Sunday, November 27, 2011

JERRY LEE LEWIS/ THE KILLER: "Chantilly Lace", "Me and Bobby McGee" (For BBC/ Billy)

Another posting into the "RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY" from "The Killer" or "Jerry Lee Lewis" , whichever name you prefer. But this posting was inspired by a fellow blogger "BBC/ Billy" who commented on the last "Lunachicks" music posting ... when he commented that he liked singing the song "Chantilly Lace" ... a song originally wrote by Texas' J.P. "Big Bopper" Richardson in the 1950's, and redone back in the 1970's by the Killer. But it just so happened that I covered "Chantilly Lace" as well back in the 1980's (vocal's) because it is an old favourite of mine that the Killer covered, I am a big Killer fan, and I was fortunate to find this 1983 "live" Jerry Lee/ Killer in London below, I attended this tour as well, but on the American leg of it. The 2nd piece, another classic from "Janis Joplin" that Jerry cover's here (same concert set) called "Me and Bobby McGee" that I just had to toss in here, because it is one of my favourite's by Janis as well! Janis and Big Bopper are from the same area in Texas as well, which is the Port Arthur area. But Jerry in concert is just plain Hell! Watching his hand's on the piano close up is like a blur at time's because of just how smooth and fast he is ... really a great Rock- n- Roll icon! ... Enjoy : )





BBC said...

Bah... I can do Chantilly Lace much better than that version, good enough to make her nipples puff up. :-)

I've never sang Me and Bobby McGee but like the song.

Good days, good music, good memories.

BBC said...

Rain water washing under my hood, I knew that was doing my motor good. Cadillac looking like a ton of lead of lead half a mile ahead, motor picked up and I moved to the passing lane, Cadillac looked like it was standing still and I caught Mabelline at the top of the hill.

I change the words sometimes. :-)

Ranch Chimp said...

Hey Billy, even Jerry Lee really changed up Janice's Me & Bobby McGee piece lyric- wise, but what the Hell, that's what cover's and influence are all about!

Hard nipples and hard body car's ... Ahhhh ... didnt get much better than that I reckon! : )

Thanx for your voice Guy ....

BBC said...

You reminded me that I wrote a song many years ago, and one small band that wanders around the area plays it.

14 Inches

BBC said...

Stuff occurs to me, it just occurred to me that you live in Texas.

It's my view that things there are heating up, my advice is to stock up on ammo in case the government decides to pull it off the store shelves.

An empty gun isn't worth a hell of a lot.

Ranch Chimp said...

Thanx for the song/ lyric's link Billy, it was poetic actually. I like the "title", because it would be fitting for the current political situation, being that we have recieved about 14" inches up our asses, and there is more to come it appear's, with this latest debt line of bullshit they are feeding us out of a new dog dish, and many are buying it.

Yes, I'm in Texas and it's a great ammo place as well. Actually I already done a couple posting's in the past on ammo shortage's and not panicking over it, as a matter of fact as I posted, I believe it was Smith/ Wesson Arkansas at the time a year or so ago started up another shift just to meet the demand, Texan's have been stock piling ammo now for a couple year's and it caused a shortage in the Lone Star State, I think alot was like .38, 380, 9mm, so alot of handgun ammo. As far as the government pulling it or whatever ... heh, heh, heh, heh, mheh ... this isnt like some Europoean countries that have disarmed and controlled more of this year's back ... the USA is saturated with arm's, unbelievable amount's, a couple hundred million probably that are legal at that, not to mention the million's upon million's from the black market's and elsewhere. As I pointed out in previous posting's, it will be a REAL challenge to try to disarm this nation ... I dont worry about it though. These folk's/ politician's get too cocky about what they are going to do to American's, they will get a fight they never anticipated, so the best thing they can do, is try to maintain their job's, shut their mouth's and do what their paid to do.

Ranch Chimp said...

I'm sorry, I meant "Remington" of Arkansas ... as a matter of fact, I'm not even sure if Smith/ Wesson IS a ammo manufacturer? All I ever used was their handgun's that I can recall ... really a classic though as far as well made arm's!

Ranch Chimp said...

As far as pulling ammo or whatever Billy in this state or even other's, I dont think much about that as concern, there are so many avenue's to get ammo even, and supply alwayz meet's demand. As far as thing's heating up down here ... not really, I think alot of stuff is blown out of proportion, fear talk etc, etc It's been fairly mellow here ... you still have a lil extra slingin/ shooting's goin on down on the border, etc but alot of that unfortunately is business related, territorial marketing, etc involving the narcotic's industry from what I gather. That's about it though ... nothing too uch out of the ordinary though that I seen.

jmsjoin said...

Jerry Lee rules with Chantilly Lace I think he does that well but me and Bobby McGee belongs to Janice. That is great stuff!

BBC said...

I just like to get my ammo the easy way, off a store shelf, and I have 7 pounds of powder, just in case.

And the government could pull it if they start worrying about an uprising against them, then the black market stuff will go up in price.

Hopefully things won't get to bad but who knows, best to be prepared. That's my view watching the news, the world damn sure isn't getting to be a nicer place.

BBC said...

nothing too uch out of the ordinary though that I seen.

Yeah, what looks like ordinary on a average fucking day? Hahahaha

Just be ready for things to blow up in the pressure cooker.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Cool vids RC. I did dig Chantilly Lace more though.

Ranch Chimp said...

AP/ Jim ... I like Janis' flavour on Bobby McGee as well ... for me, my fantasy session would have been, to have Janis simply do her thing vocal's and band, but have Jerry on keyboard's/ piano with her ... Jerry's piano playing just blow's me away, I stood very close to him as far as in his performance (less than 10' ft) and seen him in action on a long set before.

Thanx for your input here Jim ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Hey Truth/ Joe ... Chantilly Lace is one of them strange remake's, eh? It really ran across the board very well chart's wise after Jerry done it, and was a clear change up tempo wise from it's composer Richardson/ Bopper, some song's just take off like that ... look at what Elton John done with the Beatles "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" ... another excellent revision. I also love Jerry's Chantilly Lace version best, but that's just me.

Thank You for your voice as well on this Joe ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Your absolutely accurate Billy ... I know what the government "can" do if they felt the need or threat, and I'm sure in time, the gun restriction's are gonna tighten up some ... they have to man, it's very loose here, too many arm's getting into dangerous hand's, etc, etc and even in Texas, alot of folk's are pushing for it, but all shit aside Guy ... it's not too edgy here, considering what it could be like I reckon, a il paranoia, crime end is so- so, etc ... nothing I gave much concern to though ... but that's just me. I mean, their gonna do what they have to do, and we need to have to do what's in our best interest's too. But like you ... I'm a simple fella when it come's to buying ammo ... I like to simply walk in and out with my shit off a store shelf, no hassle, no biggie type thing. And it is still that way in alot of Texas ... of course in the big cities everything and everyone is looked at more closely and thing's are a tad more detailed. But another point you made that folk's need to understand ... Hell Yes! the black market price can skyrocket real quick when it get's tight.

I know you got your shit together reading your stuff, and you know the score as well as anyone can. To me, you have a great life Guy, live in a decent town, a beautiful part of the country, independent and about as free as anyone could hope for, a boat a pad, etc, etc. You sound pissed at time's, which mean's your head is working fine ... what would be a worry, is if you ran around with a shit eating grin all the time, talking about how grateful you are for getting fucked by the system, like some do .... that is when you know, something upstair's is not working right, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : )

It's 4am in the morning here, and I have alot of early morning BS and run's I have to deal with starting before bloody sun- up ... more miserable, is it's 30/ 32 degree's ... the bright side, is it's not raining/ sleeting, cause the traffic in that is awful ... this is a big town Billy, with traffic that would make your nearby Seattle area look mild I'm sure ... and a maze of freewayz similar to LA.