. Another case from past, when they examined the surviving kids from the Branch Davidian (wikipedia) compound, for example ... some could not tell a circle from a square, but knew entire bible scriptures. Some Turpin children when rescued, didnt even know what medicine or a police officer was ... what kind of education were they getting, to not even know of this or the outside world and how to get by? Of course in these preliminary investigative stages, the DA isnt going to bring religion into this, or motive ... they are getting the charges straight, as far as the clear evidence they have found. But I would bet money, that there was a strong religious programming and ideology behind even some of the torture (I look at religious systems as an ideology, not spirituality). I had the opportunity to talk to a 17 year old girl back in the 1990's, that ran away from a home like this, and she was getting help ... the story she told me in depth of the abuse and religious brainwashing, as well as being handcuffed to the bed when sleeping at night, was mind blowing to me.

Aunt of 13 malnourished Perris children tried to get in touch with family for years ... Thanx to ABC7

North Texans Share Details On Turpin Family ... Thanx to CBSDFW

All credit in this case should go to the 17 year old girl, that managed to carry through the 2 year or so escape plan, and not caving in as her sister did who escaped with her, and running back to the house, out of fear of being beaten or perhaps killed by their father. That takes courage and strong determination, because the years of psychological imprisonment alone is hard to handle, and also being cut off from outside communications, not even knowing what you are escaping into ... compound that with the physical frailty and lack of adequate nutrition, that also feeds not only the body, but mind, makes it even harder. I'm really not so sure what to believe the sister of Louise Turpin, Elizabeth Flores, is feeling or thinking ... or about her saying that she/ they been trying to get the Turpin familia to Skype for 20 years, perhaps she made a mistake on that, after all, Skype started in 2003 ... so she must have got it the day it came out, eh? Nor do I understand her tears, I mean, when I cry, I actually have tears ... so I have questions as to her. As far as the grandmother who sayz that the familia was the perfect familia when she visited them 6 years ago or whenever, I have to question that too. They must have done a Hell of a job cleaning the home and rehearsing the kids with threats or whatever, getting the kids all cleaned up, since they couldnt even shower more than once or twice a year, etc. I mean ... it just dont add up, that no one suspected there is something wrong here. In todayz society, when so many of us are glued to our iPhones, laptops or whatever, we also ignore too much that is going on around us, of course, out of being polite, not nosing into others business, etc. I myself just from what little I seen, have no doubt that I would have got involved, questioned, and said something ... I am like that to this day, even in my own community, I have no fear of parents, or if I'm politically correct or the other crap. The reports on the Turpin familia in North Texas, especially their short stay in Fort Worth ... I dont understand what qualifies to respond to a report of screams in a residential neighbourhood, or for CPS to at least make a visit. But I feel the actual torture intensified in Rio Vista, because of the isolation and more rural setting ... a neighbour in Rio Vista, described the Turpin's home as a "religious compound" years back, and in a town that small, word travels fast. I feel that David, as well as mom/ Louise, had to know exactly what they were doing, so I will have a hard time to swallow an insanity defense, or voices from God or other nonsense. David was an engineer, and made a decent paycheck, he, and I assume Louise, also knew when to move, if the heat was coming down on them, when to file bankruptcy, and avoid debts. Obviously from their public visits, to even Louise taking a son to an outside school for classes and staying outside the room, tells me they were watching every move these kidz made. They rehearsed these kids well with fear or whatever, as far as visits to Disney theme park, attire/ clothing, making sure they didnt give out their names, etc ... that requires a certain amount of sanity to be that well calculated.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. You are right about not finding this kind of thing in the animal kingdom. Just the other night I was saying to my daughter, what kind of predator, preys on it's own kind?
    For further research, I read that the police are using cadaver dogs, to look for human remains, I hope they do it at every residence they dwelled in. Also, they are checking DNA, this is because I suspect, the father may ha raped his own daughters, there is already one lewd act on a minor I believe charged against him?
    The religion and home schooling. I don't know if New Jersey is more tightly regulated, when I was teaching in the school system, there was regular contact between teachers and parents. Then again, these were homebound kids, already in the system.
    I grew up in a strict Roman Catholic family. I can't even begin to tell you the responsibility I had as the oldest of 5 children. I still can't explain to myself what my parents were thinking. To this day I won't have anything to do with organised religion.
    Have you seen the mugshot of Louise Turpin smirking? Even that Scooby Doo haircut dad wasn't smiling. Says it all. I will be looking out for more of this on your blog. It's so disturbing how someone could do these horrific things. Those poor children.

  2. Hey Patricia ... you were even a school teacher too?, damn, you got around, like a jack/ jane of all trades, and a rock-n-roll guitarist, artist, etc ... that's cool!
    You had a "strict" catholic familia? I think everyone up there whether Jersey, New York or such was catholic, I never seen this evangelical stuff till I came down here. I met this gal in Houston once (true story), wanted to date her ... she insisted I go to some church with her, it was some kind of pentecostal folks church, that looked like a large frame house, real country- like looking place, nothing like the million dollar, elaborate stone temple joints of NY. I was stoned (on pot), attended ... these folks were speaking in what they called "tongues", jumping up and down, falling down, etc ... they got pretty bizarre. Since I was an outsider, they started grabbing me, feeling all over me, and speaking tongues or wailing, whatever, had their hands all over me ... I freaked the fuck out! I asked the girl, "what is up with these folks?!!", she said that was their way of showing they liked me or something ... geeezz ... that was a trip and a half stoned, and not knowing what to expect, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-)

    I had familia in New York, they were catholic, but not very strict or anything, we didnt have a bible in the house or anything, like God conversations, study or whatever ... and it was more it seemed like a social/ cultural responsibility or whatever. I think I only seen my mom or dad go to a church for like a christmas eve gathering, or easter, whatever, and only about a few times at most. My dad viewed God as nature it seemed, when I asked him as a child what God was, his response was trees, nature, animals, life, etc ... but my dad was into greenthumb/ planting shit, big on eating stuff like grains, veggies, liked Jack LaLanne, etc., he was more in step with today, than the 1950's or 60's on thinking. Mom had a thing for telling fortunes, reading cards, talking to the dead, stuff (which she would read for folks_), she put me on a Ouija Board as a little kid, so that is about the extent of my spiritual upbringing, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... not too much.

    Not sure about Jersey off hand on the homeschooling oversight, I do know that New York is about the strictest I think. This is all new to me Patricia, like I wrote in the posting, I had no idea how lax this shit was, so I'm just learning about this stuff ... and I dont know anyone off hand that does homeschooling. I mean, all the folks I know attend regular schools. Thanx for your insight on this case ... and Thanx for the link you left me on your blog, I read, concerning Japan's missile defense thing. ... Later

  3. The moment I heard about this case I knew it had to be something to do with religion. What other influence could induce people to abuse their own children like that? And I know not all home-schoolers are religious cultists, but many are.

  4. Hey Infidel ... ya, it's almost guaranteed in many of these styles of abuse (as history/ dockets show) that there is religious trappings in this stuff. I dont know any homeschoolers, and really didnt know much about it, besides what I read here and there ... but like you, I dont think they are all like that, or even think that church members or folks that believe in a God, bible or whatever are all like that. But folks get wound up in shit, that takes them down a destructive path, like a dangerous drug, fucking your mind up. But there is much more I expect from this case, is why it caught me atencion, that hasnt been highlighted yet. A neighbour kid who knew them briefly was there when they came in to clean the joint, took like $30K in repairs, just to make it able to sell again. I think it was their Rio Vista place, after they left it suddenly, and went belly up on debts, etc, just skipped out ... but said they had threw kittens in the dumpster, locked the dogs in with no food, to where the dogs had to eat shitty diapers to try to survive, so they had no regard for their pets even. One room set up like a class room, with chalk board, chains, etc, there was a bunch of Armageddon type literature all over the place. It was just a matter of time, before one of those kids would have maybe died from serious malnutrition or whatever, and they would have even been in deeper shit, as far as charges ... but several more changes have been added too, so it's a process and case that will take some time to unravel. Thanx for your views here ... later

  5. Simply a sad story. If there were a god She'd stomp those parents into pulp. :(
