Monday, April 9, 2012

WANKOUT 2012: ... For THOSE about to WANK ... Take that Puppy out and Get to YANKIN !! ... A Rick Santorum Inspiration (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT. 19)

This Part 19 of the "Sexploitation Nation" series will be to look at the latest masturbation campaign called "WankOut 2012" ... this campaign was inspired by Presidential candidate Rick Santorum , and brought to you by the actor's in the adult entertainment film industry. Some read and video below, then a lil ole wank of my own on this : )

***** RT/ QUESTION MORE: Santorum inspires porn stars to launch masturbation campaign ... (newsread)

Porn Stars Speak Out About Wankout 2012 ... Thanx to RTAMERICA


First of all my heart and best wishes goes out to Rick Santorum and familia on his daughter Bella's recovery , and I sincerly mean that being  a father and grandfather myself, having to campaign under those condition's must be tough ... this also tell's me that this man is sincere and devoted ... not just as a father ... but to his value's and what he stand's for. In fact, through watching ALL the GOP candidate's ... Rick Santorum actually seemed the most sincere to me, then of course Ron Paul as another ... Gingrich and Romney remind me of a phoney and will say anything that sell's, with just a plastic type personality ... I really mean that as well.

But also I am a devoted man, who sayz what's on my mind, so that is why I reckonize those like Rick ... he's for real. Most of my familia is catholic, and a fairly good size familia at that. But the problemo that I have as a voting free American is that he simply cant keep his religion out of the workplace (office) ... we live in a diverse nation, with many value's, culture's, religion's, and various relationship's were involved in. Folk's like Rick and other's in his alignment of belief's say they are under attack constantly by liberal's trying to cram what they look at as trash down their families throat's. But understand in a democracy like our's, you have "choice" to read or view what you choose, if you dont like the education system as well that your children may be in, you can alwayz send your children to a different school that your familia approve's ... it's as simple as changing the channel on the tele.

The thing is, if your so obsessed with one agenda, how could you possibly represent the country as a whole? And what Rick does also lack is true bipartisanship ... in this area ... the President (Obama) we have now outdoes ALL candidate's, President Obama has displayed TRUE bipartisanship across the board, despite any few thing's that I have disagreed with him on. A man like Mr. Santorum simply would be more harm than good to a nation like our's ... despite he mean's well. And frankly if it werent for folk's like Rick attacking folk's liberties, especially for adult entertainment ... you wouldnt hear much of anything about adult film entertainment. Chastity Lynn in the above video sum's it up simple and to the point, when she sayz that candidate's such as Rick (and all these candidate's) ... havent even focused enough on this countries need's and issue's ... it's all attack's on the President, or support for corporate interest's only, mudslinging, and petty useless shit that does nothing to change or make America any damn better.

As I have pointed out before, one of the reason's we have so much exploitation of women, children and other's ... is because of how obsessed we are with what other's do in their sex lives, and trying to persecute and criminalize everyone, and both the right and the left have affiliate's that are at it in this nation. Even marriage is different to many as to what it represent's and has alwayz been throughout history  ... I remember once as a teen when I worked and lived in a brothel , I thought it strange that so many of our client's were married ... and Danielle said to me something like ... "There's and old French saying Tommy (she spoke it in French at first, then in English) ... marriage can be difficult between a couple, and 3 can make it better" ... this is part of some of the French culture and thinking. In this nation when we find out our married neighbour's are gay or watching adult entertainment, swinger's and meeting other couple's, use sex service's or just whatever ... we get so bent out of shape and start acting like little children over it and just get so obsessed with what other's are doing. Why?

But if anyone complain's about this masturabation campaign, especially someone like Michele Bachmann , ya'll are the one's like Rick that are the inspiration for this ... without so much attack on those ... they wouldnt start a campaign to yank it out, crank it up, and wank it out.

Wank (Word) Out ....



  1. Now there's an observance worth marking one's calendar for (I'm already sick of hearing about Easter).

    Sick Rantorum is certainly not the first right-wing politician to inspire mass masturbation, though. The amount of spooge wanked forth by fundies to fantasies of Bachmann and Palin over the last three or four years would probably be enough to end the Texas drought.

    As for banning porn, that would work about as well as banning alcohol during Prohibition did. Less, now that we've got the internet.

  2. Howdy Infodell ... Easter? ... didnt catch much about that myself, but reckon it's over now. I'm sure Rick wasnt the first or the last to inspire such ... as far as the Texas drought (West Texas' agricultural area) ... anything will help from above or below (the waist that is : ) As far as Palin and Bachmann ... yes, I remember hearing that they had a thing for masturbation in some form as well, if I recall correctly ... both women look great to me as well! so either could inspire a gentleman's erection, they sure as Hell would for me ! : ) Porn or entertainment with adult theme's and satire have been in this country historically in some form of art or literature since the early start of this nation from what I gathered too. Due to the suffering economy in California, the adult entertainment has carried alot of weight on it's shoulder as a Southern California industry too ... this is one case where you can mix business with pleasure I reckon : )

    Thanx for your input here Infodell ....

  3. Sick Rantorum just announced he's dropping out of the Presidential race. I guess everyone can now wank freely with no fear of the Republican Wank Police.

  4. No Infodell ... I didnt eve know that Santorum was out of the race, but he still has this anti- sexuality campaign of sort regardless, and folk's will continue to protest attack's on their liberties, candidate's or not. All these people like Rick and them indirectly promote the exploitation of innocent's in underground/ blackmarket sex, drug addiction/ abuse, and other harmful issue's in our societies, whether they realize it or not.
