Friday, February 23, 2018

GUN REFORM 2018: Students Take ACTION for GUN Reform, that kept Adults & Politicians Torn ... The "Well Regulated" Edition ... (THINKING OF THE KIDS? PT.8)- (NOT COOL 4 SCHOOL PT.14)- (SELF DEFENSE PT.34)

Image result for gun debate 2018   Image result for gun debate 2018

***** Petition- Students Fighting Guns Since Adults Won't-

Survivor to Rubio: Will you reject NRA money? ... CNN

This posting is for the survivors, victims, and their families, of the recent Stoneman Douglas High School terror attack in Parkland, FL (Miami metro). Much credit to these students in particular for standing up for gun reform, and challenging business as usual. I call it "reform", because politicians alwayz use that word, when they want to take more money from us ... so add this to y'all's reform list, eh? I also wanted to do a posting here, because this has been one of the most difficult things for me to even talk about ... and I dont have answers ... I point out much here, back in 2012, concerning the Sandy Hook School attack. I'm a person, that has alwayz supported and defended the 2nd Amendment, NRA, and even the well regulated militia part, I still feel strong organized militias are importante, and support it ... I cherish all my rights, and the Constitution. I never had ANY issues with what types of firearms are sold to folks, or what folks choose to possess and purchase, I was for no limits, which is clear in the "Self Defense" series of this journal/ blog. I myself started using firearms as a kid, and have alwayz been comfortable around them ... whether for hunting, recreation, competition, or packing defense. I used to do postings in this series of firearm reviews, which I havent done in a while, strictly because of these attacks, even though I still keep up with firearms, gun shows and such. I feel as a firearms and defense advocate, that I have a responsibility in this public blog, and in my community, to do this posting ... and feel that all firearms and defense advocates, including the NRA, should also feel a responsibility too. I am forced to change my stand on those limits, as far as sales to who, since we have such a serious problem, the amount of attacks, whether it is in schools, or public venues, workplace, etc ... is just too much, and not a thing has been done to change a thing. Listening to these victims, families, survivors, especially the kids, being a father and grandfather myself, breaks my heart too. I chose to open above with a quick video, of Cameron Kasky, face to face with Senator Rubio, this is the questions you ask, period. There is a petition above the top video too. Below, I included video and full transcript on President Trump's meeting with these folks to discuss the issues, and a couple videos below that of Emma Gonzalez face to face with NRA Spokesperson, Dana Loesch ... and the public rally speech Emma gave. This is about the American people, more than political highsiding ... after, I will add my input below.

***** WASHINGTON POST: Word for word: What everyone said when Trump met with students and parents to talk about guns ... (video/ transcript)

Shooting Survivor confronts NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch ... Thanx to CNN

Florida Student to NRA and Trump: 'We call BS' ... Thanx to CNN

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***** PD/ RCJ: "NOT COOL 4 SCHOOL" ... PART'S 13 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "SELF DEFENSE" ... PART'S 33 THRU 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

First off, concerning Senator Rubio's response to Cameron Kasky ... this is NOT an answer, you have a responsibility as a Senator, to the people, to answer straight ... this was just dancing around the question and fucking around, political player talk, which is why Kasky said he expected it. It's refreshing to see so many younger people, that are aware enough, and have the gumption to get straight to the point ... asking straight up where these folks stand on donations. The answer should be a simple yes or no, and as Cameron points out ... they can get the people to fund his campaign. After all Rubio's sales talk, he chose NOT to turn down NRA money, even if people supported him financially. Politicians on both sides, choose corporations and banks over the people, bottom line ... if they dont do what voters ask, vote them out ... no excuses. If the NRA is not doing anything to take responsibility and make needed change, and if you want change, as a candidate, since it is part of that same agenda ... you simply tell the NRA, that you are sorry, but if they cannot contribute to that change that a majority of people want ... you cannot accept their money, period. The NRA spent $50 million just on the presidential race in 2016, and 10's of millions more on lobbying/ legislation and other races, and spend in the 100's of millions annually across the board. In the $50 million presidential, they spent $31 million of that, strictly on the Trump push, being $11,438,118 in Trump support, and $19,756,346 to oppose Hillary Clinton ... that's a Hell of an expenditure. I was listening to NRA CEO, Wayne LaPierre yesterday addressing this, for being a CEO, he had nothing much to say or contribute, other than, basically arming teachers and putting armed officers in schools, saying there was a socialist conspiracy to disarm everyone, abolish the 2nd Amendment, etc, etc. There was an armed Sheriff's deputy at the school when the shooting was going down, he declined to intervene, while unarmed teachers put their lives on the line for these kids, that deputy resigned after. Good he resigned ... you take a job, you do and get the job done, eh? ... you have the experience, training, etc ... you dont fuck around and back down ... or just dont take the job, simple.

There are laws on the books, that are not even enforced as far as guns/ ammo sales, many loopholes, there is not enough safeguards and regulations. Putting some in place, and reforming legislation for such, IS NOT abolishing the 2nd Amendment, or taking away any rights of existing gun owners. Trump also in his meeting with folks, pushed the arming teachers thing (everyone was briefed before they went into the meeting), and this is the popular NRA and political solution/ stand. In a country this large ... where in Hell are you going to get the money? I mean, y'all are spending out the ass as it is, conservatives at that ... and pushing the only budget/ spending solutions, is to get deeper in debt, take it out of old folks Social Security or Medicare, milk working families more, etc ... while y'all are shelling out much of our taxes to CEO's, multinational billionaires and corporations, fighting wars for Arabs and oil companies, selling off our rights, lands, national treasures, and assets to multinational investors, etc. Be realistic, we dont have the money to lock down and arm all the schools, and teachers have enough of a job to begin with, than having to now also be unpaid cops/ soldiers. And if you did lock them all down, you would have what's like a communist state ... certainly y'all wouldnt advocate a commie agenda, eh? This should be no problem, to get legislation passed, with republicans having a majority, and a deal maker President, with a popular House Speaker and party organizer, Rep.Paul Ryan... that say, everything they want to do is for the "American People". You should be able to pass through reform, without one bit of democrat support ... even easier, than the trillion dollar tax reform and massive debt increase, that y'all were able to push through at lightning speed.

Bans on bump stocks, or restricting sales, tightening regulations on certain advanced rifles, to just any Joe/ Jane that walks in the store door or gun show, is not going to infringe on folks rights and ability to well arm themselves, simple. Not even raising the age for purchase from 18 to 21 is good enough, which the NRA even opposes ... it gives one determined to do a mass killing, an extra 3 years to plan and better detail, and psych themselves up, for their attack, and unfortunately as I write this, others are planning attacks too. As for the other talk about putting all the nut cases in mental health joints or whatever, again, where's the money and manpower to do it? And each shooter is different, even though this shooter (or terrorist), Cruz, was looked at as a lunatic ... he was also a Junior ROTC cadet and marksman shooter, he even targeted and killed fellow JROTC in his rampage, the NRA contributes equipment and related finance to the JROTC as well, for grooming and recruiting potential young officers for future military. Red Flags were a dime a dozen in this, and everyone from locals to the FBI, and the NRA missed it ... what is the problem there? Some folks just do not have the discipline and what it takes to be armed, even if they dont have a documented mental illness or criminal history, and should not even be recruited into military or law enforcement ... or even have access to arms, that is our problem as well. I dont have answers, but we have many folks with the will to demand change, and many ideas as well. We have a serious problem, and hundreds of millions of firearms, in this country alone. We have a pressured and angry society, who are squeezed, cheated, and pushed into a ratrace controlled by an oligarchy, with many social and economic issues, putting folks on the edge. We are not going to successfully get rid of arms, but we can really tighten ship and clean house. And we dont need politicians dancing around shit for more years, playing the same record with no results, and only talking about it for their political aspirations, it needs IMMEDIATE action, not years of debate. This is about the people of this country, and our children, which are our future.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. this is NOT an answer, you have a responsibility as a Senator, to the people, to answer straight ... this was just dancing around the question and fucking around, political player talk

    Rubio was scared. These politicians are as hooked on NRA money as any junkie on meth, and they've always been able to dodge being called on it. He wasn't prepared to be confronted so bluntly. I suspect they're also scared of the gun culture and the possibility of violence against themselves if they defy it.

    That's what we need, though, and that's why the students' militancy is so inspirational. The only way things will change is if the politicians beholden to the NRA get the shit scared out of them by the public. The only reason the money is valuable is that it helps them get re-elected. But if people get angry enough, they won't re-elect those politicians no matter how much money they have.

    Bans on bump stocks, or restricting sales, tightening regulations on certain advanced rifles, to just any Joe/ Jane that walks in the store door or gun show, is not going to infringe on folks rights and ability to well arm themselves

    I'd support such measures -- there's no real argument against them. It's like denying driver's licenses to people who show that they can't drive safely. However, I don't think those measures will really do much good. Would-be mass murderers will always find a way to get guns if they want them. The problem is a cultural pathology, and laws can't do much about that.

  2. I know you're right Infidel, as far as any wanna be mass murderer wanting to get guns, no matter what ... it's the truth. We are saturated with guns in this country, even if you dont go to a gun show or shop in Dallas for example, they have a street market, that has no control on it, except with the street dealers. Many of the guns used in crimes in Mexico, also come from the U.S. according to my sources for info. Like I said guy ... I really have NO ANSWERS. I just thought we can at least try to do "something", just try. Another thing that sickens me, is these "shooters" that go on these rampages for whatever reason ... they are the ones that fuck it all up for legitimate gun owners ... every time they go on one of these shooting sprees. It's just really fucked up! Thanx for your voice here Infidel

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