Thursday, May 19, 2011

PAKISTAN ... A Testimony from AMRULLAH SALEH ... "Funding and Stupidity" are NOT Compatible (PT.2) ....

For this posting of "Funding and Stupidity are NOT Compatible PT.2", it will focus on Pakistan, and this is another CBS "60 Minutes" story that caught my atencion the other day, and I felt importante to post in this journal to get a look at the reality, to offset the oversaturation of bullshit we are spoonfed. And of course as an American having military familia member's serving in these region's, I also have concern in these issue's, and of course, I have questioned Pakistan for nearly a decade now for many reason's. And I also believe from all that I have gathered over the last few year's that this whole mission here is also just the same as Afghanistan, because of all the new market being formed between India and China, as well as the mining contract's that China won in Afghanistan, etc ... that is why I also was for pushing for China and mega petro and mining corporation's who will be the beneficiaries of all this, to spend more of their money in these venture's and for some Chinese military intervention, cause we are getting milked out the ass in this, and 10 year's down the road, it will be us (USA) without a pot to piss in, because the economic engine of the future will NOT be in America, but there.

So the story below and Secy Clinton's recent commitment announcement concerning our financial obligation's to Pakistan in these tight economic time's, in the 2nd video. Linked also is PT.1 of this series, where I explain more on this mindset of buying friend's who are enemies and other stupidities.



NOTE *** As far as the US not having access yet to the "wives" of bin Laden, they discuss in this video toward's the end ... it is what you call "debriefing" and "intell" ... the more chip's Pakistan has to play on the table, the more bargaining leverage and power they obtain. Basically bin Laden's wives are worth their weight in platinum as far as intell if any ... they want to make sure they milk the wives before US interrogation expert's get to them, and most importantly debrief them as well, as to what to say and not to say to US intell after their turned over to them, including how to play interrogator's from the US, at the same time making sure the wives DO NOT say anything to US intell that incriminate's Pakistani official's, because it hamper's their money intake, support, and leverage from us basically.

Former top Afghan spy speaks out ... Thanx to CBS

Clinton announces multi- year assistance for Pakistan ... Thanx to THEEXPRESSTRIBUNE



jmsjoin said...

With Pakistan we once again find ourselves between a rock and a hard place of our own doing. It seems to be another damned if you do and damned if we don't. I always want to blame it on our inept politicians and it sickens me that the entire world seems to do it better than us!

Ranch Chimp said...

AP/ Jim ... Well Jim ... I'm sure you already know what I think about alot of this crap, beside's, I said alot in posting PT. 1 on this, but with their neighbor's Afghanistan, so I just had to post Mr. Saleh's Testimony and opinion in this journal. And you know more about this stuff than I do Jim, so Thanx for your voice here ....

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I did a post a long time ago about how the world fights us through proxy. This time it's economic.. While we're being bled dry, China and other countries are cutting deals with Venezuela and other countries hostile to us.

Our good nature will cause our defeat and China and Asia will defeat us without firing a shot.

Good points you brought up here RC.

Ranch Chimp said...

Truth ... I read your post too, even though I dont leave comment's most of the time. This seem's so twisted for aome folk's, but if one just stand's back for a minute and block all mainstream thought for also a minute out of your thinking, it is easier to see the score here Truth.

Thanx for your voice here ....