Friday, April 8, 2011

GVMNT SHUT' EM DOWN?: Portrait of a DYSFUNCTIONAL GVMNT PT.1 ... and a Solution from Mr. Carlton Douglas Ridenhour (Veteran's Spotlight PT.9)

First some vid's and news link's below then a word from the Chimp on this.






Sanders: GOP plan is 'totally absurd' ... Thanx to CNN

No ... the Governmnt hasnt shut down (yet), and this posting is NOT to depress folk's at all, but again to "enlighten" to the reality that surround's us, so again I feel it is importante to record these issue's/ event's in this journal. In this particular posting to show a portrait of a dysfunctional Gvmnt. And the reason for adding this to "Veteran's Spotlight" series as Part 9 ... is to not depress Veteran's at all either ... but to clearly show how the petty political bitch fight's of grown adult's who lost all touch with reality, of who we vote for and consider as "leader's", effect's, or can effect one of the most vital interest's of our nation, which is our defense/ military and it's personel, not to even mention everything else it effect's.

It is sad that for week's our Gvmnt been playing these childish selfish game's with America ... the political grandstanding, highsiding, finger pointing, etc ... we must be a laugh to some of our EU allies the way we act and address serious issue's here ... and of course this is mostly about money/ business. And the President isnt at fault here, as a matter of fact, he has been VERY bipartisan and generous in my opinion ... I dont even think I could display his amount of tolerance ... he is one of the few up there who actually act's like an adult even for that matter. We have been running our gvmnt for week's basically one or two week's at a time because of this bullshit petty bickering ... and the President was accurate the other day when he said that this is simply the Republican's pushing this, that they wont budge unless they get 110% of what they want ... this is so true. As a matter of fact ... even though the GOP blame's all this shit on this President and administration, it was the Bush Administration that we can thank 110% for the total financial and war mess that we are in, which is mainly also influenced by mega corporate business actually. The one's that shouldnt get a goddamn paycheck is this bunch up there frankly, their who should be SHUT DOWN.


The Lyric's here I chose as for the solution that I have constantly posted throughout this journal on solving many of the issue's we American's have, because we have the tool's and Constitution/ Right's to do so actually (Public Enemy is also at the top's of my list as far as contemporary American poetry in music/ lyric's as well). They alway's "talk" about "shutting down" Government ... well perhap's we need to shut their ass down for a change ... as Mr. Carlton Douglas Ridenhour (aka Chuck D) of Public Enemy put's it here.




Weaseldog said...

I wouldn't worry over much about Congress getting paid. They earn so much in free speech bribes that their salary isn't really a motivating factor to begin with.

I feel sorry for the military families that are going to suffer if the government is shut down. They've already sacrificed so much, to help our politicians earn the big defense industry free speech bribes. Learning that those same wealthy politicians don't give a crap about them, may be a hard lesson.

In the long run, I think that an extended shutdown would be good for our country. The people still have too much faith in a leadership that at best, doesn't even care that they exist. and extended shutdown would help us all see our politicians true colors. If you have any folding money on you, take it out and look at it, to see what those colors are.

Ranch Chimp said...

Greeting's WD! ... Beautiful day here on the Ranch (Dallas) today, eh?

A couple good point's you brought up as far as the slap of reality that folk's will "get" from an actual shutdown ... aint that the truth on true color's as well. And also as I have pointed out time and again ... none of these rep's would ever see a day in the poorhouse, after all ... many have side project's, businesses, contract's that they even lobbied themselves, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, firm's, businesses ... as well as the extra's from speeches, endorsement's or whatever as you mentioned. :)

Now ... what will be the next political bullshit they will sell in a new package, eh? let's make some prediction's and bet's here. I figure a decent new pitch right before any election's if the condition dont change much ... will politician's will start to follow suit saying that they will be willing to forfeit their paycheck's for the people .... after all ... it wont mean much to most, they will get a tax write off they wont talk about on the side, cause they all wrote the legislation, heh, heh, heh, heh., heh ... and many of the masses would sop it up like flies on day ole shit, eh? Just a lil humor guy, dont take much to figure these ingrate's out after awhile, make's me wonder if their inbred. :)

BTW Thanx again for your last posting the video called "Empire of Illusion" ... what an excellent piece that was!

Weaseldog said...

Chris Hedges always has interesting things to say.

John Boehner is already saying he'll send his paycheck back or give it to charity.

I would bet he'll give it to charity. Which likely means giving it to a trust that his wife runs, where she earns 90% of the charity's take as her salary.

This is one of the big Republican lies we often hear. That Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats. it's not technically a lie, but it's great misdirection as charities in Washington are usually just laundering machines for bribes.

Ranch Chimp said...

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... Ole John is already going to give up his eh? ... well I'll be a crosseyed flunkie! :) Ole John thinx quick! That was just a great laugh, thanx guy! :)

Weaseldog said...

"I would bet he'll give it to charity. Which likely means giving it to a trust that his wife runs, where she earns 90% of the charity's take as her salary."

Let me be clear, I don't know that his wife runs a charity, I'm discussing a hypothetical.

Weaseldog said...

John Boehner is a great politician.

He can pander like nobody's business.

jmsjoin said...

Speaking of the lie we live today t really peeves me to hear Repugs accuse Dems of playing Politics while they are.

Despite their lies it is no longer about the money because shutting down will cost more than they save. I am disgusted with these children. The country and the people do not matter only the party and their interests.

All 4 of my sons are going to be affected by this. 3 because as you know they are career military and Bill is in the union and they are building a VA hospital. I am waiting to hear from them on this.

Ranch Chimp said...

Unfortunately WD the link you posted only come's up with "CNN Money 404 error, page not found" I'll try again later. But I understand clearly what you are talking about, I hope that most voting American's, especially democrat's see this. Thanx ....

Ranch Chimp said...

AP .. I also have a nephew as well as 2 niece's who depend on their military check's, I havent had the opportunity to hear from them on this, but I know they will not be happy. Also what alot of these on the Hill dont understand that when they say, folk's can adjust to a week or two delay (just to show how out of touch the average politician is with average America) that they can tell their home/ apartment manager's, utility companies, etc that their check's are a lil late, and ask for slack ... it dont work like that in the real world. Many of these vet's familia's who dont have money saved up, which is almost impossible for a young familia to have done in these time's, is they will have to pay penalties for being late, and enormus interest rate's to these entities, that your not hearing about. Also ... many personal small loan's businesses will be targeting vet's familia's to lock them in on borrowing to pull through this, who will also get milked out the ass, despite the other horseshit that the gvmnt will crack down on these lender's ... that's more BS ... and the lender's already have scam's to get around that too, I know all their trick's on this, you have to screw them before they screw you to survive basically, or to keep your head above water.

This is all part of what I been writing about for some time as far as the show to come, in posting's such as "How to Privatize America" series and various other posting's over the last few year's ... you see ... the whole plan for year's was to make every part of gvmnt you can fail (because whatever fail
's will still be needed whether it's education, libraries, military, postal, etc, etc .. so therefore you have to "privatize" it, this way all initial tax revenue's, go to the corporation's instead of gvmnt, same with HCR subsidies)... even the health care is all linked into this ... I caught alot during the HCR and knew we wouldnt get a PO most likely, cause I seen the avenue's they were takling to make sure all HCR dollar's went solely to the private sector, this is really deep and took me so many posting's just to map our the blueprint on this. Thanx for your voive here AP

Ranch Chimp said...

BTW AP ... I meant Thanx for your "voice" not "voive" ... my apologies for the type-O's and what I get when I just type fast and dont re- read/ check my stuff. I dont let the computer check for them or my error's, because I feel the day I need a computer to correct everything for me, and think for me, is the day I shouldnt be writing anymore. These were my error's and fault's because of my neglect and laziness and hurry.

Weaseldog said...

I have a nephew that came back from Afghanistan with PTSD. He's in serious legal trouble right now, do to some things he did in the heat of the moment.

AP, that's why you haven't seen me write about him up lately.

I'm all too aware of the financial problems our military families will be saddled with, if there are delays in getting them paid. After going through a dry spell in employment from 2001-2004, I found myself in Chapter 11.

I feel very strongly that things are going to get very bad for all of us in the USA, before anything will get better. Our government and media still provides the illusion that it's legitimate, and people still believe it. If our government screws the troops, then that can go a long way to pulling back the curtain.

I think they'll cut a deal pretty quick. The gov can continue selling us out for another twenty years if they play their cards right. Screwing the troops, can mess up their plan real quick.

Ranch Chimp said...

Sorry to hear about your nephew WD. But remind's me of a gal I knew who was a waitress at a club when I done security work at night in the West Village nightclub district in Uptown Dallas (your probably familiar with the district). She got back from Iraq, she served combat over there US Army ... got back and her boyfriend was an alcoholic and on dope back in Dallas ... he borrowed money on her name, burned her, etc ... she got mad one night (I dont blame her) and went to get some money he stolen from her back, he got rough, she pulled out a gun, and forced him to give it back and pistol assaulted him for doing it ... she is the one who ended up in jail for assault with a deadly weapon, and strongarm robbery with a gun on him, believe it or not ... and I knew the gal personally, I know that she was only doing what she had too, she got some mercy of the court and 4 year's felony probation over it, but what a mess, just for defending yourself on top of just getting back from a war.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Although the shutdown was averted, I can't help but think the righties wanted it for no other reason than to mess with those who need help the most.

In the end, they're the one's whose programs are cut while tax breaks that benefit the wealthiest and other government goodies continue.

jmsjoin said...

Last night I talked to one of my sons who just returned from Command school and he was as pissed as us. Usually he shrugs it off but not this time.

He now realizes how little we matter even those serving. That had nothing to do with saving money and they knew it would cost more to shut down. The little bastards wanted their ball or they were going home.

The little B's were so proud of themselves. Shit, Reid, Pelosie, Bhoener, Cantor, Mcconnell, every frigging one of them should never see another reelection. This better have been a wake up for everyone I have had enough!

Ranch Chimp said...

GCP101: ... "Truth?" ... You almost caught me off guard with the new title and photo Guy ... however "Good Morning", (I just crawled out of bed dude, still lost in my dream about being prisoner of Teri Hatcher ... and havent had my orange juice and cigarette yet) :)

Truth ... even though everyone is happy today, and our victorious hero's on the Hill have saved military paycheck's and the gvmnt from shutting down for a week or two more ... WTF is this guy!!? I been on the road trying to keep up with this between music ... and ALL the NEWS I heard was all the political praise and highsiding over this ... I mean ... I'm happy for those who are getting their check's and so forth, but sure as Hell am not jumping for joy over this shit. Then all the talk is "who came out looking how?" (politically) ... this is f'n sad man ... for f'n real! I'm actually now wondering if this whole budget struggle is just a smokescreen to cut lil by lil at a time instead of just coming out with a sudden across the board cut, to snowball voter's/ American's? .... because too much at once would be too obvious. And the GOP take's the cake ... I am so blown away by the GOP, they are almost like a new breed today. And just to think that all this shit is over a handful of corporate interest's. All these MF's ought to just move over to some Saudi country, like Halliburton did leaving Houston (good riddens) that way they can pump their oil and grease up each other's asses with it, hold hand's, and live in harmony.

Thanx for your voice Truth ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Howdy AP! ... Your son's pissed? I dont blame the guy ... I mean, he's doing his bloody job being dictated to by a gvmnt that cant figure out which hand to wipe their asses with! All American's should be pissed ... and all the news is displaying tear's of joy, as if we were done a favour ... if there is anyone who need's to be relieved of their post/ position, get a pink slip, or no paycheck it is these f'n weak parasitic vermin who are running this cesspool, or at least a good deal of them! Guy ... anybody who preformed like this in their job would be terminated, you know it ... these are the only career's where you can get away with this shit, and write your own law's/ legislation while you do it. I have "Meet the Press" on right now on the tele as I write this ... you ought to hear it, it's pathetic, who scored the most point's with what group's(?) Your son realizes now how lil they may mean to some of these parasite's? Congratulation's ... and we ought to dish out the same. Trust me ... many deserve whatever they get.

Sadly AP ... I dont think many folk's will be pissed off long enough, these little sniveling pansies just deal out a lil here and there, then one or two will do something decent to make everyone put on their happy face's again, they were smart to pull this now, because in 2012, there might not be enough time to cover their stench. And sadly were between a rack and a hard place ... you have two parties to choose from that will be the only one's to make it, we can choose all indies, but look how the mass campaign's will drown all that out ... and you cant run for shit without million's backing you and have any success. Even the voting system in this country is a total mess frankly, but that's another post.

Thanx for your word's on this AP ....

Ranch Chimp said...

But ... all in all Ya'll ... their hard work came throguh and enough greatness to prevail. They say they are getting close and we got another week or two extension and possibly even a landmark 6 month stay ... will they be able to come through by the critical mark "2012"? ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... Does a Teddy Bear have cotton ball's? :)

Ranch Chimp said...

Another thing I want to point out inspired by some small chat yesterday with a fella over lunch ... and he is conservative as well and a veteran 36 year's old and registered voter in San Antonio(TX). But he was talking about this isnt "petty" issue's that they are trying to hammer out, and this is for the long term and our kid's and grand kid's future over our outrageous debt, spending ... which is ALSO true, however ... I posted in the start of this journal nearly 3 year's ago that a crisis of magnitude was in the worx, and that it wouldnt just effect USA, but also sweep across the globe in "wave's". The reason I seen this as being of magnitude was because of the new global market arena, that hasnt even been ironed out yet, so everybody been having a field day for a few year's, and using hedges to produce profit's and dollar's internationally and swapping them, that didnt even exist, which was getting deeper and deeper (just have a basic understanding of business and investment's ... I have several posting's explaining how this worx in detail) so right there I knew even a recession would have even more of an impact on the globe than even the Great Depression, monetary/ trade wise (not US employment figure's, which are greatly manipulated regardless of what you hear) ... the Great Depression was a hard era ... but with the new globe ... these recession and/ or depression's at this point of new will even be much harder and spread globally even faster than 3/4 century ago.

You see ... regardless of all this BS about so called making the future better for our children, is "nice" and optimistic ... however ... not very realistic ... just like the idea about what the American Dream is, why I have posted so much on that and the "new normal" ... this is not the past, okay? And getting back to the past using past method's will not work either, and getting back to "normal" will rehash the same base that got us to this mess over. This will take time, and any way you slice it ... do not believe that we can just flip a couple programme's out of existence with this cesspool of political corporate puppetry we have and just erase trillion's of debt and our grandchildren will be in Utopia ... that is NOT reality. Either way we go ... our children/ grandchildren are fixin to inherit a goddamn mess ... and I will bet my paycheck on that ... this is going to take a long time ... so dont cut the programme's we tax payer's pay for and tell us it's going to save the children, or eradicate SSI so ya'll can invest that too in place's like China and India ... you piss poor job performer's ... cause ya'll are full of shit, or just blind to economic's ... and I doubt that your blind to economic's ... I rest.

Weaseldog said...

RC, it's going to be a long decline. We're hitting an acceleration phase. Bankruptcies and unemployment are about to spike hard, then when enough folks have lost their jobs, gas and oil prices will begin to come back down again.

Our media will announce that the problem is solved until it happens again.

We are entering another Great Depression, worse than the other Great one. I would think it would be safe to bet that we'll have a series civil wars too. i expect that 20 years from now, the USA will be a very scary, and a very hard place to survive in.

Ranch Chimp said...

WD ... What a beautiful afternoon here on the Ranch(Dallas) ... eh Guy? ... low 70's, nice strong breeze, no smog today either, thanx to those wind's and pounding rain's last night, we got it hard all across the Metroplex, and your close to me. Just imagine Guy ... those storm's that came through last night after midnight (yes, I got out in it Guy ... I just had to Guy, the thrill was too tempting :) had straight line wind's of 100/ 110 mph here around town ... geeezz Guy ... it reminded me of the old dayz back in Miami and Houston (hurricane's)!

But as far as your comment's last ... well ... that's the balanced thing to expect, you know, forwarned is forearmed. Let me just say ... I am glad this storm is here, I been writing about this stuff since the start of this journal 3 year's ago, and been waiting for it over a quarter century (but feel's it's been longer) ... this all need's to happen to move forward as dumb as that may sound, but yes ... it will get a tad more difficult for many. I primarily started writing about this stuff for my kid's and grandkid's, and those that I known over the year's ... to be kind of ispiration of what need's to be done and what to expect. As far as how hard thing's will get? We will all feel it differently I reckon, but the key is awareness, and solution's, and where we need to pay atencion and change, I'm kind of like a urban sort of survivalist I reckon. As far as petro/ oil price's .. the market's on that of today are way different since that's all gulped up too in the exchange/ market's in a different way today globally. It will be VERY difficult for oil price's to decline even if we all lose job's, remember ... much of the new petro will be taken up in vast large quantities by China and India (over 2.5 billion population combined right now) especially over the next couple decade's ... the largest user of petro in USA for instance last I heard was defense/ military ... but with the new industrialization's in those two countries ... they will come before us. If it goes down a few cent's here and there ... it will go right back up ... you cant keep it down anymore the way that market is played ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... this isnt Mexico either. The American Dream? ... will of course change. I'm simply just looking for the smoothest ride through the storm is all. Yes ... as I have wrote also ... other countries will look better soon to those who have degree's and talent's ... I was only joking though when I wrote that USA could very well become one of the newest 3rd world countries, serving and flipping burger's to each other :) We will also have to be careful of who dump's who on our soil, USA could become a dumping ground for unwanted immigration's, while out talented young people get recruited to leave our country, just a few tip's we should be aware of, I see you understand at least what to expect, so you wont get freaked out at least having expected it. Tough? time's get tough, we adjust, no big deal ... what the big deal though should be is "acting" in our best interest. Long story Guy ... we the people also let this happen to us understand.

Thanx for your word's here WD ....

Weaseldog said...

RC, you've got a good handle on petroleum pricing.

I've had similar thoughts about how elastic oil and gasoline prices might be, now that China is engaged in a very aggressive QE program.

I guess the question is, how long can they keep that up, if their trade slackens considerably. After all, the high prices are going to cut into orders for Chinese goods.

Japan's been taken out of the oil importing market. One good typhoon and Tokyo might become a lost city. We're just now seeing the first hints of what ramifications the loss of manufacturing in Japan might bring.

If China does pick up the pricing slack, then the rest of the world will have to hit a much greater recession or depression, to bring prices back down. China's QE program, may just make the rest of the world crash harder.

Ranch Chimp said...

Thank You for your additional input here for the record WD. I frankly have just as many question's as anyone else ... I just dont ask much, because I am certain on some thing's, and it's too puzzling to try to figure out why it is going to be like that ... and also, frankly there is alot I dont want to discuss, just like anyone else that understand's reality. Anything though that get's tossed into this newest casino market game though ... which all the importante resource's are ... will have no certainty on price fluxuation's, ration's, or a damn thing ... that will solely be dictated by those who own them, and everything in the game is alway's based on "speculation's' and "gamble's". I recall explaining this game in detail as far as petro price's in the start of this journal, and to those close to me and around town way before this journal was formed ... back in the early 2000's when we were paing under a buck a gallon ... what I said was .... they will play the market's, then raise it to like $5 a gallon through the barrel trade price, so that when it goes back to $3 a gallon people will feel they got something, then go to $4 to set it at $3.50, etc, etc ... but yeah ... I covered it, and of course expected it ... it's business basically, and these two mega countries I talked about will have more impact on all of this in the next couple decade's ... so I simply prepare myself and those around me with wayz to detect and stay one step ahead of those who dictate because they are ALWAYZ one step ahead of us. We are short sighted basically and politically blindsided and polarized ... they are in unity and thinking ahead of us by roughly 5 to 10 year's. They can play all they want .... personally I love the "game" ... and I know something they lost sight of though ... they are all in for a backfire they wont expect, but unfortuantely we will also as alway's feel the ill effect's of their action's. Long story Bud ... but thanx again.

Weaseldog said...

I hate blogger. I keep forgetting that it randomly deletes comments....

Jeez I don't want to type all that again.

Shorter, yeah, after reading the Scientific American Article, "The End of Cheap Oil", May 1998, I started getting it. In 2000, I realized like you did, how the cycles work. I even nailed the date of the market crash nine months in advance. Based on oil production and business cycles. I sold all of my stock in Jan 2001. Coasted a few years after that in a tough employment climate.

I understood also, that was a one time shot, that finance was doing a CYA after getting caught unawares.

I'm sure you've had your share of frustrations trying to explain this to folks, like I have. I've been called a lot of names. The folks that get it, were already looking. The rest nod and agree with me, then forget the next day. I'm just that Peak Oil Nut. Mostly Harmless...

Ranch Chimp said...

WD: ... I hear ya brother ... I'm the same goddamn way ... I loathe having to write some of this shit over ... I dont even like looking up where I said this and that, my goddamn journal is so disorganized compared to some of these blog's ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. :) As far as the politic's ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... that's all bullshit too ... I mean ... here's my/ our choice ... you got two polarizing side's who are going to maintain the power, many of the masses are going to suck up what they say whether it's accurate or inaccurate, and unknowingly support the same deadwood for a couple decade's or half century (some of these SOB's been in their since car's had fin's, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :) ... the rest of us dont have a damn choice that would have any significance, so we have to choose the lesser of two evil's ... the only thing I try to do is catch the SOB's in lies, so I will be able to catch the next bite or scam ... you have many up there who I think are really sincere at heart (Washington contaminate's their brain's after awhile :) ... I believe Boehner is for instance ... I just feel like he is terribly brainwashed only, and feel sorry for even a few politician's ... even President Obama was fresh and had some great idea's then they take those like him and other's on both side's and smother them with their grandaddy's corruption and old school policies and try to drag them into the cesspool.

As far as the stock market's especially in thing's like petro ... you, I, and other's know what the market's of today are about and where small stock holder's stand (nowhere's ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :) ... I'm a real free market type guy, but today there is not much free open market at all, and most small investor's lose more than they gain or get ate up on brokerage fee's, etc, etc ... it's part of the game ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... I would be better off investing in the drug black market's south of the border these dayz to really profit or some other way ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... let's hope the municipal bond's as I posted about and commented on, on your blog too, dont take a hit in America this year .... or it's back to the toilet bowl with so many middle class American's and their portfolio's, and a possible double dip ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :)

I'll shut up now, thanx for sharing WD ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Another thing WD ... Brother ... we been in Texas too long, that's why we get so hip/ keen to alot of this shit, we been smothered with this corrupt bullshit and been taken for ride's one after another ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... we learn here brother the hard way (the "on your own, Bud" state :) ... I have lived in other state's ... that couldnt even get away with the shit these folk's do here! :)