The shocker to me was that this is actually going on in the Los Angeles Basin vicinity? and that they have gotten away with this radical looting in the State of California especially, but come to find out ... there isnt hardly any restriction/ regulation on this, and of course as usual, because of our financial desperation we are losing all "common sense". Expert's are even now saying that "the benefit's and dollar's outweigh any enviromental and/ or health concern's" ... are you kidding? Just take a city like Los Angeles, anyone who know's this town know's how fragile it's ground is ... even when it rain's hard in LA the damn hill's start falling apart. If you look at the basic's of what fracking does, common sense will tell you, all you are doing is breaking up what's solid even more, which will get compounded as the techtonic plate shelves shift and move as far as breaking up the ground beneath us, with the constant natural friction 24/ 7/ 365 of the east and west plate's. You dont have to be a scientist to see this, it's as common sense as having an understanding of what the distributor cap & rotor does for your car engine. And this isnt even mentioning the water and health issue's that you know damn well is going to come from this.
Fracking: Hydraulic Fracturing 101 ... Thanx to GRASSROOTSENVED
Fracking Causes Rumbles In California ... Thanx to RTAMERICA
Fracking Goes To Hollywood ... Thanx to RTAMERICA
*****RT/AMERICA: Fracking Forces Eviction Of Entire Pennsylvania Trailer Park
***** LUBBOCK/ ONLINE: Squeezing The Shale: Contaminated Water, Cancer Potential Danger Of Fracking
***** BLOOMBERG NEWS: Fracking Wells' Air Emissions Pose Health Risks, Study Finds
***** NEWSOBSERVER.COM: Fracking In North Carolina Could Carry Extra Risks
***** AUSTIN/ STATESMAN.COM: Dangers Of Fracking Still Becoming Clear

I have to wonder if some of these investor's have lost their mind's?
Yeah, America capitalism is all about short term interests. Make the profit as soon as possible then haul butt to some tropical island while the poor folks deal with the mess.
Agreed Bum, the thing about this is, this is getting a tad serious, maybe even more serious than they realize with their shorter term thinking ... believe me, when this start's to hammer business, they will then see the light, and not just poor folk's will have to deal with this, but that vital sector and majority of the population, that are responsible for making this economic engine run.
Thanx as alwayz for your input here Bum ....
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