Monday, September 24, 2018

CHINA'S BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE 2018: China's AMBITIOUS & SUSPICIOUS Vision and Decision ... Economic Imperialism or Capitalism on Steroids? ... The "Critical Geopolitical" Edition ... (CHINA THE SLEEPING GIANT PT.6)

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Children from Belt and Road countries sing out their gratitude ... Thanx to China Daily

This posting will be Part 6 of the "China The Sleeping Giant" series of this journal/ blog ... I opened above with a cute little promo video, even communist China is pretty good at marketing, eh? ... even running competition with Corporate Communist America {:-) It will be to look at the China Belt & Road Initiative (wikipedia), that is being called the "project of the century", among other things. Some are praising it and hoping China will "choose" their country to invest in and do business ... some are worried. I started this series in 2009, and have not done a posting in it since 2013, so this is to update the series, on what China has been doing ... I mean, we ALL know what America has been doing, eh? ... and China is a critical player to be recognized, especially to the U.S. It's admirable to me, what China has done just over the last half century, of course, the west and U.S. played a big role in making them the economic power that they are today too, and we are in debt to them ourselves. Just after World War 2, China was really having hard economic times and had a war torn country, so to be such a big player today is impressive. I admire as well, that at least they have some vision ... I wondered as an American, what our vision has been? ... well, it's pretty clear what America has been doing. Is this too much of a cost for China to handle? ... they will get other investments/ finance too, sure, they're taking a chance, and with the style of global economics today, they are bound to take some hits, as everyone else. A trillion dollars isnt too bad ... I look at the U.S., we had already spent $2 trillion to bomb, invade, rebuild, and take over Iraq, killing over 130,000 civilians, and that cost is still growing (Reuters), a recent piece here has death toll at a half million (HuffPost) ... of course Iraq has about I think $12% of world oil reserves, but what the Hell did the American people get out of it, besides several thousand of our military killed, and the costs? China is spending a fraction of what we spend, and not having to kill hundreds of thousands of people, or exhausting their defense budget or military health ... instead of bombing countries to win their support, they're offering to help them with infrastructure, etc.

Many countries are worried and suspicious about China's moves ... and of course, you should alwayz be, whether it's China or anyone ... so I have some links below for views on this, and what is currently going on. Is anyone suspicious about America, when they go in to some of these countries and takeover all the resources and political structure?, I dont hear enough about that. Many are concerned over the human rights thing, China has a poor history on that too. Were in bed though, with a President, dancing with Saudi's wealthiest, swinging their swords around, a country who has even more horrible public executions of their own people than any major country on Earth, so cut the bullshit about how evil China is. While the U.S quietly supports Saudi- UAE forces that are slaughtering thousands in Yemen, with a shitload of human rights violations (NY Times). Who made the trade deals with China here in the U.S.? what western corporations benefited and how many folks got rich off of Chinese products and labour? ... stop being so blatantly hypocritical for a change America. We couldnt have consumed all the junk we have from China and made y'all so rich without China. China is charging interest that many folks may not be able to repay? ... they do the same thing in America ... why all this bloody damn humanitarian love talk and so forth we have to hear out of our own country. Where are all our (American) multi- millionaires and billionaires with their philanthropic "tax haven/ shelter" foundations, as far as helping even our own people that slave for them and make a fortune for them? China took over 800 million Chinese people out of extreme poverty, while extreme poverty has increased in the U.S. ... a communist government at that. And the Chinese government has been spending an enormous amount on their own infrastructure, while our government has been neglecting ours. They say China executes so many prisoners, which I'm sure is more than the U.S.. But the U.S. has twice as many prisoners in a country (U.S.) with a quarter of China's population. Because in the U.S., prisoners make folks rich, as you can see HERE, HERE, and HERE, and American corporations thrive on our prison industry, as well as keeping people returning to prison, to keep their profits up, if we executed as many as China, they would be out of business, eh?

China is just capitalizing on what they learned and got an invitation to from the west ... they are doing what any country does to try to strengthen and secure their country in a globally corrupt system, because if they didnt, they would get shit on and used more ... that is how the world worx in our system ... we created it, not the Chinese. Are they in bed with Russia? ... of course, they are neighbours, but that doesnt mean they trust each other. I feel that the reason why North Korea has been loosening up, is because China put their foot down with them, and told them to chill, if they want to be a future player in the global arena and have China's support, I dont think it had a damn thing to do with Trump, nor do they fear someone like Trump, who is nothing but a bag of hot wind. China is criticized by America for their one party communist government, and criticized, saying that no country should dictate? What has the U.S. become? ... a neoliberal economics one party system, divided into a left and right by billionaires, with the banks and corporations dictating not only our country, but many other countries ... these bastards wont even let our country negotiate pharmaceutical drug prices, or let the American people choose a damn thing as far as their health care, to even our taxes we pay, on what they get spent on. Again, our neoliberal corporate/ banking loves China, BUT, they will not be totally happy until they dissolve and transform the government of China as is. Why? ... because China actually has state owned banks and stronger government to deal with ... and has guidelines for doing business with folks in the global arena, unlike America, where our Congress falls to their knees singing praise and thanks the minute any of them from Wall Street walk in the door on Capitalism Hill (aka "Capitol Hill"). A few years back when President Obama stated while trying to push the TPP trade deal (a trade package I was also opposed to), that "if we dont write the trade rules, China will" (similar wording) ... Obama was right. So we are in a spot now, that if we dont kiss the asses of our corporate/ banking masters night and day ... we will be at the mercy of the Chinese? ... you know, fuck you both in Washington and Wall Street, it's because of you bastards up there, why we are in this predicament.

Word Out ....

China's One Belt One Road Could Make Or Break This Poor European Country (HBO) ... Thanx to VICE News

***** THE GUARDIAN | NEWS: What is China's Belt and Road Initiative? ... (newsread)

***** THE ECONOMIST: China's belt- and- road plans are to be welcomed- and worried about ... (newsread)

The New Silk Road: China's Route to Europe? | DW English ... Thanx to DW English




Image result for china's belt and road initiative artwork



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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