Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie" (the car is a 2013 ZL1 Chevy Camaro convertible, with a LSA 6.2 liter supercharged V8 and 580 horsepower engine ... it dont fuck around (half- step), and neither do I : )
This posting is to highlight the latest victory news concerning marriage equality here in America, and will serve 2 series of this journal ... "Sexploitation Nation" and "What Is Gay Marriage?" both. This is finally a reality in America and has been fought for years ... it took a Supreme Court ruling here to get this done, which is in my opinion the fair and right thing to do. Besides, in my opinion, the Supreme Court REALLY owed American's in general something, being how they basically let us be sold out to these multi- national corporations on other decisions and allowed for our political elections to be bought out by those as well ... you keep screwing the people time after time ... you HAVE TO GIVE SOMETHING sooner or later to calm some of the issues, or you will get more mass resistance in time. But this is also a big victory locally for Texas as well, because I knew it would take something like this to get LGBT's the right to be equal citizens ... Texas has a large LGBT population, but Texas also has a very strong opposition force to it and equal rights, so trying to get this to pass on our state level was difficult (as you can see throughout these related series in this journal), and just widespread isolated groups in the state as well as across the nation with discrimination of LGBT Americans on their agenda's, so it is long past due. And this couldnt have come at a better time, being that so many of our nations social issues have been politically shuffled around and put on the back shelf in the closet, with way too much being done to suppress rights ... so it took the hand of the Supreme Court to lay down the law in the land. Again as I pointed out before, it is also a plus for business and our social and cultural atmosphere, so everybody wins in this. So it's rightfully a call for celebration for everyone, so we can get past this and move on to fixing the many issues we still face. Part of the posting's title inspired by the 1970 Led Zeppelin classic song "Celebration Day", which is an old favourite of mine as far as composition/ structure, and will be added below on this posting as a closing song to dedicate to the occasion, also some newsread, video and photos linked below.
Well ... looks like time for another round for "The End Must Be Near" series and dedicated in humour to my fellow Texans who love Looney Tunes and the related (actually, this entire series was inspired by humour), but not to attack anyone's personal belief's (I have my own views on some of these institutionally and politically manufactured religions here), but to show how obsessed some become with paranoia and self manufactured nonsense ... because unfortunately while we are so distracted by this kind of entertainment ... part of our legislative branch of government yesterday slipped through this preliminary stage for a shady- type trade deal, when our House of Representatives passed to "fast track" authority (CNN), a secretive trade package that if not changed in language really screws us, and there is very little news coverage of this, regardless of how big of a deal this is (part of the secrecy though is because a growing concern and fear with folks in Washington over countries like China in particular and Russia, that they're not talking about in public either) ... and I would hope that many of these politicians both Democrat and Republican's who want to rush this through, lose their ass in the next election or some other way. Yet we are bitchin about other petty things that wont make or break us, but simply temporarily entertain our Enquirer type tabloid minds, while turning off our minds to reality and how were really getting screwed. So part of the inspiration to do this posting was from when I looked up online about the flooding here in Texas and ran across some of these reasons.
But whenever these events come up whether it's a flood, drought, hurricane or you name it ... the conspiracies or whatever flow with these psychologically masochistic individuals and cults assuming that their concept of God who is the creator of the universe, is so concerned with our petty nonsensical rants, bitch fights and petty prejudices, that God is punishing us for something like "sex acts" or similar petty things ... as if God/ a higher power responsible for universal creation as believed ... wouldnt have anything better to do than to nitpick silly petty things {: ) Or of course that the government wants to punish or destroy Texas ... which is also nonsensical considering Texas is one of the largest economies in the world ... and making many in Washington and Wall Street billions. At the same time it doesnt even cross some of these folks minds that maybe our destructive actions and relentless damage to the environment by contributing to the unnatural acceleration of "Global Warming", that this is a natural reaction of nature ... just like when you eat something you shouldnt and naturally get stomach cramps or similar.
Below some of the talk in video and link read of why Texas got hit with floods. Part of the posting's title was inspired by musician Marilyn Manson's ... "Guns, God and Government" 2002 album ... and by author Anton LaVey's 1971 release "Satanic Witch" book. Then to close out the posting with the classic song from Texas bluesman Stevie Ray Vaughan's ... "Texas Flood", as he's joined by other blues legends B.B.King and Albert King ... which will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY". Besides that ... the weather today here in Dallas is absolutely gorgeous and sunny ... and a Happy Fathers Day to all those Dad's like myself ... Enjoy!
This posting will serve as Part 24 of "From The FOXHOLE with Bernie" series ... a one on one interview with Bernie and veteran award winning journalist and best selling author Katie Couric, and a look at Bernie's blueprint for trying to restore America's DEMOCRACY and familia values ... both of which has taken a drastic decline over the last couple decades ... so much in decline, that in 2015 by definition, America is more of an OLIGARCHY. All we been hearing in mainstream news media mostly ... is the constant struggle of potential Presidential candidates to appease, beg and raise money from billionaires/ millionaires, multi-national corporations, international investment bankers and the likes, as if there is not much else to be concerned with ... making it unfortunately where there is less and less time for candidates to do their jobs and basically getting cornered by worry instead of the issues we have. So this posting will be more of a "millionflares" edition over the talk of millionaires and billionaires ... a look at some solutions to ALL our concerns and issues in America, instead of the concerns of the very few ... who are so financially well off, they frankly dont have any concerns or worries on that issue ... so this is for ALL of America, not just a small percentage. I expect at least for Bernie to ignite millions of emergency flares through American's across our country, because we are on a borderline "state of emergency" ... and it's needed. I and thousands of others at this early point are happy to see Bernie chose to run for President, being for his integrity and all he has already done as far as job performance as a Mayor, Congressman and Senator ... Bernie is truly one of the hardest working employees we have!
I also want to applaud Sen.Sanders here for standing his ground as far as campaign financing and who he accepts money from, which must be difficult in these money dominating elections. We will see many candidates come out swinging in their campaign speeches at these "too big to fail" entities of corporate/ banking/ Wall Street entities on how they want to break them up, truly work for the majority of America and it's interest's, and say they want to cut out this campaign financing of billionaires basically swaying elections and political outcomes, etc ... basically telling us all what we want to hear ... YET, their record show's that they are basically committed to this support/ money and even in bed with them same entities. The point is ... someone in this is being less than truthful, or just outright lying ... I mean ... why would these big money entities throw millions of dollars into your support and campaign if you were out to tear them down? And why would you as a candidate accept their support if you are so against their financial and political support of you? ... it makes no sense. So there should be no problemo that the average American can see this. And as you can see throughout this series and journal, I am expecting Bernie to do well, regardless of what the mainstream media's been saying ... Listen to the man.
Bernie Sanders Speaks With Katie Couric Full Interview ... Thanx to Johnny Akzam
This posting will be a Part 2 for "UNITING Citizens against CITIZENS United" to highlight a news article this last week of a poll done by New York Times & CBS about the majority of Americans opinion of money in politics across party lines as well, which in my opinion is good news and should get a tad more atencion in other mainstream news because of the severity of this issue right now in particular. Even without opinion ... when you have 1% with more voice/ influence than 99% ... that shows you that something mathematically is SEVERELY IMBALANCED ... not just slightly ... which calls for atencion and modifications. I also included some video with Sen. Bernie Sanders concerning Citizens United, because Bernie has been strong on trying to clean up some of the corruption, he is also running for President ... he though is trying to win the vote simply on the will of the American voters without necessarily billionaires support. I am also optimistic and supportive of Bernie Sanders call for political revolution in our nation, despite the talk out of some that we should just go with the flow and accept the current reality or 2nd best, lesser of 2 evils, etc ... and I guess just passively sit on our asses ... I mean Richie Rich has plenty to bitch ... shouldnt we as well? Part of the postings title was inspired by the 1973 classic album/ single "Billion Dollar Babies" by "Alice Cooper" and the 1950's comic book character "Richie Rich". Then I will add some words afterwards.
Thomas Hudson Pickering (aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie") with other half (wife) Rosalie Recto Vinas (Pickering)
The reason this is good news is because it is finally a mainstream issue and mainstream thought/ awareness, and has been building momentum ... although not quick enough in some areas ... BUT ... it is a good start! The big money moves very quick, in fact, they are usually at minimum of 5 years or more ahead of us on everything they have planned ... and that is what we sometimes miss ... being instead of us following their lead ... we and they should be following the majority/ our lead on the nations current issues. We knew most of this was coming as far as being taken over and a shaft being ran up our asses ... I myself been pointing this out since the start of this journal in related series and many other folks ... so part of our problemo has been neglect on our part. We also knew how fast this would move if todayz style of Republicans won a majority in the last mid- term elections and the fast moves of changes they would push for as dictated by their money support, which is basically cutting and trimming everything we have and built over the last century ... including our Constitutional Rights and everything we own and pay for ourselves ... that is the WHOLE POINT of financially milking and draining so much of our accumulated wealth/ assets ... so we have NO CHOICE but to DEPEND on them, eh? Same with the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court (wikipedia) ... the idea was designed and pushed to make it to suppress the majority of people of our nation from being able to politically/ campaign- wise outspend the billion dollar babies ... for more political monopolization basically. So it's like one of those flash flooding fast and heavy rain storms from the billion dollar babies, since were quickly getting pissed/ rained on and flooded, needing to rescue ourselves or drown.
I cant say how accurate these polls are ... but just what you hear from others in social media or your neighbours, friends, families and on the street seem to confirm it ... you know you are getting the same response and opinions as far as money in politics. Today even politicians are complaining about it ... but they too helped make their bed and are now having to lay down in it. I can only imagine despite the treats politicians may receive, knowing that they have to owe favours to a special interest that they or their constituents may not be in agreement with must be somewhat embarrassing and shameful, and such a jab to their integrity and career record ... but that's what happens, and basically having to sell out everything you value just to try to get a job in political office with only hoping to be allowed to do what's acceptable for all. And much today is nothing more than legalized bribery and corruption on the Supreme Courts part regardless of how they "justify" their rulings ... even judges around the country are being financed by the same entities ... but I cant sympathize too much with those who willingly chose their path. And this so called "Citizens United" ruling is a disaster to democracy on a historic level at that! ... so the growing movement to overturn it and change the way campaign financing is done today cannot be soon enough. Again ... you will have those who say ... "it cant be done" ... "this is just how it is" ... "it's the new normal", etc ... in fact there is nothing "new" about it, it is a rehash of the same type corruption that has went on historically not just in this country and it's era, but all over time and again ... so as usual ... it needs to be challenged. Moving backwards and losing everything you've fought for, earned and accomplished, is NOT a "new thing" or "moving forward" ... it is an old thing and moving backwards to the same ole shit. I myself and millions of others dont say "it cant be done" ... actually anything that can be "done" can also be "undone" ... period.
In fact, there are many ideas out there of what we do need to change, many groups/ movements and growing by the month. Some politicians have proposed to simply make those who donate/ contribute to campaigns disclose who they are and what they support or whatever ... that is a nice start ... but not nearly good enough in my opinion, and nothing more than political stalling out of fear ... I mean ... that's about as lame as the jokes to make politicians wear name patches on their suits like race car drivers of their sponsors. The bottom line is ... that the overall majority of people in this country WANT the money OUT of politics ... simply telling us who is putting in the money and showing the routes of it, does or means nothing, it just makes the corruption more transparent and acceptable is all ... it doesnt stop it. The other political puppet talk about limiting the millions one of these billionaire contributors can put in also does nothing, since they will have more backdoor legislation made to allow multiple contributions using different identifications of groups. They alwayz pull these cheap nickel and dime treats out of their pockets like any hustler trying to sell you something of lesser value for an outrageous price ... kind of like those mega cable TV/ tele companies, where you want to buy a couple channels in particular, but they design this twisted package where you have to buy a dozen more channels you dont even want to get the couple you do want, then they lock you into a type contract thats almost as strict as a property lease! ... it's worthless basically ... and the long term price we pay will harm our people and country. I myself feel we need some type of public funded elections that are engineered to work better than what we have and way more transparent ... so simply removing some of the stealth of the wealth doesnt work too well either, and what we have now worx lousy, period. Who will pay for it some ask? ... with all the money this country wastes on these special interests/ projects/ military invasions that are corporate inspired, breastfeeding the Richie Rich's with subsidies in the billions in taxes as if they were helpless and homeless ... you can bet your ass, there is wayz to fund it well ... and WITHOUT cutting ANY social services, Social Security, pensions, medical/ healthcare programmes, etc ... I am confident and would bet on it!
Also something has to be done to improve and boost the voting in this country ... just in the last mid- term election voter turnout was at a low not seen since like WW2 (PBS) ... it needs addressing ... many even suggest someway to automatically register everyone to vote ... which I feel is a good start ... although on the other hand, I dont feel it would be very democratic to force people to vote against their will, but to have that quick available easy option without a bunch of unnecessary complications to try to vote is a plus. More and more younger folks are joining in which is a plus, and we need to show more support to them and their groups even financially, since they will carry on future decisions ... and to try to halt some of the voter suppression we been seeing that is also funded by some of these same entities ... even Bernie Sanders proposed a national election day ... which dont sound like a bad idea. So there are plenty of wayz and ideas along with the tools to change what we have and really move forward in our benefit and interest ... I mean ... we cant just follow or depend on billionaires to do for us and decide for us, eh? ... they are busy protecting their interest's. And I dont hate wealth and those with it ... many have wealth and earned it, deserve it, and their voices should be heard as well ... their right to vote, etc. Calling for automatic voting registry or related and even publicly funded elections can even be conservative as far as spending, and save billionaires a bundle (even though I am sure they have wayz to get us to pick up part of their spending tab, just like on much else), and saving them worry and time ... and everyone's money and voice gets distributed more equally and efficiently in the elections process ... at the same time, those with billion's still have their lobby groups they are paying to represent their voice on Capitalism Hill (aka Capitol Hill) ... so we are NOT depriving them of anything ... I believe we should be fair with them as well ... after all ... that's the spirit of democracy, eh?
***** POST NOTE: When it comes to campaign financing though, I am a bit more strict in my opinions/ thoughts than most, being that I would not just prohibit millionaires/ billionaires, but ALL organizations profit or non- profit, including labour unions, churches/ religions, etc ... it would be ALL government paid and sponsored, and equally ... and not on a left/ right favour either. I also believe we need to at least triple or more the amount of mainstream political parties and be way more diversified ... I mean like ... who in these times just really and naturally thinx left or right ONLY ... without being programmed to? And in all fairness to the U.S.Supreme Court ruling here, I have NO reason of fact to think that the court was biased or that their intentions were left/ right based or to allow some of these mega- groups of wealth to buy elections or related ... laws are complex and good attorneyz know how to work and present their cases. And that's just the way it worx with court rulings/ decisions ... most may work well, but some dont work as well ... BUT ... this is what ended up happening as a result of their ruling. The Supreme Court ruling from what I read ... DID NOT or WAS NOT a decision to give any billionaires a right to directly fund a politician or party with these Super PACs, but was simply based on "free speech" laws for these to spend sort of indirectly unlimited amounts to influence through advertisements and other wayz their choice candidate/ party. So for me, it is more importante to protect the best we can our government, which is ALL our body and voice (this is our's, like an asset, it's not for sale or on the auction block) ... and in particular the legislative branch, especially as diversified and large as our population is and our domestic need's, and if that means stricter oversight, rules, transparency or cutting some of the excessive waste of our taxes on pet projects or foreign occupations including being global militarized police watchdogs for multi- national corporations, investment bankers, or limitations to make our government function properly, etc ... I am ALL for it. Some of these entities that spend so much time trying to buy our government and assets love to gamble and splurge money and take chances using others money ... yet they dont want to actually put out any "out of pocket" expenses of their own.
Green Day- 99 Revolutions (LIVE) ... Thanx to ONE **** a closing song/ video I wanted to add with lyrics related to the times we now are in and inspired such ... which is an increasing awareness of the 99% & the 1% that once again is smothering us ... and the need to Occupy more of what is ours, this song a 2012 release done on their 2013 tour from an outstanding group of musicians out of the San Francisco Bay Area ... Green Day. This will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY"