Cpt. William Swenson- U.S. Army
Part 35 of this "Veteran's Spotlight" series is to honour and highlight the action's in action of Capt. Will Swenson who I will call still "captain" here despite that he handed in his paperwork and resigned, because once your a soldier and defend, your alwayz a soldier ... and because the talk is that Will want's back in. Of course there was some question about his "question's" back a couple year's ago let's say ... the fact is, that he done what he done and took needed action that dont come from any rule book, but the book of life and survival and standing by your comrades when push come's to shove ... this soldier done that and GOT THE JOB DONE, period! And this Medal of Honor is past due and deserved for his bravery.
I also felt that the timing is great because over the last couple dayz media's have been saturated online and the airwaves of tele and radio trying to paint some of these politician's here in America as some kind of heroes, and the endless talk of who won these sick twisted bitch fight's between them in Washington over their manufactured shutdown and threat's of debt default, etc, as if they actually done something heroic, when in actuality they just fucked up this nation more than they had already ... and painting some of these Jello- assed pansy ingrates in Washington as hero representatives or whatever, is truely sick and misleading! So big Thanx also for the President taking out time from this bunch of overpaid spoiled brat's that he has to work with to award this REAL AMERICAN HERO with the Medal of Honor. And it would be great Capt. Will to see you back in uniform too! Congratulation's Sir and Thanx for doing your job beyond the rulebook call of duty. Some newsread and video below, with actual footage from that day as well.
LA TIMES/ NATION: Army Capt. William Stevenson receives Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor Recipient: "Incredible" to relive moment of humanity ... Thanx to CBSN
Raw Video: Battlefield Actions of Former Cpt. William Swenson ... Thanx to THE U.S. ARMY
Medal of Honor Ceremony: Former U.S. Army Captain William Swenson ... Thanx to THE U.S. ARMY
***** RANCH CHIMP JOURNAL/ YOUTUBE (posting's preview)
***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)
***** THE RESISTANCE/ PERIL'S OF THE POWER POSSE (inspiration for hope & change)
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