Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BUNNY RANCH'S BOOMY & BUSTY BUSINESS ... Getting a Bang for your B(f)uck ... "RECESSION CONCESSION'S" (America's Prostitute's PT.6) ... for Ms. Candie Cane

Brothel helps its prostitutes pay off tens of thousands in student ...

Part 6 of the "America's Prostitute's" series will be to take a look at what is somewhat a recession- proof business ... at least to an extent that is ... which is the brothel/ sex industry ... interview's with Bunny Ranch owner and director Mr. Dennis Hoff, Ms. Caressa Kisses and other employees at the classic Nevada ranch "Moonlite Bunny Ranch" and their lives, business, etc. I also wanted to dedicate this posting to a young lady and entrepreneur that's fairly new to this trade, here in the neighbourhood that goes by the name of Ms. Candie Cane ... some video news below, then a few words to add here.

Brothels: the recession- proof business ... Thanx to RT AMERICA

Brandi Hitt- Bunny Ranch- KTLA (02- 16- 12) ... Thanx to DOLLS OF THE NEWS

The "Moonlite Bunny Ranch" has been around a long time, since 1955 (were the same age), so this certainly isnt something new in America, and because it survived financially in the good and the bad of financial time's and recession's, etc (and we havent had to bail them out, that's more than I can say for some, eh?) ... there is no doubt that this business is strong and somewhat secure for those who are the entrepreneurial type's ... a concession that should be damn well acknowledged  by now, but "NOPE" ... folk's still want to play game's, shuffle shit around and under the rug, just like they do with other issue's such as same sex marriage or whatever with their petty debate's and nonsensical bitch fight's that also for year's have proven themselves to get nowhere. And of course the left and the right are no different collectively on this ... even as you can see below in the link ... Sen. Harry Reid even want's to outlaw what brothel's are left, this remind you coming from a man who was raised around their industry and fed off the money that came from that industry as a child ... obviously the man forgot where he came from or something, and started on his new crusade of sort. This is one of the reason's why I also push this issue in this journal ... and I am one that never forgot where I came from ... I owe this to folk's who have been good to me ... and NO ... I AM NOT ASHAMED ... perhap's Mr. Reid is, I dont know.

Also wanted to do this posting for a young lady here in the neighbourhood that inspired it, who goes by the name of "Candie Cane" (not her real name though) ... and I also inspired the name she chose to take ... being she is fairly new to this type work, she is independent, and was using her real first name, she referred to herself as a popsicle for choosing a name, joking around ... and I asked her ... how about something like "Candie Cane"? ... she grabbed it basically. But Candie's story is typical Americana too ... she was late 20's, been married a few year's, really getting it together as far as their home and alot of credit, waiting to have kid's in a couple year's etc, etc. Her husband (I cant mention his name either) was a plumbing contractor, also in his late 20's and done pretty damn good in it on his own, who unfortuantely died at a young age accidentally. Candie was left with a shitload of expenses/ bill's ... and didnt want to give up anything they had accumulated and paid for ... and she also didnt want to go belly up on what credit they did have, or file bankruptcy, etc. She had a decent  job working at a nice restaraunte ... but the money didnt nearly cover what she needed to pay for what she/ they have, she basically decided to go solo and moonlight dating guy's, because she heard it was at least decent cash, and did so.

Candie was going about this all the wrong way too, and primarily because there IS NO established legal businesses for those who choose this business to go to, unless you go into working at the various men's club's/ cabaret's around town to dance, which is difficult to get into after 21/ 25 year's old, and even there you cannot work openly, because actual sex for money is still illegal in Texas, so it's all done on the sly, yet, a very busy industry as well here ... but all kept under the rug, cop's being paid off, etc, etc ... a racket in other word's, unlike Dennis and partner's business in Nevada, and that is the only safe and decent way here as far as business ... you cant go to the street's, and all that you find damn near on the street's these dayz are addicted to hard drug's, desperate, and it's become very dangerous out there, STD's running rampant, etc.

She is just one of many women who never worked this in a professional way, and also not knew people in this trade, etc ... which make's her vulnerable. She had only a few regular client's, so it wasnt a hustling type business ... she stood with them since the start about a year back, but wanted to explore other possibilities. One of her client's that she date's regularly for at least a year, got kind of attached, and kind of demanding of her ... and to me, is just showing sign's of possible danger ... and she need's to get away from a guy like this, because he can be unstable and possibly get angry, hurt her or whatever. She tried to make it clear that she didnt want that kind of relationship, etc ... but he has been watching her like a fox watches a henhouse ... and that is not good, he also didnt like her dating other guy's ... this built over a year of her seeing him. You see ... these folk's have nowhere to turn, when you keep this shit illegal and in the closet basically. So I have tried to give the lady some tip's to help her as far as keeping safe in this business, at least as long as she does it ... you MUST be alert. This is also the reason why you have so much drug addiction and women being hurt, beaten, robbed and raped who work the street's, as far as where this reporter for KTLA above talk's about the danger's, STD's, addiction etc, etc that it lead's to. The bottom line is ... you wouldnt have half these bloody danger's if you just acknowledged that this business need's to be legalized and have some oversight from our government's. You wouldnt even have this around children or school's if you just legalized it and made zoning and districts for this ... the "danger's" for the women/ men, children, and our communties across America, come's from "us" and our reluctance to deal with this issue.

Word Out ....

***** POST NOTE: I say above for government's (local, state, federal) to have a hold on it as far as rules, law's, regulation's, etc ... because you DONT want this to get into the hand's of the mega corporation's and bank's if it became legal nationwide ... you can see what they do as it is clearly, and how they just basically rob all the wealth in this country from the people. You see ... this is alwayz why I advocate strong government and oversight, because that is actually supposed to be the "voice and representation" of the people, not a few wealthy thieves that have monopolies on everything, they basically contaminate everything they get their hand's on and ruin it, commercialize it and destroy even the entrepreneurial spirit and just buy out everyone by keeping us desperate and at each other's throat's, politically, financially, and socially. And their so uncreative, that whatever they touch become's a bore, their almost without any actual skill's, they even fuck up the stock market's ... or a wet dream for that matter.



***** PD/ RCJ: DENNIS HOF and the "RANCH BUNNIES", Take On "NANNY OF THE MONTH" (Feb. 2011) SEN. HARRY REID (Sexploitation Nation PT.4) **** related posting with Dennis and Karmen interview


Rolling Stones & Sheryl Crow- Honky Tonk Women ... Thanx to ACHATSCHEIBE **** I wanted to dedicate this fitting video/ song to Dennis and company of the Stones classic "live" with special guest, the knock out beautiful and talented musician/ songwriter Sheryl Crow. Dennis inspired the Stones song in the video above where he said "Puerto Rican girls just dyin to meet you" which are Stones lyrics from the song "Miss You".





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