***** SILVERLEAF INTERNATIONAL ... Their award winning Ghost Pepper Salsa, other salsa's, recipe's, dip's and tip's *****
Part 14 of "Taste of Texas" will be to look at something that's actually "tasty" as far as eat's. This blog/ journal has never been about advertising, commercial's or such, but when I find a product that I just love and has all the qualities that I look for ... I will write about it, so just look at this posting as a tip or reference as far as eat's are concerned, and past due at that. And I have been asked for tip's/ suggestion's on this more time's than I can remember over the year's. This product my daughter first turned me onto, since she know's my taste's so well.
Anyone who personally know's me, know's of course my love for salsa's, pepper's and such, and I still do keep a pretty strict diet as well ... and I am one that has frequently BMB (bitched, moaned & bellyached) about some of the salsa's out there, especially when I go to a restaraunte/ taqueria and they have salsa they say is "hot" and/ or "tasty" when it's some of the most mild/ weak, bland, salty, watered down etc, etc salsa that you can find, and then of course you have the "sensitivity" issue ... I have had to ask even when at a TexMex or MexMex, even in Mexico to give me the hottest and best that they have there ... I mean, if I'm eating so called hot pepper's, I expect the next day when I go to the bathroom for my asshole to be on fire, and my tongue and mouth as well when I'm eating it ... that's just me, if it isnt enough, it just wasnt a hot enough pepper, period!
The pepper in this particular salsa, the Bhut Jolokia (aka Ghost Pepper), give's it that needed bite while at the same time, a recipe that deserve's the respect that it get's including multiple award's, a taste that is unmatched, this is really a great salsa with that needed bite to it, period! All I can say otherwise, is if salsa's and such are your taste and you havent tried this, I highly recommend it. It's also a Texas product from the Stafford/ Missouri City area (Southwestern Houston Metropolitan Area) that is sold all over though. So this is a Ranch Chimp choice as far as the best of the best.
Word Out ....
SilverLeaf International makers of Ghost Pepper Salsa Interview Dec 2010. wmv ... Thanx to GHOSTPEPPERSALSA
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