Friday, August 13, 2010

BILL MAHER: .... Being able to actually see beyond POP CULTURE ....

Another posting past due for this journal ... to honour Mr. Bill Maher . It was my dad who turned me on to Bill, probably at least 20 year's or more back .... back when I didnt even care to watch the tele, or even read a paper (beside's football, hockey, or basketball standing's). And the book's I read were really out of the mainstream, and still part of my home collection of literature, my education didnt come from a school, I had a formal education till 8th grade, which taught me how to do basic math and read and write only, nothing else I got from any school (school's today are much different and far more important to get through)... or gave a rat's ass about politic's of any kind, cause I just figured their all full of shit period ... and never gave any interest to mainstream organized religion's, beside's understanding the danger's and history of them and what purpose they were created to serve .... cause they were just nothing but a power trip too, and frankly boring and of no worth. But yeah .... dad was a big fan and convinced me one day to listen to the man, because he is so straight to the point, and actually reminded me of my dad alot as well. Thanx Dad! I also want to point out, that it was the title of Mr. Maher's programme "Politically Incorrect" back in the early 1990's or so, that inspired the title of this journal here "Politically Depressed".

Most know him as an actor, stand up comedian, and listen to him to be entertained. But I look at the man on a more serious level ... because so much of what this man say's is a clear look at reality and our stupidity ( a "stupidity" were not born with, but embrace by "choice" and out of "laziness" ). I dont see him as a man that is "right or left" at all .... and feel he is beyond this primitive way of thought. I look at this man as a practical realist, not deluded and swayed by the bullshit of the pop culture herd mentality. I have spent more time reading/ viewing political viewpoint's over the last 2.5 year's online, and writing my own, than I ever spent time on in my entire life, yet throughout this journal have been devoted to pointing out every scam, flaw, and piece of BS that I can. It is in many way's sad ... and about as senseless and nauseating at time's as having to hear nonsense about what Jesus think's or some other mythological concept of past or some church service programming it's flock of mindless sheople, or listening to people whine over human sex act's, skin tone/ color variation's, who's God/ Prophet is right/ wrong or other petty concern's. Nothing against folk's belief's here or even the Jesus character, I myself am a spiritualist, ... I just frankly dont see how any of this applies to the issue's of the 21st century, whether even politically, economically, enviromentally or otherwise .... I myself have moral's that I practice too. And sadly most folk's simply want to live with the least amount of turmoil and misery and are basically force fed by this crap to play into, without even seeing what is happening to us, all force fed onto us by these power's that produce this mess. But just wanted to post a couple of many favourite's of video's here of this man of basic natural uncomplicated logic and sense ... no ... I didnt post this for humor, but to get a clear look at reality. THANK YOU MR. MAHER ....

Bill Maher on France ... Thanx to EUROTRASHFR87

Bill Maher on Radical Islam ... Thanx to THIEF



Tim said...

Dude, I love this guy. Now that Carlin is gone, Bill is the Man.
btw Carlin is who Bill tried to model his career after. Also he's Bill's favorite everything. I really really like this posting. I'm sure the old ball and chain will stop over after I tell her.
Big smiles here

Leslie Parsley said...

the old ball and chain indeed.

I love Maher. I'm glad we have him and Stewart during these rather grim times.

Having many, many Muslim friends, I know the reason they came here was to escape just those kinds of practices Maher refers to.

Mrsh2o said...

Well, here I am (Tim dear, you are a dick).
Yep love Bill. Glad he's starting his season early this year.
Just sad most Americans are to stupid to even want to hear him.

Infidel753 said...

Like Jon Stewart, he's a very insightful commentator who uses humor to get his points across. I don't think he'd agree with you in seeing him as "not right or left", though. Pretty much all his commentary shows that he identifies with the left, even if he takes it to task sometimes.

Ranch Chimp said...

Mr. Tim: I look at hi actually on a more serious level, even though he has much to really get a good laugh over, I think he has some really brilliant perspective and insight on the political arena. Even Carlin who I hadnt even really kept up with (Why? ... I just never got around to it I reckon) has some very good point's that he dishes out.

Thanx for droppin by Tim!

Ranch Chimp said...

Mrsh2o: Really Ms. Melissa? about starting his show early .... and most American's too stupid to listen to him? Interesting statement, I mean ... I dont keep up with the show's for instance, say like on tele ... on the tele these day's basically all I watch is Science Channel, History Channel, Discovery, ESPN, etc ... so I dont watch any programming like show's, or the movies or such, and get my news mostly online from CNN, so some of this I didnt know about. I actually watch those station's for documentaries on geological research, archeology, solar/ planetary, gobal warming, history, and alot of nature on animal's, sea and land, and of course this time of the year my NFL Football Game's. :) I am thrilled I can see Bill on YouTube in such volume 24/7.

Thanx for your insight here Melissa, keep crackin that ole whip on Tim .... some of us guy's like it like that, that's why we stay "bad". :)

Ranch Chimp said...

Mr.Infidel: ..."very insightful, who uses humor to get his point across"(?) ... well put, never looked at it that way I reckon. Actually I know your correct also as far as identifying with the left, and I also feel he view's himself as a "real" leftist. I reckon the reason I look at him as out of the ordinary of left or in a different category ... is because he also is able to criticize this "neo left" and point out across the board "flaw's". It seem's like many I hear in the left for instance spend mostly all their time, only attacking the right, and those on the right, spend most of their time attacking the left, and of course point out the party their with as almost perfect, as well as follow a certain guideline of what is the popular phrase or political correctness of the week or month, and how to discuss it or analyze it.

I myself could not identify as right or left ... I am pro 2nd amendment and NRA for decade's, an ex hunter, I am for strong defense (but real defense, not attacking countries to rape their resouces, but to only protect ourselves and democracy) I am pro business, but real business, not this neo monopoly corporate dictatorship we see now. I am pro choice, as well as pro same sex marriage, I am for legalization across the board of marijuana, against inprisonment of drug addict's, I am also in favour of any marriage, such as group marriage, even sibling's marriage, and am totally for sexual freedom across the board and feel even prostitution should be legalized nationwide, as well and medically monitored to control STD's, and to bring it out of the underworld that pimp's control through drug's and force ... I am also for federal funding for all abortion's as well, and strict financial oversight of offshore market's manipulation. So pretty much ... I couldnt identify with a party as most do, but vote democrat these day's.

Thanx for your input Infidel ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Greeting's Ms.Leslie(TNlib)!

As far as the muslim's friend's trying to escape practice's, this is a very good point that alot of us fail to see, and I havent pointed out as well. I have discussed alot of this islam culture with several guy's that I know who are mostly Arabic immigrant's from countries such as Morocco, Jordan, Iran, Kenya, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, and a couple other countries, who share a neighborhood close by in the North Dallas City of Richardson. Although so many have spoke and question's of corporate intervention of western companies, and influence (one of the thing's I know too well) one of the main fear's/ problem's I hear as well, is complaint's about how their own government's in their land's are controlled by "islamic law", to where there is NO seperation whatsoever of church and state. They are practicing moderate muslim, and very devoted, as far as Ramadan practice or such, but dont like how they are dictated to, and some of the threat's they live under, many of them believe that their government's are "paid off". In particular one that come's to mind is a fella I've known for over 5 year's, who gave me my first Quran, and explained it to me as we went through it (It's smaller than the Holy Bible on content), named "Nabil" he is Arabic, and born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco, mid 30's, married with one son of 3 year's. (His name "Nabil mean's "Noble" in Arabic). But he also has a bachelor's in criminal law from Casablanca, yet has international complication's on getting back into law school here, and credit for what he got there. he work's valet parking here, and part time as a delivery truck driver for a meat distributor locally. But during his college year's back home, he was beat up, and threatened with a knife to his throat for asking question's in class concerning seperation of church and state by radical islamist gang's. He also pointed out to me of these gang's within the City of Casablanca, that are "knife gang's" (since gun's are outlawed and expensive) that go out in the night to slice up homosexual's they find, in a gruesome manner, I could go on, but some pretty brutal stories I have heard from some of these gent's ... who also paid out the ass, just to legally get here.

Thank You for your voice here Leslie!

Ranch Chimp said...

Also for anyone who read's this, I highly recommend a book called "Infidel" (No "pun" here Mr.Infidel :) ....) by a woamn named "Ayaan Hirsi Ali",a NY Times bestseller, from Free Press, published by Simon & Schuster, that I have, who describe's her own experience's and persecution even within her familia as well as societies, in a series of countries, and fleeing to escape even forced arranged marriage, a very compelling read.

For those who do not understand for instance Islam through the Quran that are western and need help in translation I highly recommend, another I have called ... "The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an", which is the Quran with an explanatory translation by Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall, from Darussalam Publisher's (Riyadh,Houston,Lahore)

Ranch Chimp said...

As far as my reading's concerning religion's, spiritualism and such ... I have read all of the new testament and almost all of the old testament of the KJV of the Holy Bible, also in connect, the Tanakh(Jewish Bible) in most of it, as well as the Quran entirely, the Satanic Bible and companion's, as well as a large variety of book's on occultic practice, Necronomicon, magick/theories,etc, and one's I would be most familiar with as far as a deeper in depth of the practice's would be Satanism (traditional/ old school, as well as contemporary) and West African JuJu, Aztec/ Mayan in combination with of course Afro Caribbean voodoo, Santeria/ Palo Mayombe, etc.

dmarks said...

Bill Maher the hate monger. He's the one who routinely bashes mentally-disabled people, including the time he used the Nazi-like logic of claiming they were sub-human... the equivalent of dogs.

So what if hate speech is politically incorrect. It's still hate speech.

rita said...

I enjoyed the videos, thanks.
I don't have a television so I watch these humorous political comentary pieces when they pop up on blogs, etc...Both Bill Maher & Jon Stewart are great. I'm so glad the left has a sense of humor. :)

dmarks said...

Pity that for Maher, his sense of humor includes bashing disabled people. I've not ever known Stewart to do this. It's the type of thing Limbaugh might be caught doing.

Ranch Chimp said...

Good Morning Mr.dmarks!

Interesting comment indeed Sir! No, I never thought of Mr.Maher as a racist nazi ... and I'm sure my father hasnt either, since my father Sir, fought the nazi's in WW2, and his mother one of the Germany Jews actually. But actually Guy .... everybody is a goddamn nazi these day's ... I have actually met folk's that call folk's nazi's, that didnt know a bloody thing about Hitler or the nazi's, but looking at your profile, I am sure you do. Is Maher a man of hate? Geeeeez Guy ... are you a man of hate for defining Maher as such? We are a species of "love and hate" both ... and a species of so many word's that we can even make President Obama out to be a nazi and a man of hate, and a racist. If it wasnt for hate, how would you know love? I dont even think Hitler himself was full of hate, he loved as well, he was one of those who was "mentally challenged", that you speak of and had a strong addiction to a amphetamine's (if you ever known any speed freak's, and how they act), one Hell of a past and childhood as well. I have a nice bold red hardcover of "Mein Kamph" in my bookshelf ( and some of the most controversial writing's known, as well).... perhap's I'm a nazi, heh? BTW ... I DO hate as well from time to time, after all ... I am one with a redneck attitude from time to time ... but arent we all Sir.

A fella the other day out on the street during some small chat brought up "freedom of speech" ... I busted out laughing! He asked what was funny? I said ... "Sure ... you can speak freely ... if you choose to suffer the consequences that come's with it. :)

I appreciate your insight and comment's here though Sir, sincerly .... I came to the conclusion that were all a bunch of racist's nazi's! :)

Ranch Chimp said...

Buenos Dias from the Ranchero, Senorita Rita!

I dont think I got 3 bloody hour's sleep last night/ this morning, and drove enough mile's yesterday to make ass print's in the leather car seat as good as politician's on the Hill! :)

Glad you enjoyed them .... Take Care ....

Ranch Chimp said...

As far as bigot's and hate monger's and of course ... the glorious nazi's are concerned ... I known alot of gal's over the year's, that commonly (WITH HUMOR) refer to the male gender as dog's, perhap's they also fall into this category of hateful nazi's too. I actually agree with them ... for my part ... I am all over the scent of a woman ... just like a dog ... and I AM an animal ... and all the mutt's(dog's) in the neighborhood seem to like me! :)(Never could figure that one out)

dmarks said...

Ranch. The German national socialists were not known only for racism. They went after gays and lesbians with a vengeance. Relevent to this, they first went after disabled people. They ramped up a campaign of "information" to dehumanize them (like Maher's calling them sub-human and frequently bashing them through jokes). Then the German socialists quietly killed off every disabled person they could find, well before the famous Holocaust against the Jews.

Maher has a mean, vicious streak a mile wide. I'm guessing you were not aware of his record on this issue.

And you have a good day too :)

Ranch Chimp said...

Mr.dmarks: No .... I reckon I am not aware of Mr.Maher's rep for this personality ... I love to listen to him ... but as an independent, not keeping up with the trivia or whatever on. And I do reckon he can be somewhat insensitive at time's ... I just never looked at it as hatred. As far as the nazi's ... I see you know someting about the "National Socialist Party" ... but thing's like sterilization for instance was not a Hitler Creation either ... many dont realize ... this is one of the thing's he learned and borrowed from us, we were practicing some thing's here in the US before Hitler. Let me sum this up simple as I can here. Hitler and Associate's had what folk's called a "fatal vision" ... he also was srict in a sense as far as selective breeding, and creating a superior human race (of course of white folk's only, but the same can be done in the species as a whole)). If you have folk's that do have defect's and encourage reproduction, you reproduce more of the same, we dont breed our animal's that way that we love, we shouldnt advocate this type of breeding in our own species. No ... I am not advocating to exterminate people at all, but am very strict as far as birth control, and a strict advocate of abortion as well ... all government paid and sponsored. He was eliminating all of what he considered as defective in the species, and considered homo/ lesbian's as also an imperfection, mentally retarded, those that were too mixed ... even had a chart for what percentage of Jew you could be to remain alive ... in my case of course, I would have been exterminated, even though I am part Jew only. He was so strung out on that dope, and became such a recluse ... he lost touch with reality, and started stabbing his own friend's/allies in the back. If not for this Halocaust and fatal vision he brought to life, I think he would have went down in German History as one of it's greatest leader's, what he done to bring Germany out of the gutter to a major power in less than a decade ... is something even American politician/leader's are incapable of. Folk's didnt like him since his day's of childhood, rejecting his art career, rejecting his promotion's in the military cause they thought he was incapable, even though he was awarded the Iron Cross, for such outstanding act's of courage and bravery ... even single handed capturing multple soldier's of the enemy. To go from all that to a soup kitchen, and selling art piece's on the street corner, then to such a powerhouse speaker and leader, rebuilding the nation, in as short a time he did, is remarkable.

rita said...

dmarks Lighten up a little...You are making mountains out of molehills. :)
I assume most disabled people have a sense of humor. If they don't, they sure should!
I have recently found myself over 50. If I didn't have a sense of humor every time I looked in the mirror, I might as well shoot myself.
Bill Maher is just being sarcastic, cynical, & all those things that make for good comedic commentary.

Ranch Chimp said...

Ms.Rita: As far as your last statement of the humor part and cynicism, sarcasm, etc.(directed at Mr.dmarks) Very balanced point ... we could all take in. I am no different, I say thing's that I probably should have worded different ... that I may have not even meant for them to offend someone at all ... it just came to the top of my head at the time. Humor ... is so healthy in my opinion ... just like sex (and when you dont have a partner ... masturbation) ... I just believe that both are physical and psychologically healthy ... and even venting anger from time to time. In person I am very easy to read ... I never hide any of my emotion's ... meaning I may laugh, cry, display anger, happiness, or anything else at any moment. As a young boy, my dad taught me all these thing's are healthy, and work together as part of our nature ... I never seen any evidence countering it, to think otherwise.

Thanx Rita!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I like Bill Maher. Should I change my moniker to "Racist Nazi 101"?

rita said...

First off I acknowledge that humor often goes over the top. It's the nature of entertainment. I also assume we all sometimes say things in jest that we really don't mean or our statements are taken for more then they really are.
I watched the video where Maher mocks Palin's claim that the "disabled are the worlds most precious & unique people." I agree that idiotic quote should be mocked. Palin, is spouting nonsensical rhetoric. I have a severely autistic nephew who is certainly unique, but no more precious then my other family members.
I also read the transcript where Maher equated retarded kids with family pets, i.e. dogs. I also read the transcript of his apology. Yeah, what he said was very stupid & way over the top & he acknowledged that in his apology. But, I don't think that puts him in the category of hate monger.
Anyway, IMO we are all a little guilty of insensitivity when it comes to things we don't understand. I don't think that makes us unredeemable sinners.
Maybe 20 lashes with a wet noddle for Mr. Maher?

Ranch Chimp said...

Judge Truth: .... Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... "Racist Nazi 101", I cant help it ... I about choked on my nacho's on that one! :)

Hell Judge ... these dayz were all bloody nazi's! Hell ... they even call President Obama the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, and a death panel dictator ... I can imagine all the thing's President Obama might have imagined folk's who disliked him may call him, but I dont think he would have even thought Hitler would be one of them! Only in America Guy! :)

Thanx for your input

Ranch Chimp said...

Ms. Rita: Actually I think way similar to you on this one as well, and we simply cant say the so called "right thing" nowaday's ... everything is picked apart more than I ever seen in my 54 year's in this era. As far as the 20 lashes with a wet noodle, well ... if it's a woman ... just use the ole belt on me ... I deserve it! :)

Thanx .........

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Truth be told, if the righties continue to label Obama nazi it may well help him in areas populated with bigots, idiots and homophobes. You know. The republcian base voter.

Idiot republicans are pissing in their punch bowls with this.