Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
A popular thing these dayz is hacking into these electronic freeway/ road hazard info signs you see across America. Early this morning over in South and West Dallas there were some cheap political ads for those folks on the way to work this morning about Bernie Sanders and Donald "The Great" Trump ... and even one that said work been canceled and to go back home ... which sounds great after a 3 day weekend, eh? These were in construction zones, and needed so to know what's going on as far as construction though, I didnt see any of this, I live in North Dallas which is several miles away from this. They say this is a distraction and of course it is illegal ... the mainstream news is saturated with politics right now ... and the freeway signs are no exception I guess, but dont be alarmed, you're in America. Some newsread and video linked below ....
Hacked Texas Road Sign: "Trump Is A Shape- Shifting Lizard" ... Thanx to WOCHIT NEWS
This posting will serve as Part 44 of the "Veterans Spotlight" series of this blog/ journal, and to honour those fallen for their strength, service and valor this 2016 Memorial Day. I havent served this country, or ever put my life on the line for this country, or done anything great that is deserving of credit, like these soldiers done ... so I have an obligation and commitment as an American and blogger to annually honour those who have, for their oath to protect and defend whatever liberties I/ we do have. These are a small percentage of American's that took an oath to defend, and will drop whatever they're doing at a drop of the hat order ... and regardless of possible consequences to do what they are called to do, a sort of iron backbone that I view as the 'minority elite'. We may not alwayz agree with some of the war's, intervention/ occupation or whatever else that those are called to act on ... they are following orders and the oath that they took ... so I dont fault them if I have an issue with it, I fault those in Washington. But what they will do and the oath that they take is what we cant do without in a cruel world ... to maintain as much freedom and protection of this country and our true allies as possible ... and Thank You to those.
Word Out ....
A Tribute to Fallen Soldiers| Memorial Day 2016 ... Thanx to USAA
Disturbed's Indestructible- American Military Tribute ... Thanx to 7ISLANDSNOW7 **** a music video that I wanted to add, the song was wrote as a 'soldiers anthem' from the music crew out of Chicago called 'Disturbed' (lyrics here), that keeps the spirit of strength and determination that cannot be destroyed ... this will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY".
This posting will serve the "Public Patriots" and "The Awakening" series of this journal/ blog, it will look at some good news of a new political action committee that is just starting up now to get ready for the 2018 midterm elections, they call themselves "Brand New Congress", which is one of the newest political splinters upcoming, as others that I talk about as far as the new splinters to come throughout this series and journal. It is a new grassroots face and phase in American politics, of a more organized political revolutionary movement that was inspired by Senator Bernie Sanders of his staffers/ supporters and independents. Thank You to these people that will start this movement, I see them as patriots, I also want to Thank Senator Sanders for sticking in this Presidential primary run as well to the end, for his country and supporters ... despite the obstruction and constantly telling him to concede by the Democratic Party establishment ... Thank You Sir! ... you have stood strong and defiant for the people of this country and inspired millions who will carry on. When I use the term 'establishment politics', it doesnt mean that I am against the idea of well established and efficient politics and representation, although I also understand when people use the term 'establishment politics', they are talking about the top crust inner circle that dominates the parties. I take the word establishment for what it should truly mean though ... being, I am all for a well established political representation, just as much as well established defense and local/ domestic militia ... the question and issue though here, is having an established representation that is now only dictated to by certain foreign lobbies like Saudi Arabia for example and a handful of your largest corporations, international investment banks and the most wealthy billionaires, that have damn near total control over all our legislation, assets and laws ... that is not balanced representation ... get my drift?
Of course Hillary Clinton declared herself the nominee already yesterday on all the mainstream media (PBS NewsHour), in her own words to mainstream media ... "it's a done deal", and we all need to jump on board now, although several states havent voted yet, including the big one California, of course hoping to discourage people from voting, making them think it's over because she sayz so, or she gives inaccurate figures that she is 3 million votes ahead of Sanders ... but still considering the remaining states, it makes me question "How can she claim what hasnt happened or been officially counted yet?" ... what about the several hundred Superdelegates that dont vote till the convention?, how will they vote?, ... are they under an obligation, that they are 'supposed' to vote Clinton? That's really 'democratic' of her to say as a U.S Presidential candidate, eh? ... I actually agree with her that it's a done deal as I wrote here 3 years ago as far as the 'deal' is concerned. And NO, Donald Trump is NOT an alternative, regardless of how many positive things he sayz on trade or American greatness, bringing jobs back from China or related, Trump is basically a 'hustler' is all, and Speaker Paul Ryan only may embrace him, if Trump is willing to put entitlement reform and Social Security cuts/ reform on the table to negotiate, and Trump in his own words is a NEGOTIATOR, who has a past history of supporting Social Security cuts/ reform/ individual investment options, the cuts being to what he call's 'mass fraud', however, how do you make a case for fraud and on what grounds, that are not right now in effect and being investigated right now? ... in other word's, who will 'redefine' through legislation what is 'fraud', especially coming from those who legalize fraud, bribery and inside trading for 'themselves' legislatively. In all fairness, the Trump party line is that he opposes Social Security cuts because he doesnt look at it as an entitlement, but a business contract of sort that should be paid and honoured ... but I dont buy for a minute that he wouldnt be open to negotiating cleverly presented legislation and proposals. Paul Ryan is a much stronger leader, politically sharper, and a real winner politically if he ever gained ground than Trump (I see Ryan as a future Presidential candidate), and you dont want Ryan to run things, believe me, but a man like Ryan would tell Trump what to do. First some newsread and video below, then after I will add some additional input to this posting.
Political Group 'Brand New Congress' Modeled After Bernie Sanders ... Thanx to MSNBC
**** DONT JUST BLAME the establishment politics for the problems we have today, some of the blame can go to the American people as well, for millions not voting as we should, and for not applying enough pressure and demand in politics ... and you can start with blaming PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF ... as I tell younger folks at my kids or grandkids age ... I AM PARTLY TO BLAME. What I mean by this, is take me for example, I been voting for these establishment parties/ politicians for 4 decades ... there were other political movements and plenty of candidates over the years to also choose from, maybe not as strong as the establishment duopoly of Democrat/ Republican, but they did exist. I didnt even keep up with politics until I got online in 2008, before that time for 3 decades, I just voted what the mainstream was pushing, I never even looked at that much of the background of candidates and the Democrat and Republican parties ... just going on what they said in their campaign talk and taking their word, so I voted the same ole same for years, and just took it that the Democrats and Republicans were the answer to fix everything and keep everything in check, and to move this country in a more beneficial direction for all in our country. Even though I had access to all kinds of alternative political information available to me, and knew a few people personally that were involved with revolutionary political ideas and change, I ignored much and was just caught up in my lifestyle and failed to utilize all the tools that we have as Americans ... by doing this, I feel like I in some way failed my country as a voter. So much blame can go to folks like me and those of my generation who for decades kept supporting that which was clearly taking this country in the wrong direction. In my case for example, I started this blog/ journal in 2008, I been writing about the problems in this country and our politics corruption since then, and you can see that I pinpointed these problems over and over, yet I still up till now in 2016, have supported the establishment politics in my voting habits ... and for this I apologize and admit my mistakes to those younger generations who are feeling the hurt and witnessing what they are experiencing now ... DONT make the same mistakes us like your parents and grandparents made by supporting this political garbage that is peddled on you. I have confidence that our future generations will abandon what we have ... seeing and experiencing what we have allowed to go on for years. The future of our world and country is not so much what I or my generation wants, or what these petty decades old bitch fights between this right and left duopoly wants, or what the establishment committee's of these 2 major political parties and their inside battles that been going on for decades wants ... it is about what our kids and grandkids want, and to try to encourage and support them to pursue their goals and vision, because they are our future.
The great thing about this new grassroots organization is that they have a plan and agenda/ platform with a large support block that is progressive to focus on change within the House of Representatives and Senate, there is alot of seats that will be challenged, and this will be starting all over the nation right away, so many will be inspired and work in this, there is opportunity to raise millions in small donations to give financial support to new candidates, so it should be fairly well organized. The reason why this is importante is because all you hear in these primaries and throughout the rest of this voting year is about Presidential candidates, not much about people running in Congress and the Senate, the corporate media is forced to focus on this because that is what they are paid to do, your congressional members on both sides have to spend most of their time telemarketing/ panhandling for money (CBS 60 Minutes) ... to try to get more money than their opponent in their rival party, so it's all basically a race to get all the money you can from banks, corporations and wealthy donors, or they're walking out instead of doing their job when they have the red- ass (pissed off for not getting their way), and take long vacations all through the rest of the year. There are many that need to be discarded and replaced right now in the House and Senate, remember, they all are very critical in passing legislation ... even more than a President in some cases, so focusing on them is a big plus. There are many people that will gladly accept the jobs, and will really work hard for the benefit of the people of our country, for the salaries and benefits that we give our members of Congress and the Senate, we shouldnt have any shortage of applicants ... we have now many ingrates occupying those seats who have no regard for us and just pocket millions on the side, as if what we give them is nothing. The reason that I focus so much on those who call themselves 'progressive' in this journal is because of the critical issues that we face in this particular era, and those are mainly the ones that are taking any action as far as trying to save what democracy and liberties we do have left ... the rest are just playing political games and kissing corporations/ bankers asses, many are corrupt to the core of both the Democrat and Republican establishment and not doing much of nothing for our country. I assume from what I see in the news today that if you have Presidential candidates of Clinton and Trump running for the Oval Office, that much focus for the next several months will be on sexcapades of sort as well, being that Trump is already talking about the various sexual affairs/ encounters of Bill Clinton, which of course will escalate into Clinton fighting back and talking about Trump's affairs, women or whatever, what women are ugly or hot, who's a sexist, or related, which will burn up alot of mainstream coverage as well, because many people that are sexually repressed or whatever related enjoy hearing about those things ... so your corporations and big money donors will try to push that as much as possible in the medias that they own, as well as terrorists coming to get us, to try to suppress serious issues on trade deals, defense spending and waste, etc.
I look at these moves by folks like 'Brand New Congress' to be a real positive, and of course you have many other groups that are popping up and existing ones. Another positive to this, is the 'Brand New Congress' plans to connect with moderate Republican voters and just anyone who is sick of the politics as usual from both sides, because there are many on the right as well that feel shut out ... this is why I look at these kind of movements as a new type of 'Citizens United'. As I have pointed out throughout these series and journal, there is a growing number of folks as you can see talking to your neighbours and folks around your communities and social circles, that are just tired of the good/ evil and left/ right thing, people are now starting to realize after being trampled by this duopoly of power that they are getting the shaft decade to decade ... I myself been voting for these mainstream politics for 40 years now, I have tried my damnedest like millions of other Americans, to give them the benefit of doubt, but yet the corruption of these folks just has grown greater by the year. First to tackle the voting suppression and rigged type systems from state to state that are designed to elect the status quo is importante, as well as cutting as much money as possible out of these elections from billionaire entities, then focusing on trade, education, environment, labour rights and a whole list of other issues that these groups are ready and eager to challenge. Many Americans can find some common ground if they just ignore most of the left/ right game and focus on what this country needs, I am confident in this. I was watching primetime mainstream news last night on the tele as Clinton declared her nomination, and she just basically said that she is the nominee and that Senator Sanders needs to do his job now ... I dont understand what she means by this? ... I assume what she meant was to concede and endorse her, her circle and the DNC or whatever. However, I really dont see any reason why he should just concede right now, after all, the elections are still in progress ... and as far as her saying the Senator should do his job ... he been doing his job for several decades, there is a clear record of it, I would suggest that Secretary Clinton do her job and try being the progressive champion that she been calling herself and really show some work to back it up, instead of just highsiding and selling woof tickets ... if and when she does that, I will be first in line to credit her. I dont see what Senator Sanders owes her or the DNC frankly, especially the way they have treated him and his supporters ... I mean ... speaking from my view ... I wouldnt feel I owe them anything ... what in Hell would I possibly owe you besides my taxes?, but of course ... that is up to Senator Sanders and his supporters.
This posting for the music/ arts honour roll society of this journal will be to highlight and honour some of the work from the outstanding French Canadian septet crew out of Montreal, Quebec called "Unexpect". Officially they disbanded in 2015, all continuing in their music endeavors with individual projects, although I hope to see a reunion of this crew sometime in the future. Between 1996 and 2015 they were active, they had 3 full albums and 1 EP as far as I know over their span, starting out doing their own independent label and marketing depending on online support, then they were on "Galy Records" and "The End Records". They had some member change- ups too over the years, but when it comes to versatile composition and full sound ... they are the creme de la creme in my view, I like everything about their chemistry and sound, lyrics and composition across the board ... with 2 vocalists, 2 guitars, a unique 9 string bass player, keyboards/ sampling, violinist and well rounded drummer. As far as what genre they are in ... well, according to members of this crew, they were a "metal laboratory mixing elements of Black, Death, Core, Symphonic, Progressive Melodic Metal, Classical, Operatic, Medieval, Goth, Electro, Ambient, Psychotic, Noise and Circus Music with an occasional jazzy touch" ... so I'll leave that to the viewer/ listener to figure out. Even though I would like a reunion of this last crew, I wish them all the best on their solo projects they are involved with. Below I selected some favourites of mine from these guyz, and I wanted to focus on live work from this crew on these ... Enjoy!
UneXpect- The Quantum Symphony ... Thanx to Эдгар Оболенский **** live video here @ Heavy MTL (Montreal) 2013 with studio- audio synchronized/ mixed in, I chose this one with audio mixed in for sound quality purposes on this particular piece.
This posting will serve both "Sexploitation Nation" and "Not Cool 4 School" series of this journal/ blog. It will highlight the recent activity over the last couple dayz locally here in Dallas- Fort Worth concerning the new transgender student protection bathroom policies implemented by Fort Worth Independent School District superintendent Dr.Kent Scribner the other day (Dallas and Fort Worth have separate independent school districts), part of the complaint is that he done it without holding a board meeting, however, this has been in the worx for awhile to try to accommodate the transgender students and to try to cut some of the discrimination towards them. But the shit is about to hit the fan instead of the pan here over the next few dayz politically as well, all over using the toilet basically. Texas Lt.Governor Dan Patrick immediately flew up to Dallas- Fort Worth from Austin to pitch a bitch over this and asking that the superintendent of Fort Worth Schools resign ... many folks here in the community for and against this are raising Hell. But first, I linked some newsread and video below, and above there is the policy to read as well ... after I will add my part at the bottom of the posting, even though I have not kept up with this bathroom bill craze thing that been sweeping the country as much as I perhaps should of, so my views only from what little I know, may not be in tune with what so many feel about this.
Thomas Hudson Pickering (aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie") with other half (wife) Rosalie Recto Vinas (Pickering)
Unfortunately like damn near everything else, it's only a 2 sided political battle (left/ right or whatever you call it) between mostly adults for the most part, although I can understand parents that may have concerns as far as their children being gawked at in the bathroom by someone of the opposite or same sex, with all the sexual repression in our society that leads to sexual aggression, assuming those parents are sincere about their concerns. But I also see alot of insincerity as well from people like Lt.Gov.Patrick, who is basically a corporate owned neo- conservative religious fundamoralist, who shows not much regard for the Texas education system to begin with, besides wanting to privatize it, and is strongly biased based on political and religious affiliation only from what I've seen, I have seen no evidence that he even gives a shit about LGBT students or any students that dont fall into his definition of student, he is very one sided, along with the Governor Greg Abbott. I also feel that in these debates there should be more student input on various issues that concern them, not just over bathrooms and sex/ gender identity ... we seem to disregard what students may think too much as parents, we sometimes feel that our way is the only way and the right way, so we frown upon change being set in our wayz. You also have to look at another view as far as students who are going to be the ones using these bathrooms ... in school, it's common for bathrooms to also be places of socializing too among students, burning time, and talking about things in private ... some girls look at bathroom time as sacred, and to be able to apply makeup, fix their hair, clothes, etc ... chat with other girls about what's happening, being able to talk freely about the guyz they like or dislike or whatever ... some guyz as well look at the bathroom as their space, socialize and groom themselves, have guy talk, etc ... just like the opposite sex. So there is more to the bathroom in school than just using the toilet, people expect a certain amount of privacy as well, yet when folks use an individual stall to actually use the toilet, it shouldnt bother anyone, but for some it would take some getting used to since we are so accustomed to have strick gender separation, and even in sports and much else ... it gets handed down generation to generation. Bottom line is ... it's a good time now to start to break down this phobia that most have and move on ... which will happen in time anywayz.
Caught in the middle of these battles are your transgender and gay kids who are the ones who have been under attack for long, so it's past due as well that they have protections against those who bully or attack them ... and it's been going on for decades in this country, as far as these kids being hurt and harassed by people, other students, and even folks in our own government that dont like them. Some folks that are against LGBT rights today, feel that those who are LGBT are pestering them and trying to force everyone into being LGBT because all the recent concern over these issues to LGBT marriage, etc. But it isnt that, it's being pushed hard now to include rights for these people, because for ages, they couldnt speak freely or even identify with who they were, it was taboo, and being open about yourself could get you harmed or even killed ... they were forced by society to stay hidden away in the closet and that their feelings or lives are irrelevant, they been looked at as like people who are deformed in some way by the mainstream of society, this has been the norm reaction to LGBT people for many centuries in many cultures ... so they have hid in darkness out of fear of persecution. Some folks think that this transgender thing is new ... I dont believe that ... I believe that transgenders been around for as long as recorded human history, and that these people are actually born like this, some even living their lives confused when they look at the rest of society and try to figure out why they are the way they are ... some getting to the point of suicide because they cant handle the way society looks at them. I dont have the answer as far as how to settle the bathroom bill cult battle we been having, while trying to please everyone ... some of it's confusing to me ... I have an easier time understanding the complex deceptive banking and fraud than this. Bottom line though, is these students and people are citizens and deserve to have the same protections as any heterosexual person ... so something needs to be done, and if we cant find common ground, we need to facilitate their bathroom needs in anyway we can ... I dont care if you have to build more unisex bathrooms or whatever ... it needs to get done, since these people are finally not having to hide like they have for centuries already. Yes, the superintendent maybe should have had a recent board meeting, but he didnt, and there has been pressure on him and others around the country to protect all students and citizens in these bathroom battles ... so the man acted on what he seen necessary. As far as Lt.Gov.Patrick telling him to resign ... Hell NO! ... you should resign Mr.Patrick for addressing this based on political aspirations ... what have you done to protect these kidz rights, or to try to find a solution? ... nothing! ... you just toss issues like this back into the closet. LGBT people and students fighting this response from Austin is in order and justified.
**** PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Program)
This posting will be Part 9 of the "Health Care Reform" series of this journal/ blog. This will focus on the recent push for a single payer plan by many physicians nationwide, the positive to this, is that it is coming up again in this election year ... the pressure again, just like back in 2009 is back in swing, and once again folks are demanding a single payer system/ programme. It was politicians that partly inspired the title of this series, being they are the ones that alwayz talk the words "reform", however, when they talk reform, it usually is dictated to them to act on by special interests, lobbyists, etc. ... of course to weasel something out of us financially. No doubt reform is needed is this country ... but ... another kind of reform, way past due and been put on the back burner time and again ... and it's fitting to put single- payer back on the table ... I mean, what did they expect?, for people to just passively throw in the towel like President Obama did in 2009 (Think Progress article) and weep in self- pity saying 'it cant be done' and forget about it? ... kiss corporate healthcare providers asses some more? Private insurance and healthcare in the U.S. has no reason to be as outrageous in price as it is, just look at a country like Ecuador here for a quick example, and the fraction of U.S. cost's, with good quality healthcare ... the U.S. is just a rip- off scam. Some video and link below on the new push for single payer, I also in fairness wanted to add an article in the 'US News' link below from earlier this year by CEO/ President of the Pacific Research Institute Sally P. Pipes, on how horrible single- payer is, along with the horror that they experience in the UK, and how the proposals of single- payer is just Bernie Sanders trying to stir up people with his '1970's radicalization', after I will add my part.
Unveiling The New Single Payer Plan ... Thanx to THE BIG PICTURE RT **** CLICK ON VIDEO, IT WORX
Look ... I'm not a hard- ass, and Lord knows I wouldnt want to be seen as some commie radical extreme anti- capitalism and anti- insurance company hatemonger like Bernie Sanders (no offense Bernie, I luv and support ya guy), I even spent 6 years working at the billion dollar insurance company "ICH Corp" back in the late 1980's to early 1990's, it was a good company to work for and good benefits. Folks that think like myself, are not out to shut down the insurance industry, medical providers or related corporations, I also realize their importance in the current economy. In a 'real' capitalism environment without the corporate welfare, bailouts and subsidies from us taxpayers, they would destroy themselves anywayz for their incompetence and reckless management ... Hell, I'm being fiscally conservative if anything. I do feel though, that there is alwayz room for progress, change and competition is all, I'm opposed to the mega- corporate monopolization that we have seen growing in recent years. I see no reason why at least a 'partial' public option or single- payer healthcare system cant be implemented on a national level, I see no reason to fear that it would put insurance companies out of business or any related business, if anything it would make them more competitive. But I do think it would tighten the belt and trim down on some of the reckless spending and oversight, and enable us to even negotiate better rates for everything from pharmaceuticals to medical services ... some shareholders/ investors may take a little hit to an extent as far as profits, but not enough or even reason to drive anyone into actual legitimate bankruptcy. When a majority of Americans back in 2008/ 2009 supported some type of public option, and even folks like President Obama campaigning on and introducing his 20% public option concept, once it came to the table in Congress ... all Hell broke loose and the political flip- flopping began. You cant blame this strictly on the Republicans either, it was key Democrats like Sen.Max Baucus (MT) and even Governor Brian Schweitzer (MT) that pressured folks from the President on down through Congress to trash the idea of public option, while bringing in Republican Sen.Olympia Snowe (ME), to devise a deal called the 'trigger plan' with President Obama, which was basically a corporate SNOWEjob ... that was to warn the health insurance industry, that if they didnt get their act together and for everyone to cut the waste in healthcare within 5 years and give decent coverage, they would put the public option back on the table. Well, it's been 5 years and the expense, waste and coverage now has just got bigger and worse ... so where are they all now as far as politicians who talked this tough talk during negotiations back in 2009? ... they walked off and are hoping that everyone forgot what they said they would do.
In some sort of psychologically masochistic way, some American people seem to love having the shit scared out of them, and fear that without us kissing the asses relentlessly of some of these monopolized industries 24/ 7/ 365, we will fall into doom and gloom ... no really ... they act like they fear these corporations and some of their sock puppet political flunkies, and there is no one these dayz better at creating fear than them in America ... I mean, they are so good at it, they ought to be nominated for one of those Hollywood awards they give out for best picture, story, actor or whatever. It reminds me of them commercials they have in prime time tele in between programming, where some pharma company or related corporation has a commercial, where they say something like (fictional example) ... "do you sneeze when you scratch your ass at night? ... you could be suffering from 'ASSininesneezeittitus', which can lead to bowel disorders, erectile dysfunction, sleep disorder, kidney failure, cardiac failure and eventual death ... call our company for a free brochure, or see your doctor today and ask about ASSininesneezeititus so we can help" ... before you know it, you wake up one night scratching your ass and sneeze, and get scared shitless! heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) Some of us may think that there is too much money from these giants in our politics and too much lobby power to get anywhere, no doubt money is an issue in Washington and more than ever in 2016, but we also know that we are the payers being played by nothing more than insurance investor players, but there are many groups, physicians/ nurses and even some politicians still with enough backbone to challenge and address this ... at least something to take us on a real path of healthcare reform. We can actually beat the money and lobby with the right representatives elected and their influence ... for an example ... if you were a congressional representative or even a President, being pumped money into your campaign and party ... you can just let the money flow in since you cant legally stop it, then when you vote and make legislation, throw the single- payer option in to anything proposed and push it hard within your political circles, make it a real challenge ... later, if the corporate lobby comes back to you and sayz something like "what have you gave us for all the money and support we gave you and your party?" ... you simply tell them ... "we let you do business in our country ... and be grateful for that, not everyone would". In time after these lobbyists and their corporate allies continue to pump millions into our politics and realize that they are not getting any special favours in return, they will probably stop pumping so much money into politics and take their rhetoric down a notch, and be happy with the generosity we do show them already ... knowing that we will do what we need to do.