Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
Part 15 of the "Dont Be Alarmed" series will be an unusual case in Lexington, MS where Mr. Walter Williams was declared dead like 3X times, about to be embalmed when he suddenly wakes up after being bagged & tagged and start's to kickin! Some in town say it's a "miracle" ... and I reckon it is. But when I first heard this, it reminded me of some of the ghost story folklore that you can catch in Mississippi (I been all over the state from Tupelo to Jackson to the coast of Biloxi and Pascagoula) from many of the town folk's, yet with that charming southern hospitality touch! But what a memory this guy is gonna have on this ... frankly Mr. Williams ... I dont know if you should Thank or sue these folk's! But good to see ya still 'kickin' ... what a story ... one that should live throughout the state for sometime, eh? And if ya happen to be in Mississippi and hear some of this as folklore ... it's for real, but dont be alarmed ... your in Mississippi! {: ) Some read and video below linked from CNN.
Thanx to ZZ Top (that lil ole band from Texas) who inspired the title of this posting from the lyric's in the song "My Head's In Mississippi" (1990) ... from the lyric's line that say " ... I'm shufflin' through the Texas sand, but my head's in Mississippi ... " and I love the song, so I included it below, it will also be in included in this journal's music/ arts honour roll society.
This posting another past due for this journal's music/ arts honour roll society has to go to The Toadies out of Dallas- Fort Worth. Talking about local band's the other day in some small chat, a buddy Dave who is a guitarist asked me if the Toadies were still around? ... Yes ... Absolutely! ... and what an outstanding crew these guyz are musically, they have such a distinctive sound that really is great across the board as far as that alternative touch to rock and even a touch of other genre's, just a really good sound "live" especially, as far as their theme or whatever ... I'll let the above link's get into that. They did break up, or let's just say took a long break (which is alwayz healthy too in this business) for a few year's then got another kickstart to boot up and really some nice work. I also had the opportunity to meet this crew and seen several performances of theirz at local joint's over the year's. There were several pieces I wanted to include here, but went with 4 that I selected for this posting, some more recent and some older tunes ... with a really nice horn's section addition on "Rattler's Revival" featuring "The Honeybear Horns", then a reunion show they done live in the late summer of 2008 of their "Possum Kingdom" classic most fitting on the shores of beautiful "Possum Kingdom Lake" on the Fort Worth side of town. And Thanx for all the great stuff Guyz ... ya'll kick ass ... Enjoy!
Part 14 of the "Dont Be Alarmed" series will look at a new business here in the Metroplex for "ObamaCare". I was joking around earlier in this journal when I proposed that President Obama when he retire's, goes into the insurance business and have a company called "ObamaCare" ... I reckon these folk's in Fort Worth might have beat him to it {: ) But when it comes to a good hustle, business and entrepreneurialism ... Texas really goes all out ... if ya can "sell it" ... by golly, you can do it in this town! {: )
But then you alwayz have not just the "bustle" of business ... but of course the "hustle" end too (nothing has only one side to it, eh?) ... so you have to be careful at the same time and avoid those businesses that truely are not what they appear which I will also include below as Ms. DeWitt explain's. But if your looking for the real thing ... go to the "real deal" ... which you can now find at "ObamaCare" 830 Taylor St ... in downtown Fort Worth {: )
Carter Godwin Woodson ... aka "Father of Black History"
Part 8 of "Black History Month" for 2014 will have to go to Dr. Carter G. Woodson and really past due for this series, the reason being that it is this man who had so much to do with bringing black history into the mainstream ... and what a background history this man had as well ... from a son of slaves, to the coal mines of West Virginia in the trenches as a laborer/ miner, to a couple of the most noted universities, to being an author and co- writing book's.
I have been asked more than once, and by new recent Arab immigrant's for instance ... what is the big deal with black history? ... or why it is so special?, etc ... and many of these folk's that I explained this to had no idea what all black American's have done as far as molding the modern Democracy America is today, the impact on American rock, jazz and R&B music and arts, to many invention's, to the cowboys and ranch hand's that built the new west, to medicine, to all that served this nation in our military, etc. And what is remarkable in most of this, is that these folk's were brought here as slaves, stripped of their culture, religion's, languages and families, and deliberately for year's denied to even get ANY education or to have any rights whatsoever as even being human, even some punished just for trying to learn to read or write for that matter ... I cant think of ANY immigrant culture to this nation in our history that has had to go through this and overcome the obstacle's put in place, even by our own founding government and leader's ... these folk's had to really fight and go through Hell to just be recognized as human and brought into any kind of mainstream of society, yet contributed so much to the construction of it. And time and again, so many here in America tried to sweep their history under the rug and act as if it never happened. The struggle and fight of African American's are also what done so much as far as expanding rights for ALL in this nation as well. So that's why it's importante and special historically.
I am at an age where when I was in grade school for instance in New York State at that in the 1960's, that there wasnt any mention of most of this to student's in school. I found out tidbit's of information here and there such as from a gentleman named Harmon Loft as a kid ... not in my school. This is also the reason why these posting's are dedicated as well to this man, which I explain throughout the series. Dr. Woodson is simply an American historian who helped "fill in" the many blank's that American history had missing ... and Thank You Sir!
Carter G. Woodson Tribute ... Thanx to LOU PHILLIPS
Michael Sam- Southeastern Conference Defensive Player of the Year
Part 26 of the "Sexploitation Nation" series will go to highlighting Michael Sam and what may become one of the most controversial draft season's in the NFL ... but that depend's too ... because many will want this outstanding defensive player of the Missouri Southeastern Conference because of his record and performance ... yet many may also feel a tad uncomfortable even though they may not come right out and say it ... then some may just want him for publicity reason's ... some will just say "so what ... he's gay ... no biggie ...", but there is a lil more to it when your playing in this particular sport than what may meet the eye, so it is a big deal in the NFL. There is no doubt in his rank he is up there with the best of the best, he is also a born and raised Texan out of the town of Hitchcock down in Galveston County (Houston/ Galveston Area). But first before I go any further, I thought that local Dallas sportscaster Dale Hansen last night summed up something very straight and to the point concerning what is acceptable or not it seem's with our NFL and other sports in America, in Dale's piece called "Celebrating our Differences", then I will have some input on this myself after the newsread and video below.
Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie" (the car is a 2013 ZL1 Chevy Camaro convertible, with a LSA 6.2 liter supercharged V8 and 580 horsepower engine ... it dont fuck around (half- step), and neither do I : )
Dale in the above video is so right on how some of us are ... talking out of both sides of our mouth and accepting what is clearly unacceptable by any standard's, yet not being nearly as acceptable about other thing's like a man being gay in the NFL, because I am sure there are several gay men in the NFL, I personally knew one (Ray) who was dismissed/ let- go from the Washington Redskins a lil over 40 year's ago ... but he told me that they used another reason to get rid of him back then to keep it all "on the low" (it appear's that Ray was let go according to this because he got busted in DC for messing around with a guy in public, although Ray never told me that, I decided to look it up, but Ray was my neighbour and we smoked alot of pot together hanging out, so he would tell me about the NFL when he got stoned, I didnt even know he died till now), Ray ended up managing a 7- 11 store here in Dallas after (the Wikipedia also said that Ray became a junior high music teacher, I knew nothing about this, Ray and I were neighbour's and socialized way back in the 1970's), and Ray told me alot about this, Ray never told folk's he was gay as far as at work, they found out from "psst- psst" type gossip queen rumor's of his personal life off the job/ field, and even around the neighbourhood, Ray never tried sexually coming on to folks or myself, he was a straight up guy and bothered no one, and kept most of that to himself. But Dale is so right ... we have had player's, Lord know's the Dallas Cowboys even have a Hell of a reputation over the year's, from sexual abuse of women, to even killing fellow teammate's in drunk driving accident's, to cocaine drug use/ delivery/ distribution or whatever and other criminal offenses ... yet being gay is the one that so many just dont say nothing about and keep it on the low as if it was some kind of criminal offense ... kind of like one of them "dont ask/ dont tell" thing's, eh?
So why do I think that Michael came out in the open with this? ... well, certainly not for publicity ... it takes ball's to come out in this what's known as a man's world and game, and even though so many are saying it's great from politician's to many other folk's in media who want to score pop- culture point's, it's Michael that really had the courage to say it and break through that defensive type of blockade and tackle this issue, it was going to have to be done sooner or later, and it's best it came already from Michael. This will make other's feel at least a lil more comfortable and not have to hide so much all their personal life as if they were criminal's or something. It's the truth ... if your in a position like say the NFL, and your a gay man in the shower's and locker room with men player's as an occupation, you are so worried about offending anyone or making some of your teammate's uncomfortable (Ray told me this is why he had to be hushed up about anything like that too, as far as his personal life, not wanting to offend any of the crew/ team he worked with). Some guyz just havent been around gay folk's much and homosexuality has been so taboo for so long that it take's time to understand the difference's and accept it for some guyz. Even some women are "uncomfortable" at times around this gay thing as you can see I experienced here with an ex- girlfriend reading the last part (short story) of the posting.
Michael figured he had to come out for other's too ... I mean ... "if" he didnt say he was gay and up for a draft pick with such an outstanding record, and someone picked him, then later found out through the grapevine, they may be angry that he didnt say anything before he signed a big contract with them or whatever ... I mean ... that's how sexually sensitive our society is, regardless of how swollen our head's are with how liberated we are. The fact is, that many still act like big babies and get their panties all in a twist over what someone does sexually in their own time ... or for those who dont get much sex themselves may just focus on what other's do because of their own lack of sex, or other's with religious issue's and their Holy fundamoralist opinion's. But anywayz ... we'll see what happen's, and wishing ole Mike the best as far as getting signed, and who know's Mike ... maybe even the Cowboys may make ya an offer ... Jerry is alwayz looking for the best, and not afraid to spend what it takes (not a cheapskate)! {: )
Part 2 of Sen. Wendy Davis will also be Part 13 of the "Beautiful Girlz" series of this journal, which is a sort of "Woman of the Year" series, where I like to showcase women that are beautiful in more than one way ... such as beauty, smart's, style, creativity/ arts/ business, strong, and on the ball type's. And Wendy of course has it all in my opinion. But first I wanted to link some of the latest newsread and video on Sen. Davis, since all the mudslinging is starting here in the Lone Star State with her and Atty Gen. Greg Abbott, then of course we have the Texas Tea Party version of an American Taliban now are out to burn Wendy at the stake as well ... and now with Wendy Gunslinging too! {: ) And special Thanx to the media's below who made it easy for me to choose a posting title ... again ... I dont take much pleasure in writing about politic's, but it's needed in these times as well. But after I will add my part to this too.
*****NOTE (added wednesday 02/ 26/ 2014): I have a personal commitment that I made to vote for this candidate and her supporter's, the same as I made a commitment to vote for President Obama and his party for 2 term's, I am NOT married to any party, and it is clear to most American's by now that both parties are OWNED by CORPORATION'S, NOT the PEOPLE. I am one simply looking for a few new faces is all, with at least some proposal's that serve our interest's, instead of mega corporate/ banking interest's ONLY ... even though some proposal's dont get anywheres obviously and/ or in any decent time frame, we basically get tossed bones like to say a dog here and there. For the majority part of our voting in 2014 and choice of mainstream political rep's, the choices are not that great or motivating, I understand ... and some are just an insult to democracy as well as an insult to ALL American people ... listening to their lies, petty bitch fight's, and whiny voices ... I speak for many, though not the majority, for the majority either dont see this or ignore it. But Yes, when I have a commitment or give my "word", I have to keep it unless there is something that makes it a "no choice but to break" situation (and I never had to break my word in my 58 year's yet, so I also have to be careful "what" I "say" I will do, because for ill or good, if I say it and give my word regardless of what it is ... I am sort of "compelled" to do it, if that makes any sense), it's say a part of my fortitude, discipline or whatever. I fulfilled my commitment as far as President Obama and already voted in the Texas Democrat primaries "early voting" last weekend voting for Sen. Davis, and will vote for her as well if she is the final Democrat choice later this year. I made no further commitment's as of yet, so cant say how I will vote in
2016 either, however, if I were to make any commitment to a 2016
candidate or party, I will carry it through.
Thomas Hudson Pickering (aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie") with daughter "Bear"
I realize that some around the nation who are uncomfortable with gun's at this time, may not like the idea of Wendy being pro- open carry ... but look at it like this also ... this is Texas, and there is already concealed carry permit's issued here, being that you can "hide" your arms ... with an "open- carry" law ... this makes gun carrying "visible", not just hidden or concealed, meaning that ... it worx as a crime deterrent as well. Example: If a person feel's they need to hold up a business in an armed robbery attempt, if they DONT see a gun that is concealed, there is a chance that they will feel more at ease in their attempt to rob the place ... with an open- carry person having their side-arm exposed, there is a better chance that the would be robber will leave and not take that chance, and indirectly save his own life and the business from being held up ... if that makes any sense. You see ... Texas has alwayz been a pro- gun state and Wendy spent alot of time in the Fort Worth side of the Metroplex, which is kind of a "western" part of town, with the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, etc (as a matter of fact, my daughter this morning is working the rodeo stock show over there who is in the above photo with me, and she is also a die- hard liberal voting democrat and pro- 2nd Amendment as well ... my wife, daughter's, and step- son as well are actually all democrat voter's and pro- 2nd amendment), it's simply part of our culture here, which may be a tad difficult to understand if you never been to Texas. Year's back my wife and I voted different for instance, she has alwayz been a democrat voter, I voted republican for year's though. And it is also wise in this state for Wendy in an election up against a hard core right wing man like Abbott to be somewhat supportive of gun- rights, so please understand Wendy's position. Of course her opponent Abbott is calling it a cheap sort of political stunt ... and saying the NRA graded Wendy with an "F" ... booo- hooo ... I cant believe ole Greg got his lil panties in a bind over that considering all the trash that they have tried to lay on this woman! Then the Girl Scout Cookie boycott here, trying to take aim at harming these young girlz and their organization over a simple tweet response from a simple question asked ... that is low for this Texas Tea Taliban to even go there ... it really is, they are such desperate ingrates and have no regard for anyone whatsoever.
Of course the other trash that they are trying to manufacture is saying that Wendy left her kid's, and separated before she officially divorced or whatever ... just nonsense talk that is worthless, and would only mean anything to someone who is completely out of tune with the reality of the world for todayz working women and parenting, seperation/ divorce, etc ... the common stuff that most of us regular working guyz & galz have to work and live with, eh? My wife for instance got pregnant by her high school teacher in the Philippines, a man who basically by US standard's raped several of his student's along with her and left them all with kid's he would have nothing to do with. My wife had to later pick up her education to go further in another school, then had a child she couldnt afford to take care of without any support in a country with no social welfare for such that was just leaving martial law. She had to leave her child with her mom and familia to gain employment in another country, then a couple of her boyfriend's in Germany wanted of course to have the sex fun dating my wife, but didnt want to commit or hear a thing about her child ... you know how it is if your a woman and been there and done that. When my wife got here and we met, I seen to it to help her get her diploma, then I adopted in a long 2 year process her child in the Philippines and brought her here, and asked her to marry me (my daughter in the above photo I had later with my wife). Shit happen's eh? ... Wendy had to cut alot on her own, if and when she could get any help, she damn well took it ... it's a matter of survival for a woman ... all this plastic talk is meaningless ... many women have many challenges in todayz society, and she done well raising her children, as my wife and I have. So all this talk about Wendy being a whore or on her kneepad's or whatever, is more cheap slander toward's a woman that has been through alot and done her best, it is uncalled for and nothing more than an American type of Taliban talk to degrade women more than they already have, and Greg Abbott should be downright ashamed as a man to even associate his campaign with this type trash!
The bottom line is also that Texas need's some new faces in politic's really bad, and there has been so many attack's on the rights of women in this state recently. And as far as Atty General Abbott bragging about all he has done for Texas or what horrible of a woman Wendy is ... YOU SIR frankly have a lousy resume and track record in this state as far as the wrongful incarceration of people and privatized prison and youth detention facilities, the drug problem and rehabilitation, school/ education funding, women and children's rights, expanding new needed ACA medicaid for families in need, and the list is almost endless. Wendy Davis would be a breath of fresh air in a state that has been increasingly being polluted too much ... You have our support Sen. Davis, and I hope to be calling you Governor Davis this time next year!
For part 7 of this series, I wanted to look at the current reality and terror threat that has been pounded into our brain's over the last week, then add a few cent's to it, since it is a big issue in the news right now. And I also realize that many of these folk's that threaten with terror ARE NOT Arabic, however, it is all connected to the treatment of Muslim's, and especially in their Arabic countries, regardless if their Russian Muslim's or European Muslim's, or Iranian Muslim's, etc. And NO ... I am NOT siding with the terrorist's at all, they are as much as a threat to my way of life as well ... I just realize the TRUTH as to what the problem really is, and what names to place the blame ... and that IF our dictated leadership and financial power's DIDNT do what they do ... we would have no enemy or terror threat to be concerned about. But first some newread and video below in the link from CNN.
Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp", "Commie Tommie" & "Skool" (short for old school) to kid's locally
The last thing that I wanted to post on this chilly Dallas morning is about a terror threat ... "again" (and believe me, it's chilly here, I just went out wearing my shorts and sweatshirt to dump trash and didnt realize it was 12 degrees outside ... duuuhhh {: ) ... and it just started snowing on top of it, but that's how it goes here, never knowing what in Hell to expect, eh?) ... but felt it is a serious enough issue to include in this series, and one that I have wrote about as far as expecting more of this to come since the start of this journal. But over the last few dayz, the mainstream news has been saturated with this terrorism talk and politician's with their mostly worthless opinion's on should American's go to the Olympics or not, and/ or whether they would ... but the bottom line is that NONE of these political rep's of our's would have to face the danger's that the average American tourist does, okay? ... they are about as connected to the American people as a palm tree would be connected to the lunar surface (moon). Then we get fed these images of these young women who had their jihadist husband's or even innocent familia member's killed in their own land's, having to worry about them seeking to avenge the death's of their loved ones ... and of course the usual talk about how evil all these folk's are. Yet NO ONE hardly is talking about the real culprit's who instigate all of this, so that is what this posting is to do, it is to name those who are to blame for all of this, okay?
Sadly some of these same culprit's who create this danger for us are the same entities as those who create every other issue we have that is harmful, from poverty to austerity, to war's and bloodshed to terrorism, to the corruption of our political representation, to the social and economic raping of our children, to destroying our democracy, communities, and economies ... they basically contaminate anything they touch. Again ... we dont belong in these land's doing what we do to these people, then having to put our finest trained troop's in position's to do what they have to do in these land's, and losing their lives over this and these manufactured war's to rape these nation's of their cheap labour, resources, and forcing our culture on them, while randomly killing thousand's of their family member's in bombing campaign's ... this all fuel's the fire. Then of course on the lower level's of our society, these anonymous pencil prick's who hide online insulting these peoples prophet's just to get them angry and wound up, and those who make animation's of such and shove it in these folk's faces using the internet or other media's or entertainment sources, etc ... all of which are the same ilk of culprit's who should be identified, along with some of these individual's of financial and political power, brought into the light by all the people of all cultures, strung up in public and bullwhipped to a pulp.
And we play these games with these folk's and nation's ... then act "scared" when they decide to payback for what we let our corporate dictated leader's do to them ... so now your afraid to die? ... why were you not afraid of what ya'll were doing to them all these year's and the repercussions? I sure as Hell dont know if any terror event will materialize at one of these event's, but do know that there is a threat and it is simply natural retaliation against what our nation's have done by sticking our noses where it doesnt belong ... nor would I go to an event like this knowing of the possible threat, nor am I liberated to the point where I would just let these folk's with a chip on their shoulder's who have 101 reason's to be angry at us to even migrate into our societies and countries, and I sure as Hell would stay out of their's, and dont care if they embrace what I value or not or my culture and democratic wayz. Again ... I am a die- hard segregationist when it comes to this sort of thing, and those several Arab Muslim immigrant's that I know and have discussed this with in detail (in person, face to face, not anonymously online) actually agree with me more than my fellow neo- programmed liberated American's ... imagine that!
This posting to honour and look at for this journal's music/ arts honour roll society will go to a rock crew that are supposedly about to retire and call it quit's for good from interview's I read ... another LA based crew, Motley Crue. This last tour I gather is supposed to be a lengthy one and running into 2015, so a long road stretch it looks like, and with a year long tour and the amount of world tour's that they already done over the last 3 decades ... they will certainly need a break {: )
This crew went from the garage band gig's and local circuit's with associate's and such going back to high school, to headlining some of the largest rock festival's around the globe, as well as selling over 100 million album's ... more of a polished type 1980's style hard rock with a glam type image at first, and even though Vince Neil wasnt really a noted vocalist, he was more of an image guy that could drive a crowd, but I loved his style and vocal's as well, because he was just prefect for this crew ... when he was hired I read that they just decided to take him in, whether he could sing or not, just because he could drive a crowd, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: ) When I seen them back in the early 1980's I was really impressed though with especially the guitar work of Mick Mars and bass of Nikki Sixx ... and Mick Mars really had some classy lick's, and how he alter's his tuning and pitch bending, making his style unique, which I didnt know too much about this crew when I first saw them, but found that Mars was really impressive in his work and style. The group all around also had really nice harmonizing which helped enhance Vince's vocal's ... Tommy Lee (Pamela Anderson's hubby) as a drummer was pretty basic, but had alot of style and flash as far as performance.
But this band certainly went commercial as it get's and went to the top literally speaking with just simple good rock music and a great stage image to present their work, that worked so well, while keeping it raw ... and a really fun uplifting type party style group! In this posting I wanted to focus on those song's that broke them through the gates that led to their great success, from their earliest album's, and of course a few of my favourite's from these gent's ... and Thanx for all the great music and show's guyz ... love ya'll! ... Enjoy!
This posting will serve both series of "Not Cool 4 School" & "Defensive Driving Course" for this journal, and will look at a school bus driver and local Pastor in the Twin Cities Area of Minnesota (Minneapolis/ St.Paul) a few month's back who was fired for leading prayer with student's on his bus route. I want to add this posting because of how the media and public focus is on the issue of one's right to prayer, and treating this issue as if the liberal mindset of America is discriminating Pastor Nathaniel ... there is obviously something that alot of folk's are missing here with their left/ right thinking, which I will explain after the newsread/ video below in my part.
Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp", "Commie Tommie" & "Skool" (short for old school) to kid's locally
First of all to Pastor Nathaniel ... this IS NOT a matter of having your rights violated and a bunch of evil atheist's out to get you and other's like yourself, and I am one that actually support's prayer in school as well (of course under certain guidelines with limitation's, such as individual's recess/ recreation and socializing with like minded friend's, in arts or whatever). You also made a mistake Sir by saying that this is about a Christian nation in your interview, sure Christianity is a dominating religion here, but this is also a democracy Sir ... that mean's even Pagan's, Jew's, Muslim's, and even Satanist's should also have to live by the same rules ... so this is not only a Christian nation, okay? And one of the reason's this is particularly annoying to me, is because of some of the reckless driver's I myself encounter on sundayz in this city here (Dallas) of folk's coming or going to church with gospel music blaring from their vehicles while they are singing, praying, etc ... and doing everything but paying atencion to their driving, with no consideration for other's that are on the road ... what I call driving intoxicated under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
While you are conducting your prayer or sing- a- long deal with the kid's, you are not focusing as much as you should on driving, or at least what you are being paid to, which includes the safety of those children ... maybe unintentionally but indirectly endangering the lives of those children, I am a father and a grandfather ... so you can understand how this would be an issue with me, eh? So this IS NOT about depriving you or any children of your right to pray. Yet we alwayz hear this when someone get's in a jam like this ... about your rights, etc, etc ... what about the children that you are supposed to get safely from point A to point B, eh? ... is it part of your contract to lead prayer and sing- a- long's with the kid's as part of your JOB? Have you not even been warned about this before by your company? ... are they atheist villain's out to get you too? As far as you Sir giving kid's the "choice" to pray or not while being transported ... that is not up to you Sir! nor anything but enforcing any conduct codes to them kid's if anything ... praying while going to and from school is not any policy of any pubic school district, so has nothing to do with your job. Would you give them the same equal "choice" to blast some of their pop music while your driving? or have Wiccan/ Pagan preaching/ ritual or such?, or to have student council political debate's out loud, or to do Yoga, stand on their head's and meditate or whatever? ... where does "prayer" even come into this? You are the one pushing the religious card here! Why did you want to become a school bus driver when your a pastor? ... which makes me wonder if you have an agenda, eh?
The thing about some of ya'll that is equally as nauseating ... is that ya'll claim to be such devout Christian's who live the Christian life around the clock ... being that you have 1001 places to pray and meet as it is ... perhap's you should be more focused on taking care of prayer and such in your homes and churches with your own families, friend's and such, or at least I would think as "responsible" Christian parent's and leader's that you already do that ... so there isnt any extra need to push more religious prayer, sing- a- long's and literature everywhere else you are too, and distracting the rest of society that may not belong to your denomination's or cult's ... and NO, I'm not an atheist, so dont try to pigeonhole me with/ in any of that ... I am a grandfather, father and American ... and this is about doing your bloody job more efficiently and having a lil decency and respect for the rest of society, eh? You deserve to be fired Sir, bottom line, cause your out of line.