Thursday, May 24, 2018

AMERICA'S DELUSIONAL DISORDER: You CAN'T Make SENSE out of NONSENSE ... in a QUEST for The Best of Unachievable RIGHTEOUSNESS ... The "Intrusion by Delusion" Edition ... (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.10)- (HUMAN MORALITY PT.25)

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***** First of all, since this is a Texan's blog ... Congrats to former Dallas County Sheriff, Lupe Valdez, in her win tuesday night, to be the Democratic nomination for Texas Governor (HuffPost). Lupe will be the first openly gay and latina in Texas to be nominated and make this run for Texas Governor, who I supported, and will against Gov. Greg Abbott.

This posting will serve the "American Exceptionalism" and "Human Morality" series of this journal/ blog. This is to take a look at the current condition of America, you can say ... a look at the chipping away of our liberties too ... and it's so deep, at that. I know to some, I may sound a little extreme, when I call America a "semi puritanical society" ... which to me it is. I have looked at America this way for my entire adult life though, I mean, it's obvious ... you dont need an extreme, conspiracy, or left/ right mind to see it, just look at the restrictions in place, the correctness factors, and more liberated countries, etc. Today, from what I see happening, it's going backwards even more ... you dont even need a liberal viewpoint or media source to see this ... those on the right are being very clear, honest and open on their intentions. This posting was inspired mostly by Kali Holloway's piece in Alternet, and partly inspiring the title of this posting too ... Kali sum's it up fairly well. Also inspiring this posting, was Kalpana Jain's piece in The Conversation. I also included a few extras, with what is happening in a North Bend, OR school, to students that are LGBT ... and mind you ... Oregon is one of the most liberated states, if not the most, in the country ... this is how deep this virus of thought has spread. I also added a Vox link on what is happening all over the country right now, as far as a woman's right to choose, and what she will have to go through, as well as having control over their health needs. And below all that, a 20 minute video from John Oliver, Thanx to Kali Holloway ... it is comedy, and folks are laughing up a storm, however, what Oliver is talking about is true, and in reality, NOT VERY funny, if you are the victim of these con artist religious snake oil peddlers. To me it's disgraceful, what we legally allow these thieves in the name of "religion" to do, as well as giving them the tax exempt status ... and shameful that so many people in our country are buying their rubbish. Think of the thousands of people of faith, that have been basically milked and robbed blind by some of them.

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Kali Holloway                                Kalpana Jain

***** ALTERNET | KALI HOLLOWAY: Compared to Rest of World Americans are Prudish, Delusional and Selfish Religious Nuts: Study | Alternet ... (newsread)

***** THE CONVERSATION | KALPANA JAIN: How the religious right shaped American politics: 6 essential reads ... (newsread)

***** THE WORLD | COOS BAY: North Bend School District faces discrimination claims after LGBTQ students allegedly forced to read Bible for punishment ... (newsread)

***** VOX: Trump has helped inspire a wave of strict new abortion laws ... (newsread)

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) ... Thanx to LastWeekTonight





Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I agree with Kali as well on abstinence programmes, even though the amounts spent on this may seem little (Washington Post), compared to the billions that are redirected to corporate interests, and basically done to push through other crap in some bill that will gain possibly billions for corporations and the wealthy. As far as abstinence though, sex education, responsible sex, or whatever title ... obviously the President himself could use some classes ... do we see him attending classes/ programmes? Simply sex education and contraceptives access, statistically serves better than abstinence programmes. Yes, it is sad also ... that we are willing in this country, to spend so much money on stupid things that have proven to not work, and simply basing it on an ancient culture, societies, and doctrine, that does not address the issues that we face in the 21st century. It's like spending money on conversion therapy to try to make gays turn straight, then of course, even after they try to be straight, may relapse later down the road, and need more therapy, which = $$$$, or end up in a disappointing marriage and divorce (more $$$$) with someone they never had much sexually in common with to begin ... there is no goddamn sense in that. Although, the "sense" part, comes only to those making the money off this, and knowing that whatever they make you do, you will sin/ relapse, and come back for more therapy, etc. Very similar to how a mega church institution sets up their sin network ... some of these sins can be as simple as using caffeine, or even eating a specific food, clothing/ attire, or whatever. They know and admit that you are going to sin, or go against the rules, because you're human, they set themselves up as the only institution and negotiator between you and "their" concept of God, that can save you from all this (think of them like an insurance company), and keep you in their grasp for business. Like any corporate business, they need you, your weaknesses, habits, indulgences or anything, to "prey" for business (their food) ... while you "pray" to them for their help or guidance. You are creating a society to also be governed in thought by this increased quest for unachievable righteousness, while chipping away so many of the rights of folks ... that we have fought and died for over years to achieve in this country, throwing so much progress down the drain. At the same time, we are pigeonholing, whether teens, gays or women, which will increase inequality and discrimination, making them feel more segregated from society, than integrated in our society ... again ... going backwards.

As far as opportunity under this new wave of neoliberalism ... choice, freedom of market access or the rest, that too is obviously decreasing as we let these delusions control us. We also have to look at all the mergers that been allowed, and how our choices have been decreasing, as we are told that this is for our good. Our media access and free speech is under attack as well, this is also attacked by a President who prides himself on securing our rights and liberties ... while he on the other hand, is first in line to weaken and restrict our rights. Our local and state budgets are being drained by this same vermin, and telling us the patriotic thing to do is "shut up, and do what were told". Many of our environment and even public and consumer safeguards are being eradicated too, and much of our assets being sold off the the highest bidder. The whole purpose is for the big wealth holders to revive and enhance the master/ slave mentality, and why I call these powers in this journal/ blog the "3- entities" of control ... the religion is incorporated into capitalism and government/ military, the 3 work as one, for the sustained power of the few ... if you're religious ... look at them as "the evil trio". This certainly is a land of opportunity, and I myself know of folks over the years that have made their million, that started from nothing. However, the opportunity is far more hard to grasp than before ... the old saying that "opportunity knocks", is more and more unlikely due to various factors, today it does not knock, or even honk the horn as it drives by. Between the austerity, milking our taxes, driving down wages, removing overtime, the cost of living and bang for your buck ... we have been in a constant decline as a majority, in certain areas ... a small percentage are who made substantial gains, and much off the backs and misery of the majority. We need a complete overhaul to fit with the times we are in ... just like in the previous paragraph, explaining how ancient doctrines dont serve the needs we face today, the economy and markets of today are outdated as well ... and we are going backwards in those areas too. At the same time we are being programmed to think that we should do nothing but work till we drop, and that retirement and leisure should be taboo ... Congressman Greg Gianforte advocated to work like the biblical Noah character, who was building an ark at 600 years old (?) ... this kind of thinking advocates one to embrace an ancient slave mentality. Although past due, there is no better time than now to fight back against this vile intrusion on our society and minds ... organize, educate and resist ... we have nothing to lose, only can gain.

We are also a country, with so many veterans living on the streets homeless, and a President and Congress, that's even wanting to cut their entitlements, that they earned by putting their lives on the line for others, and their country's interests. Our current President Trump, a celebrity show hustler out of New York City, cutting and squeezing even the working people in the midwest and southern states that supported him most. A President that is a draft dodger, just like former President's Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (not technically "draft dodgers" by law, but pretty clear, they manipulated to avoid service in Vietnam) ... and as far as I'm concerned, I have a hard enough time even viewing President Trump as a "man", and Yes, I have been fair and gave him some benefit of doubt, since he was so targeted in media. They are quick to send others into war, but back down themselves ... when all they had to do, is do their service and claim themselves as a "conscientious objector" and be assigned something noncombative, you can do this, and still serve your country and military ... I mean, you cant even do "that much" for your country and these soldiers that display strength and commitment? A President, that is quick to discriminate against having gays in the military ... who couldnt even get up the heart to serve one day himself. What we are advocating by praising and kissing the asses of such ilk ... is that it is fashionable, I guess, to have the weak lead the strong? ... if so, that is our mistake. You (Trump) insult Senator John McCain (of his own party), for being captured by the enemy? ... does he NOT realize the amount of physical and mental strength McCain had to have to last through 5 years of this? ... how long would have Trump lasted? A President mind you, that has had more women than you can shake a stick at (not meant to criticize him for many intimate partners), various ladies have spoken out. But I would confidently assume, that even he, would use and encourage abortion (whether legal or not), through one of his private doctors, and probably have before, to any of the ladies that he got pregnant other than his wives ... then paying his lawyers to give them hush money too. So dont come off presenting yourself, with this bloody damn righteous piety image to the people of this country, because it makes you look more stupid than the masses that you think are stupid. Education, awareness, and publicly discussing these things, that are even clearly against what most value, are tools we can use to break the shackles of this delusional disorder, intentionally caused by this intrusion on our thinking.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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