Friday, February 5, 2010


What inspire's this posting in this journal .... is the endless amount of coverage this is getting in all media's .... so ... on an issue like this ... I do a post and give my opinion. There was a ton of video's I could have posted here, but I didnt post any .... because many are too soft on this and not painting an entire picture, that I have seen in the network's .... and would only contaminate my post from focusing on a few point's I wanted to. I can only hope that our government doesnt have to spend much time, money or effort on this, and it doesnt become some kind of political international bargaining chip of sort.

Bottom line for the record .... you have 10 American missionaries who were trying to take 33 undocumented children across the border into the Dominican Republic, and didnt succeed .... held in custody now of Haitian authorities and charged with so far .... Kidnapping Children ... which under Haitian law does NOT allow bail, and can carry a maximum penalty if convicted by a jury of up to life in prison, then a charge of Criminal Association that carries a sentence of 3 to 9 year's. According to the Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive .... the judge in this case has 3 month's to decide whether to prosecute or not ... and if they prosecute, it will be up to a jury to decide whether or not these missionaries were acting in good faith. Also Prime Minister Bellerive said that the Haitian Government is open to possibly the idea of having them tried in US Court's.

So far I have seen in video's nothing but sad puppy dog face's and whining from these missionaries being detained. In their defense I will add that it is said that some of the parent's of these children willingly gave up their children to them .... based on what they were told about the children being taken to a "better life", I want to be fair here .... and it's not like these folk's were abusive kidnapper's out to kidnap children like a pedophile would. However I do question what exactly they "told" the parent's? Or even offered any of them? In other word's ... was their any "trickery" involved? I cant help to see this though as these folk's being rightfully charged under Haitian Law. And when you take on these sort's of mission's in foreign land's ... whether it is in "good faith" or not ... you understand ... or should ... that there is a certain amount of risk. I can understand the familia's concern and miseries as well of the missionaries ... I have a cousin who live's in Oceanside,CA (between LA and San Diego)who is one of these missionaries for a catholic church group, and I would be upset to a degree if she was detained in a foreign country. But the bottom line is .... you are aware that there are risk's.

I have seen folk's on this internet with many different angle's and opinion's .... and even throwing in that it is racially motivated on the part of the Haitian Authorities because they are white American missionaries .... but I never hear anyone griping about these white American missionaries who take an endless amount of photo-op's and media interview's when back in the State's with these "children of color" they "pose" with every opportunity given ... and all the back patting they wallow in, and loving from the so called liberated masses on how "great" they are .... or how "good" they are ....and all the tax exempt benefit's they savor and other glory. So I cant help to wonder if any of this has other motivation factor's? I never agreed with the idea of going into any foreign land and telling people they are right or wrong .... or that I am good and doing whatever I do for their good. I believe that many of our foreign relation's are in peril simply because of our nosing in other's territories and affair's as I have endlessly posted throughout this journal. If I choose to help a nation ... I will send them food or arm's to defend themselves .... and only if they show mutual respect for us ... I wont send in missionaries to tell them how they are wrong, or to try to reform or change them, or send in our finest military to fight their war's so that we have strategic geographic advantage's over other neighboring nation's or to occupy, or to use their people for cheap corporate immigration and labour and/ or to drain their natural resources for our consumption. Which is what we have an awful track record of doing. And we wonder with all our "love" we shell out ... why so many group's retaliate and disrespect us ... and clearly use us every way they see they can? Are we that blind to be so unaware of the miseries we create on our own?

As far as these missionaries being detained in Haiti .... NO ... absolutely NOT would I even try to encourage the Haitian Government to let us hold the legal proceeding's on US soil ... or try to politically take advantage of this with some of our representation, who will if they figure it can get them some publicity or vote's. Nor would I intervene in any way ... or spend a dime of taxpayer's money in defense of any of these detainee's. It's not MY COUNTRY and not my business when people whether they are American or not go into these countries and violate law's, knowing that there can be consequence's. The Haitian Government has been very "gracious" in my opinion ... allowing them 24/7 access to outside representation, and contact with their familia's. Nor would I waste much of our representative's time with this mess, because they are paid to do a "job" in America .... and it would be nice to see them do more of that.

As far as advice or word's to those being detained and their loved one's ... I reckon I would just tell them to embrace their "faith". Most of these folk's will say they are doing what they do in "good faith" and have unlimited faith in God .... that IS why they go on these "mission's" ... is it not? Well then .... pray and hold dear to your faith, and God will pave the way he see's fitting ... okay? Case closed.

Enough said ...........


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

After seeing the "missionaries" on the news a few times now, I feel better about commenting.

The head missionary gal acts like an ass. As if her shit don't stink or something. Our country owes her nothing. Everyone is warned that they are under the laws of the country they're visiting. I don't want my tax dollars bailing her out.

Infidel753 said...

I didnt post any .... because many are too soft on this

I guess you mean they focus too much on the missionaries' viewpoint -- the "missionary position", so to speak.

I haven't been following this story very much, but people like this remind me of vultures -- descending to pluck a few morsels/converts from the body of a devastated country.

Ranch Chimp said...

Actually Mr.Truth ... I am right on the same page with ya!

Personally ... I think she is nothing more than a small time scammer.

Thanx for stopping buy .........

Ranch Chimp said...

Focusing on the missionairies "viewpoint and position" ... exactly Mr.Infidel. The term you use "vulture's" is most fitting in these cases as well. And of course .... these type's love misery ... like as you mentioned "devasted countries" ... their favourite vacation spot's, and not for the sunny clime's and beaches either.

Thanx for your voice Guy .......

Prash said...

i see

Ranch Chimp said...

Senor Prash!! ......WAAAAAASUP GUY?!! BTW .... you spelled "see" wrong, in Texas we spell it "si". :)