Gargoyle and his creator/ artist Mr. David Smith
For Part 6 of this series will be to highlight an Arizona artist Mr. David Smith and a piece of his art which was an anatomically correct gargoyle, and not only credit here for Mr. Smith's captivating piece of art, but the stand up attitude to go against the grain and bring up something that too many of us seem to have forgot ... that we are supposed to be a free country in this sense. Some newsread and photos in the below link, then a few word's from the Ranch Chimp (me) {: )
***** DAILY MAIL ONLINE: Homeowner in rural Arizona ordered to remove naked- nine- foot gargoyle statue because neighbors complained it is offensive ... (newsread/ photos)
One would think that in our so called liberated 21st century illusion, that we have gotten past getting offended by thing's like art illustration's, doll's, image's of genitalia, etc, etc ... but NOPE ... still many of us get all bent out of shape over it ... yet brag up and down about how liberated and open we are so much, although apparently so many of us are not with this new surge of pussive correctness and political correctness (a "pussive" is basically a passive pussy mindset). And I dont want to just direct this at those religious fundamoralist's, because the fact is, through our societal programming some of us became so fucked up psychologically even on the more liberated side out of political correctness ... that the removal of a penis and testicle's such as on the Ken doll by religious fundamoralist programming, was followed up by even making him into a tranvestite of sort with a dress and curvy, etc from the neo- liberated oppposite's of those thinking to remove his genital's ... so in reality despite our swollen head's of how sexually liberated we are becoming ... it's all just as much a fantasy and NOT the reality. In reality were not too far off from these African Sudanese moron's who damn near hacked the school teacher Gillian Gibbons to death (or at least wanted to) over a goddamn Teddy Bear as you can see. What many of us are about still in America is sending the gargoyle's and his genital's to the gallows and keeping Ken genital- less and cute and curvy like a woman, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: )
Word Out ....

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