Monday, November 2, 2015

RON WISEMAN: A Conservative Texan's view of Democratic Socialism, Capitalism & Bernie Sanders ... & Charlie Rose interview with Bernie ... The "REASON ... not Treason" Edition ... (From The FOXHOLE with Bernie PT.29) & (TRUTH or TREASON PT.25)

Real Change | Bernie Sanders (this is his first tele ad) ... Thanx to Bernie Sanders

This posting will serve both the "From The FOXHOLE with Bernie" and "Truth or Treason" series of this journal. Below I linked some read from a Texas Conservative professional and his newest support for Bernie Sanders because of his experiences in America and how he went on the downslope and lost so much through no fault of his own, but simply because of what America has become in recent years ... when basically America and Texas failed him, and how contacts in Germany at least helped him climb back to being what he can. What has America become? ... listen to Florida Congressman Alan Grayson in this video for example on trade, jobs and business. I cant tell you a thing about this man Ron Wiseman or can say how straight his story is ... what I can tell you though, is what you hear/ read him talk about below in the link is a reality that many middle class and even upper middle classes across our country face these dayz, people who are so essential to our economy and productive Americans ... so the read/ testimony by Ron Wiseman I thought was compelling and good food for thought as far as what this country is up against.

The 2nd link is a full length video of Bernie just a week ago with Charlie Rose, an intimate type conversation/ interview where Bernie get's questioned on exactly where he stand's on what issues, why, and tries to paint a more clearer picture of what Democratic Socialism is, since the word socialism in general is so misread by American politipop culture, basically programmed into us through multi- national corporation and banking propaganda. This video interview with Bernie has to be the best I seen so far, because Charlie Rose really presses the issues (no journalist sugar- coating) and get's Bernie to discuss in detail everything, from banking corruption to foreign military intervention. Interviews like this to me are far more importante when looking at choices than any debates, because it forces candidates to either not be direct in their answers or be totally direct, and forces policy details of the candidate. Bernie makes himself very clear and solid, with no indirect answers that leave you in question on where he stands and has stood. After I will add a few words of my own at the bottom of this posting.

***** QUORA.COM: In what ways does Bernie Sanders appeal to conservative voters? ... (read from Ron Wiseman and others)

Bernie Sanders interview with Charlie Rose (10/ 2015) ... Thanx to Manufacturing Intellect


***** PD/ RCJ: "From The FOXHOLE with Bernie" PART'S 28 THRU 1



Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp", "Commie Tommie" & "Skool" (short for old school) to kid's locally

Just awhile back in late May I believe, I attended a high school graduation by the neighbourhood over here at a sports arena in Addison, it was a fairly good size crowd, seating about 8,000 and was a full house. Before it all, a student recited the "Pledge of Allegiance" and just about everyone stood, put their hand over their heart/ chest, looked at the flag, etc ... you know the routine. This was the first time in my life that I would not do such or care to recite it, it was the first time where I actually was able to view thousands (I was way up in the top stands and had a great view of all below) that just seemed to routinely go along, of course part of the ceremony formality or whatever, but listening closely to the words ... I thought it was insane ... thinking to myself ... "you got to be kidding" ... of course I didnt tell anyone I was with what I was thinking, or did they pay any atencion to my not facing the flag with my hand over my heart. Dont misread me here though, I actually love my country and care about it, but what these oligarchs and their high paid political mouth pieces have been doing to it and expecting us to praise them, their actions, injustice, robbery, etc ... I just say "fuck them" ... I mean, lets face it ... they're no different than a bunch of thieves, it's bad enough that many of our Congressional mouth pieces pay homage to them and their corrupt wayz, and even squander our taxes on them ... I'll be damned if I will ever salute them. These people are basically treasonists who use our country, flag and Constitution against us and disgrace what America stands for ... there is no "reason" or logic supporting anyone who has clearly shown to be the enemy of our country, business/ economy and people. As an American voter like millions of others in these times, what I'm looking for in candidates is very simple and not asking too much ... that is to have leadership not just based on experience or popularity, but leadership that will at least actually try to FIGHT BACK.

Again we are facing a very critical election, even more critical than after the 2008 financial crash, I mean, we lost so much as far as our freedoms after that and left us with a drained economy from the Bush/ Cheney administration and the loss of millions of jobs, and locked in to endless war while kissing Saudi Arabia's ass and everyone but America. Now because our elections are so rigged and corporate paid/ sponsored, we have a new challenge, we need new leadership to address the newest challenges, plain and simple. As a voting Democrat myself these dayz, I get sick of hearing about any Democrat is better than a Republican, there is a certain amount of truth to that, but only to a degree ... for the last year in most controlled MSM, the Democrat Party establishment has said basically that the only choice is already picked, and Bernie basically is ignored for the most part, as insignificant or unsuitable. I mean, dont feed me that shit that if I dont vote for just any Democrat that the pop culture of the establishment Democratic Party endorses, I will fall into Hell or eternal poverty, slavery, etc, etc ... that's no different than telling me I have a choice of 2 poisons to take ... Strychnine or Cyanide. Bernie Sanders is the clear alternative choice that at least has a fairly strong following ... fuck what the landline over age 50 poll's tell you, or if you dont do this or that you're doomed and will suffer more misery,  what Katy Perry or some other celebrity tell's you, etc ... vote for what is in your heart that your gut instinct tell's you is straight, and forget the other nonsense ... give your vote to someone who deserves it and has a record like Bernie Sanders of being in the trenches and fighting tooth and claw for change. Bernie, if he doesnt get the nomination may not want to run as an independent 3rd Party contender (which I understand, being that his ambition/ goal is to not take Democrat votes away to challenge the GOP) ... but IF he loses because of some shady actions in vote counting or something else foul on behalf or instigated by the establishment Democrat Party ... you can bet, that many voters who support him, will use their own head and vote for an alternative, regardless of what kind of rubbish they are fed. If he loses FAIRLY ... well that is "truly" the peoples/ voters choice ... I myself think he has a good shot, or else I wouldnt have spent the last 5 years or so promoting him with his own series in this journal.

Word Out ....




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** RCJ/ THOMAS PICKERING: GOOGLE+ (video posts)

***** THE RESISTANCE/ PERIL'S OF THE POWER POSSE (inspiration for hope & change) ... to be viewed as a "profit- see", not a "prophecy".



  1. Hi. I happened upon your post by googling, 'Ron Wiseman politics' (I was looking for more of his political commentary- I'm a follower of his on Quora). As I read your post it struck me that it was written 4 years ago and we're still fighting the powers that be to get through the propaganda with the truth. I was curious to know your take on where we are today. Thanks. #Bernie2020 #StillSanders

  2. Hey Michelle ... yeah, we're still fighting ... but when I look back over the years, and history of American politics ... I can't remember a time when we were not fighting for ourselves. Where we stand? ... well ... I think we're in worse shape than we've been since I been on this blog (a decade) ... it frankly doesn't look very good, politically. I feel that we have some really good people in politics, many that have good intentions and ideas ... but the establishment of both parties is overpowered by corporate interests, and big money, the SCOTUS "citizens united" ruling was also devastating, and I feel that they were also influenced by these powers now, and serving the neoliberal agenda. I vote Democrat, even tough I'm independent in thought, because I'm also conservative on some things, such as fiscal responsibility/ spending, although I'm for increasing things like food stamps and housing for lower income people, I feel it's good for business, because it gets spent here, food stamps generates local business ... affordable housing would be a huge market, because there is more of a demand for it, than these higher costs private housing developments. I'm pro- defense (defending our country, not invading and slaughtering millions for corporate interests), but our defense spending is ridiculous, to where we must be the laugh of the world, but all these largest corporate interests, are too big, including healthcare, to where our GDP is entirely dependent on it. Take an issue like Medicare for All ... a majority of Americans want it, or something similar, and democrats, because of elections, sure are pressing it good, but it's not very likely that we will get it, I hope that I'm wrong ... but even if Democrats won a majority in both houses and even the Oval Office, as long as we have corporations ONLY, drafting all the legislation, it won't happen, period. I'll be voting Democrat this year, only because, the republicans are so lousy, and dems are the only strong enough party to stand in their way. And I also feel this is all by design, the corporate money made the republicans far right, and made the democrats a more moderate type right ... because neoliberal economics are the only interests that are being served, not the people or country. I don't believe, the way I see it now, that we will get any significant change, unless we get more progressives in the democratic party, that make moves that result in some sort of forward progress. Or, all Hell will have to break loose in our country, or, if the democratic party don't change, and republican stay as is, we get a new peoples 3rd party, that will actually motivate people to vote. Many folks don't really have much to vote for, eh? except voting against which party you hate worse. I'm able to vote, so I vote, you know? ... I do it for my country ... not for myself ... no President of political party done anything that had any impact on my life. I like Elizabeth Warren, because her track record ... but even progressives are not liking her much ... I don't think she can save the world, but if we only got a fraction of what she proposes, it would be significant. The establishment democrats complain that Berniecrats are "purests" ... but the establishment democrats are even purests, and moreso ... they use superdelegates, and when they choose/ anoint a candidate, anyone that doesn't support the candidate, is treated like trash ... they play their games in the DNC, while republicans do their gerrymandering, they are both guilty of the same. Thanx for your voice here, Michelle
