Saturday, October 22, 2011

POPULATION EARTH ... "7 BILLION" ... Congratulation's! Job Well Done! ... What's Next Boss? (For Jesse)

Just a quickie for the road : ) This posting inspired and dedicated to a young man here in NW Dallas, Jesse, who work's for a Ministry and hand's out Christian (non- denomination) literature at the local strip mall plaza's. But Jess is really a cool Guy, great personality and conversation, etc. Not the get in your face, fire and brimstone, foot stompin, zoned out type. But anywayz, just a couple week's back I was talking to Jesse and bringing up to him about being fruitful and multiplying, and folk's having done a damn good job it seemed at it (simply making my arguement for support of birth control), Jesse started laughing , maybe the way I said it or something made him, I dont know ... but I told him since we done a good job at that ... what's next? (as far as assignment) : ) Jess said he's read this blog before, whether he has or not, I have no idea ... I'm just taken it as the Gospel Truth I reckon ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... this one's for you Bud! : )

CNN/ NEWSREAD and VIDEO: With 7 Billion on Earth, A Huge Task before us



Infidel753 said...

The impressive thing is that this huge population has been achieved at a time when birth rates world-wide are lower than ever before in history. But thanks to modern technology, most babies that are born now survive to grow up, which was not the case until a few generations ago. Once again science, not religion, should get the credit.

Commander Zaius said...

Irregardless to who gets the credit the world cannot handle the population we had back at six billion. The biosphere was dying off then and it will only get worse.

Commander Zaius said...

I do not write this with any glee but I expect a human die off within the next 50 years.

Ranch Chimp said...

Yes, absolutely Infodell ... it's remarkable just loking alone at what medicasl science has acieved just in the last half century alone.

Thanx for your voice here Infodell ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Hey Bum, Wassup! ... As far as the "credit" part I term/ word in this posting, it was out of humour only, cause I get a laugh when people say that the Bible sez to be fruitful and multiple as the reason for annual pregnancies, etc and I am actually "pro- abortion", which is a tad different than simply "pro- choice" ... I believe it is let's say sensibly healthy, but I am also a tad selective in breeding as well, similar to how people are with their pet's, yet politically correct enough to say it's not acceptable for humanity, being the "equality" thing and such ... to put it simple, I wouldnt breed with certain people/ women, I've been pro birth control since my teen year's. Example: I wouldnt get a woman pregnant if she had defect's whether it's psychological, heavy drug usage, just ill gene's heriditary (spelling?), and nothing against the gender either, but the female body has to nuture the unborn inside her body for 9 month's, I have seen babies born as crack and heroin addict's for instance, that had a mother not capable of even taking care of herself, than a baby/ child, and loser's dad's, who wont take care of the kid, or just in many cases abandon them ... I alwayz wondered why someone would reproduce with a person with health, psychological or related ill issue's and not advocate abortion, it's cruel (or "evil") if you seen some of the poor children I seen after birth that selfish adult's just over sex are the one's for their being born into a life of misery ... long story Bum.

But anywayz ... science I think clearly show's us what to expect as well with this global warming for instance, in relation to your biosphere comment, I also, let's say "assume" or "expect" for virus's to mutate and some even quickly, perhap's so quick that between the spreading of such, it will be a task, let's say for medicine's to keep up with some strain's perhap's. As far as the species ... well ... I have quite a few idea's as well, that I pointed out in various posting's, etc.

And Thank You Bum for your word's here ....

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Most likely a devastating war or famine will kill loads of people and balance will be achieved.

Kind of cool how I can say that with such dispassion.

Ranch Chimp said...

Mornin Truth! Well guy, however you say it ... past history show's us that it's a reality. I just believe Joe since were more civilised than ever and evolved so much in science ... we should at least try to reproduce more carefully or something. Thanx for your voice Guy!