Wednesday, February 14, 2018

VALENTINE'S DAY BUDGET MASSACRE 2018: Cuts, Ruts ... & The Harvest Box of the Orange FOX ... The "Cut the Pork" Edition ... (SNAP CHALLENGE PT.5)- (POVERTY & DESPAIR PT.6)- (HOW TO PRIVATIZE AMERICA PT.17)

Image result for trump's 2019 budget

**** MoveOn Petitions- Stop Dismantling Social Security and Medicare

**** MoveOn Petitions: No cuts to SNAP (Food Stamps)

Trump's Budget Cuts Trillions From Programs For The Needy To Pay For His Tax Cuts ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

First off, Happy Valentine's Day to my wife, daughters, granddaughter, and ladies across America. Part of this posting's title was inspired by the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre (wikipedia) in 1929 Chicago. This posting will focus on this proposed 2019 budget of the Trump crew, and will serve 3 series of this journal/ blog. I chose Farron Cousins above for an intro rant, because he's right on the money ... and a couple petitions above that. It's in the "SNAP Challenge" series, because I am 100% opposed to ANY cuts whatsoever to SNAP (Food Stamps) especially, to help those with nutritional needs, and because SNAP is vital to our domestic economy and business across America ... I support, especially in this economy, even the expansion of SNAP. We should NOT have to depend on food banks, churches, and panhandling in the streets, to feed our own people, that's what we have taxes, fees, and people's government for. It's in the "Poverty & Despair" series, because this constant cuts to pay for giving more welfare to multinational corporations, that are drowning in record breaking profits as it is ... which is insanity, and putting the most vulnerable citizens/ workers of America, and our government/ voice/ democracy, into even a deeper rut. We alwayz hear from the wealthy, whining that working poor dont pay taxes ... they pay taxes on everything they do, buy, and spend, while fueling the economy, and more than most of y'all percentagewise. It's in the "How to Privatize America" series, because it is forcing us into a socioeconomic disaster, and making America weaker, and now having to depend on those who steal and recklessly use, or waste, much of our tax revenues ... to start dictating our lives and spending priorities more than ever, and removing all ownership of our country from the people.

A few links below on this recent budget proposals, and slippery transformation of SNAP ... of giving food boxes to SNAP recipients, of shelf- stable government canned and packaged foods, milk, meat, beans, fruit, etc (who will get that contract?) ... not fresh produce, as they are trying to paint this as, or the person receiving it, getting to choose foods. The NY Times piece has a view of the budget linked in it too. Also a link from the Philly Tribune, for those like myself, that remember the dayz of folks in lines to get their government surplus foods. And an importante video message below that, on how SNAP makes America stronger ... and for some bipartisan history, on how beneficial both Republicans and Democrats felt that the Food Stamp programme is to America, and why it was started. I will add my part below, and a closing music video from Svetlanas ... the song title "I Must Break You", is simple, as to what the people of this country need to do, as far as breaking the current political cesspool in Washington, to put up some kind of roadblock to this rape of America.

***** POLITICO: Trump pitches plan to replace food stamps with food boxes ... (newsread)

***** PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE: Government surplus food was an acquired taste ... (newsread)

***** NEW YORK TIMES: White House Proposes $4.4 Trillion Budget That Adds $7 Trillion to Deficits ... (newsread)

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities- "Making America Stronger: U.S. Food Stamp Program" (2007) ... Thanx to The Dole Institute of Politics

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Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp & wife, Rosalie

I havent read all the orange fox (Trump) budget, but just the first 32 pages I read earlier in the NY Times link, can be deceiving, with all kinds of talk about families, kids, workers, veterans, and being all about love for everyone. They say it's all about saving taxpayers money from excessive spending and waste ... this budget is exactly opposite of what it's being showcased as, and more full of shit than a sewage treatment plant! We are not going to save a buck, in fact, damn near every buck that we do get, will be also taken by the corporations. This recent, so called tax reform, and the couple thousand dollars or whatever we get cut from our taxes this year (if we do see much, or any ... usually that's bullshit too), will go in our pockets, and come out of our other pocket with lightning speed, because of all the rest it is going to cost us, just to please the big money that drafts all these proposals. You'll be lucky to get a month of child care expenses and some Happy Meals for the kids a couple weekends out of it. As far as reducing our debt ... not a damn thing they are doing will reduce our country's debt, and only dig us deeper into debt by the trillions if anything ... we'd be lucky to pay the interest alone ... everything is specifically designed to get us and other countries, deeper in debt.

This $200 billion for infrastructure is nothing but a teaser, it is designed to put damn near all the burden on the states individually. With state, county, and city budgets already strapped for cash on budgets in the red ... it will only lead to having the states have to raise even more taxes, fines, and fees on the people/ consumers, and much of that going to the mega investors, many being foreign investors, who will have almost exclusive ownership throughout America, of infrastructure, and much of our national treasures and assets. At the same time, it will depend too much on private investment from those who have all the money to invest, in turn, they will also have a whole list of fees, tolls, etc, that we will have to also pay, just to have access to the new infrastructure ... and they'll nickel and dime you to death. With government spending cuts to transportation, environmental, consumer protection, regulation/ oversight, public media access, and to even cut our ability to challenge in the courts any lawsuits or grievances we have. They are pushing the U.S. Supreme Court, to get rid of most negotiating power, and hand everything over to their corporate arbitration panels. It's a stab in the back to so many graduate students across America as well ... and to me, especially because of the global arena of competition we face, we should be giving 16 years of public education paid for to those who need it, as a necessity. When I was a kid, we knew it was importante to have 12 years of education, and we paid for it in government spending, 16 years is importante today, for decent paying jobs of today. This will NOT put private schools/ colleges out of business, but force them to be even more competitive.

***** U.S. National Debt Clock: Real Time

The talk we will hear most, is that there is no need for concern, because this budget as presented will never get passed. The concern though is, that such a massacre budget, will get many revisions, and without a strong challenge, will at least be a severe assault on America. Republicans in particular been planning for years, and publicly stating what they plan to do ... so this should be of no surprise to anyone who's paid atencion. They present such a drastic spending cuts proposal, not intending to get it, but to get as much of it as they can. Look at it like when you go into a court with a lawsuit with your attorney ... you ask for $5 million, but dont expect it, and know you're ready to accept half. Whatever they do get ... will be bad enough for us ... which is why I hope, that not a damn thing gets done up there ... cause anything will only be to favour corporate billionaire interests, with a few dog biscuits and leftover crumbs given to us. I agree that we need drastic spending cuts of the pork, but they can cut much of the welfare to billionaires and corporations, and those will still be billionaires ... and still raking in good profits. While they are handing out all these food baskets (America's Harvest Boxes) to even more families that get put out of living wage jobs ... they in Washington, sure as Hell are not going to cut their caviar, expensive wines, and steak luncheons, or their 10's of thousand dollar travel expenses, eh?

They say these food baskets are for concern over peoples nutrition, their love for us and our well being. Maybe some in Washington should divest from some of the junk food businesses they're invested in, and the pharma and insurance companies that capitalize off the sickness it brings, eh? Even food chain giants like Walmart and others are worried, and will be whining up a storm over these damn food baskets. Fear will spread throughout stock markets, sending some into sudden nose dives. The defense spending is even getting more insane by the year, and how much is actually defending us? We hear China is building up and may attack us, we need more nukes, etc ... China isnt going to nuke us, and these SOB's in Washington know it! ... the economic impact would hit China even worse than us ... this is silly shit! ... we have strong defense to challenge anyone as it is. Much defense spending is not to protect our country from attack, as much as it's to rape resources and fossil fuels, whether it's in the America's, Middle East, or Sub- Saharan countries in Africa. With the massive growing increase for demand of fossil fuels for energy needs, we are lucky to have enough to last for another 40 years, and they're NOT renewable. Take your budget scam book, and toss it in the paper recycle bin ... and dont waste any more of our time and money, printing more shit up like it.

Word Out ....

Svetlanas- "I Must Break You" ... Thanx to Svetlanas- Topic **** this will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY" part of this journal/ blog.


    Image result for government surplus canned pork



***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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