Wednesday, August 7, 2013

GUANTANAMO BAY 2013: "Feeding the FIRE of the Terror THREAT" ... & THE SOLUTION: "Drawing the LINE in the LAND'S starting with a GOOD GESTURE" (ARAB WORLD TENSION'S PT.6)

Part 6 of the "Arab World Tension's" series will be to take a look at Guantanamo Bay detention camp down in Cuba and the latest "going on's" there, cause I havent been keeping up with this, RT America been all over this like a cheap suit on sunday and much credit to them here as well. I was commenting on this first video I think the other day ... because I said something like "what? ... didnt the President and other's say they were closing down this place like a few year's back? ... " ... I mean ... I thought this was being at least more downsized to some extent or whatever ... but obviously not much at all, and this hunger strike continue's with forcefeeding and all the fixin's as usual. I dont like wasting much time myself, and like finding solution's, keeping it practical and simple as possible. So some news below, then my simple input and finding a solution.


Gitmo: The most expensive prison in the world ... Thanx to RT AMERICA


***** TAMPA BAY TIMES/ POLITIFACT.COM: Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center


Gitmo gives terrorists powerful recruitment tool ... Thanx to RUSSIA TODAY




Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie" (the car is a 2013 ZL1 Chevy Camaro convertible, with a LSA 6.2 liter supercharged V8 and 580 horsepower engine ... it dont fuck around, and neither do I : )

Whether the President is sincere or not about closing down this place isnt the issue, regardless how bad he want's to, the opposition in Congress wont let it happen if they have anything to do with it (which they do) simply because of leftee/ rightee politic's as usual ... to try to damage the President and their opposition ... so it's all politic's and guided strictly by the hand of corporate communism as usual who keep's everyone divided/ polarized basically, first through political pressure, then having us pick one of these two side's to argue with, which in turn waste's more time, money and our energy, so it's a pointless waste to us all. The President isnt running for re- election either ... so all this will do is damage his party more than anything ... and alot more than simple soap opera stories like this sexting stuff or similar. Because of such time wasting, no one's really looking for a solution either ... at least now that is, but they will have to sooner or later, and will have to eventually put the special corporate interest's on the back burner. Another problemo we have is that no one once caught in this Washington web seem's to think rational anymore since their so caught up in the political game and lost touch with reality and what's really going on in America and the world, depending now only on stat sheet's, news, in- house advisor's, and basically isolating themselves beside's what they hear from them source's only ... so it become's a handicap you can say ... I mean for example, I talked to 3 Arab Muslim immigrant's of the working class within the last 2 week's face to face ... I doubt that any politician has even talked to one, in the same time frame.

First of all as far as basic's, funding and stupidity have never been compatible ... like the ole saying ... a fool and his money are soon parted ... and this is foolish when you do nothing but spend an arm and a leg like we do on private security/ military contractor's that are overpriced to begin with because they know their dealing with a customer (U.S. Government) that has a blank check and unlimited fund's for this sort of thing, then your going out and basically hiring bounty hunter's to round- up supposedly terror suspect's, which of course inspire's you to capture someone at least ... who couldnt have been in too much of a terror act, after all ... we have the best of the best prosecutor's for these thing's and after year's you still cant get conclusive indictment's/ cases on them? .... uhhhh ... someone's fuckin up, or ya'll got the wrong guyz, eh? So you know that they DONT have any cases ... what they do now have is alot of folk's locked up basically and no one know's what the Hell to do with them, cause you know when ya'll cut them loose, they wont forget easily ... I mean ... we breed our own terrorism even domestically , so you would have suspected that his would come about, eh? (**** see 2nd paragraph) . But the longer you play these political game's and trying to make it complex and as corporate/ banking compatible that you can ... your problemo will only deepen, and dont think that it will not have an impact on the big money people and will only be our problemo ... your wrong again ... and that's what ya'll miss in your intoxication, they will eventually come for you and most importantly your money, they know the best way to harm the west is to damage their finance/ investment's, eh? I mean, ya'll made your bed year's ago, invading and occupying these nation's for business reason's ONLY, cloaking it in politipop nonsense like multi- culturalism, saving oppressed gay's and women or other miscellaneous talk ... now ... well ... you have a new shitload of problem's.

I believe that in this era, you have to draw a line in the land's, and stay out of folk's culture's and business if ya'll have such a stark difference, that's why I say I'm a segregationist here in part 2, but dont mix me up with these racial segregationist's either ... human's are all alike biologically to me, so I see no difference in skin colour's or related nonsense ... but our culture's (or religion's which are basically the same) that we embrace by choice, political force, familia/ generational, etc, etc, make's us very different, were sure as Hell not born different, and have all evolved as such in the same manner, so our cultural difference's havent a damn thing to do with nature or are biological as such ... the human animal basically is of ONE SPECIES, not various species, just as horses are horses and dog's are dog's, etc, etc ... yet all of different colour's, shape's, and sizes. Nor am I a humanitarian type that just want's to love and hug all those who hate me ... that's equal nonsense and totally un- natural. BUT ... what we are doing is also nonsense and very destructive, a Hell of alot more destructive than our petty cultural difference's too. So right now looking at the math and cost's of course and the fact that we need to first admit that we were wrong to an extent ... to find a simple solution just for this one of many problemo's, I would first of all ... close the base over the next few month's, and set up also account's for all detainee's in their bank's/ countries where they came from, and give at least a few million dollar's to each of them and send them back to where they came from, just to first at least give a good gesture that at least were trying. Why all the money? ... why do you think? ... we have detained these folk's without trial and under bad condition's, and our system in this country is to compensate ... which is a Hell of alot cheaper than spending million's/ billion's more on this nonsense, occupation's/ war's, and ill thinking. And Hell no, I wouldnt send any of them to America, unless they already were from here as citizen's or legal immigrant's ... they can apply later if they want. They are a "threat"? ... Hell ... the threat has already made it's root's year's ago and exist's, this is simply the fruit's it now bear's ... this will at least serve an opportunity to decrease some of the threat, eh?

As far as all these mega petrol/ oil companies and investment banker's and related saying their interest's/ asset's are at threat or whatever ... Hell ... if it was up to me, ya'll are on your own ... you want to secure your position's in these land's/ nation's and do whatever you do there ... have at it, but pay for ya'll's own security and mercenaries or whatever .... you got billion's to do it you made off of us/ them ... stop being corporate welfare type cheapskates, spend some of it and get ya'll's economies rolling. The people on either shore's didnt create these problem's ... ya'll did, plain and simple.

Word Out ....



***** RANCH CHIMP JOURNAL/ YOU TUBE ... this is a link to the YouTube generated site for this journal for a quick glance/ preview of many posting's throughout this journal/ blog.


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