Melissa Cairns
This posting will also serve for 2 series in this journal ... the "Not Cool 4 School" series, because of the political correctness and ridiculous rules of todayz school's, but as well the "Public Patriot" series, because Ms. Cairns to me IS a public patriot of sort for getting the atencion of her student's as far as class participation, interaction, etc.
First of all to Ms. Cairns ... I know you being a teacher that my writing is all screwed up, and I'm sure you could tear it apart at that {: ) ... but please excuse my skill's here, I was one of those awful uninterested student's for the most part during those grade's you serve ... you wouldnt have had to tape my mouth, the real challenge with me, would be trying to get my atencion. BUT ... I can tell you, if you were my teacher at that age ... YOU WOULD have got my atencion and participation with your method's, and maybe I would have actually learned something {: )
I have to agree with Ms. Cairns here 110% as far as getting the atencion of your student's, etc ... I also feel it is awful in especially these time's, just over some political correctness and rulz from the "ruling order" (those WHO REALLY have the atencion deficit disorder, for their lack of atencion of student's need's over their rating's, ranking's, etc, etc ... that leave some kid's in a "daze" instead of "amazed") ... and public pressure's, that she has to even worry about losing her job over this ... it's sad ... and my heart goes out to her student's who just seen it all in fun as well. I have grandkid's in middle school and just starting high school, and the pressure's that I see on the kidz these dayz is awful, period! Although I understand the "paranoia" of folk's like President of the Akron School Board Jason Haas ... with all this perfection and correction's ... the threat of lawsuit's from familia's, privacy right's and the rest of the mess ... However, there must be a way to resolve this and at least credit Ms. Cairns for her work and caring for these kid's, and at least make sure ya'll keep her as a teacher and not let her career go to waste over something this petty. Dont lose a good thing when you have it, over something so petty in other word's ... and best wishes to Melissa here.
Word Out ... newsread and video below ....
***** HUFFPOST/ EDUCATION: Melissa Cairns, Ohio Teacher, Faces Firing For Facebook Photo Of Duct Tape Over Students' Mouths
***** CNN: Duct tape photo gets teacher in trouble ... (video)
***** PD/ RCJ: "NOT COOL 4 SCHOOL" PART'S 3, 2 & 1
Shane Dawson: HIGH SCHOOL the MUSIC VIDEO ... Thanx to ShaneDawsonArhive **** a lil something from Shane here that I wanted to dedicate to the student's, who will be in high school soon ... concerning the oversaturation of "RULZ" ... and my heart goes out to them too! {: )
Considering teachers today have enough trouble keeping students focused with all the competition from cell phones video games and the like she should receive an award.
I hear ya Demeur ... Thanx for your input here ....
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