Monday, June 7, 2010

2010 Show, Part 3: Voting for "your" benefit, Lying to Yourself, and Looking for "Miracle's" ....

A writer and artist/ musician Mr.Anton Szandor LaVey once wrote something like .... "Human's are about the only animal that can lie to themselves, and actually believe it", well, similar wording, and so true. I was still a kid when I read this .... and never seen one reason to dispute it .... our great intellectual development has a flip side to it as well, in other word's .... we look for "miracle's" ... and even though reality slap's us in the face daily, we listen to all the horseshit and sap it up like starving dog's and glutton's for punishment. We listen to pointless political rhetoric dished out to us by political flunkies .... and become dazzled with nonsense, to where we get intoxicated and trapped in a state of delusion's. Those who dictate to us know this .... so in a way .... we damn well deserve what we get. We are so deluded with this nonsense that we forgot the nature of the species. There is no doubt that trying to free ourselves from this psychological mess, and those who enslave us and our mind's is an uphill battle, after all .... they are those who dictate this mess to their advantage. But .... we are mostly responsible for our punishment .... because of our failure to act and actually accept change, voting is an important step. I am not saying here that either of these polarizing side's is worth a shit ... but one will make the ride a little smoother on what's to come. (Part's 1 and 2 of "2010 Show" here)

Right now we have alot of bitching and finger pointing from the right and left on this administration, even the talk of how he (Pres. Obama) is not angry or tough enough from the left, and the right blaming of course everything they got us into through the previous administration on him and it. Getting this President elected was important, and why I been supportive of him since back when , and trying to push out the dem's in 2010 will be a mistake. No one in most of our political structure, really give's a shit about the people if you want the truth .... they only care about their political agenda's and ability to gain power .... and even though they constantly talk about how they want change .... are in more fear of change than the average person. Everything is bullshit, from the health care reform (more BS) , to all this nonsense about immigration reform, border security, trade policies and what have you .... to even the horseshit about the recession , job's etc, etc .... the struggles American worker's are having today will be the same and most likely intensify a few year's more to come. Sure you will be fed pie chart's and figure's month to month on a couple hundred thousand job's created here and there, etc. .... But the math will show you that, that even will take time to recover in any significance. But at least creating job's is better than losing job's .... but we cant expect goddamn miracle's, from anyone of these side's .... this mess .... which could be much worse, took a long time to get into, and it wont just get better overnight. And when we do go into a full recovery .... stop believing nonsense that the American Dream is still what it was in the mid 20th century ... it never will be that way the way we do thing's and the current state of the globe .... it's over ... period, so we will see the dream change as well.

Another issue here is .... we are so quick and anxious to "get back to normal" .... ever wonder ...Why? ...I mean if you say you want "change" .... going back to the same horseshit you had is hardly change .... and any benefit from actual change just dont blossom like goddamn fruit on a tree seasonally. And even voting over and over for some of these representative's who spent decade's on the Hill is hardly change, alot of these sob's are dried up and washed out and have no idea's of anything different, they live in a goddamn timewarp of conformity and same ole same, and frankly wouldnt know change if it slapped them in the head ... many should just retire. Dont be so quick to get frustrated and expect thing's to get better overnight. Dont think getting back to over- borrowing and getting in massive debt to create a few measley job's as the fix-all. Getting back to what we were .... will only give us more of the same ... and one bubble/ bust scenario after another. This whole way of doing thing's is of the past and will fall apart in time .... and even though we will be hit with even harder challenges .... it will be beneficial and healthy and long past due. Dont worry about these icon's and their horseshit, none would give a rat's ass about you, and never will .... it's not their nature, they cant. None will ever see a day in the poorhouse, but you may .... and when you do ... they will tell you "sorry, we were wrong", alot of good that will do you, heh? Dont be afraid to go against the grain, and think out of the box, and most importantly .... utilize "fear" as a tool and weapon for survival .... instead of letting it rip you apart and dictate to you. Alway's be the adversary and stay one step ahead of them. And when you get fucked ... come back and fuck them twice as hard. That will truely give you beneficial change in time.

I am not a democrat or republican .... I am an independent thinker, who utilizes some of all and create my own vision and reality instead of following what is popular. I happen to vote democrat only because I know looking at the entire picture how delicate thing's are now, and how much more difficult time's to come can get, so I am only voting for the lesser of the two evil's so to speak, as to which will make the ride smoother for all those beside's the top 2% .... which are those I dont give a shit about, and since I'm not a humanitarian either, with indiscriminate love for all human's including my enemies, or not christian, could give a shit less whether they live or die or even profit or lose. The democrat's will make this ride easier, and for now ... one of the two side's will be in control, the future is not here .... yet. Give this President and administration time also ... we are too quick to think that anyone can handle all these issue's .... no one could do much better. And the republican's actually have no solution, or answer's, or can make these problem's go away .... they dont even have a clue of what their doing, beside's trying to somehow regain power ... and if they did .... they would dominate the Hill looking like a bunch of dummies, when still shit dont get done, and trying to blame it on the other party. Something that both these side's do best ... is blaming the other and trying to get vote's.

Another point I want to bring here, is all this nonsense that you hear that we are becoming a socialist state, like these Teabag's are whining about, and destroying free market ( what we consider as free market now is a joke! ) and business by over- regulation of our corporate loved one's (their unregulated as it is). First of all ... a tad of socialism is healthy even to free market, just like regulation's are. Much of our miseries is because of not enough regulation or oversight, and thinking that we can just let corporation's dictate everything from our healthcare to our energy need's, and we will be in great shape. Take a lil of everything and utilize it, instead of just being either one way or the other, and following only one path or way to do thing's. They argue that we are creating too much debt and deficit, and out of control government spending .... nonsense ... without all this spending we would get washed up and in worse shape, complain about all the surplus that was milked by the last administration that not a dime went to America or American's .... but instead to fighting these dictatorship religious war's in some f'n desert halfway around the world, and corporate regional takeover's of these region's, while terrorist's are still breeding in masses, everywhere's were not, even in our own country. Saddam is dead? So f'n what .... big f'n deal .... and now what? Are any of us as American's any better off without him? And when we have to spend in our country on us, someone has to pay .... so if tax increases ... so be it ... and all these stricter rules and regulatory proposal's our President is pulling out of his bag of trick's is healthy, of course it will cost us .... who else is gonna pay for it ... the so called "elite"?

Now the reason why I bring this up, is because of several blogsite's I visit that are democrat ... that seem to think that this november will be a cakewalk for the democrat party, and because they think that the entire right is all dumb, and couldnt win a "chili cook off". This is not wise to think .... never feel your adversary is completely out of it, never let down your guard. Many dont realize that the 2008 election only looked like a landslide victory because of the electorial vote, the actual number's were very close .... and many new and young voter's specifically voted, some for the first time, just to see Obama win .... if they do not turn out in number's like they did in 2008 to support the democrat's, there may be a challenge that many democrat's are not seeing now, and it may be disappointing. If democrat's have a landslide victory this november .... great, but to think you have a cakewalk because your opponent is too stupid, is also stupid.


  1. Oh I realize that DC is run by corporations they're all just a bunch of money and power whores but at least with the Dems you get a few crumbs sometimes.

  2. Well said Mr.Demeur .... that is exactly what I am trying to point out as well, I want a smoother ride when time's get tough, and with dem's I get a smoother ride as a working class citizen, or even a small business or company owner for that matter.

    Thanx for your visit and comment's Guy ..........

  3. They've had it to good for to long.
    Term limits might help.

    The real problem is the American people.
    As it was once said;
    Apathy runs rampant in America, but then again who cares.......

  4. Unfortunately Mr.Tim .... a very straight to the point comment, not the sugar coated comment that many love to hear, and thanx .... but that's the reality as well.

    Thank You for your input Guy ....
