Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
MAY DAY PROTESTS 2012/ OCCUPY AMERICA ... with Battle Cry introduction from Kevin D. Blanch (The AWAKENING PT. 18)
Part 18 of "The Awakening" series will be to highlight May Day 2012 and the movement to Occupy America, to honour these American Patriot's. While browsing YouTube tonight, I ran across this gentleman below, Mr. Kevin D. Blanch ... and wanted to highlight his video and "battle cry" here, because it's about as honest and to the point as it come's on this. This is how thousand's upon thousand's of American's feel, bottom line ... even though out of our political correctness, cowardice, or prepaid programme, many may not speak out so bluntly. His video sayz that it is "extreme language" ... but to me, there is NOTHING extreme about it and it's way past due in our society, and well put. Enough from me .... and AWAKE!
May Day 2012 Occupy Protest Battle Cry Kevin D. Blanch; EXTREME LANGUAGE ... Thanx to KEVINDBLANCH
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