Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
Long Beach 1948 ... (mid 20th century oil derrick sites)
This posting will serve as Part 43 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this blog/ journal ... and Thank You to Randy here in Dallas for bringing this subject up and inspiring this posting, because I wanted to have something recorded in this journal on it, and no one ever really talked to me about this before that I can recall, and it's related to the fossil fuel industries. Randy and I during some small chat about a week ago were talking about concerned folks here in the Dallas area that dont want fracking, the increase of earthquake activity here, and the impact of structural and foundation damage that I brought up to him, etc., Randy is angry about how Texas doesnt seem to care about those things, and basically told me that we need to have more regulation and such like a state like California does, and we wouldnt have these disputes and hog wild fracking or related. I then asked Randy if he ever been to LA, Randy said the closest he ever been to California was a couple months back when he took a lady he is dating to Las Vegas, I told Randy that LA has oil wells and 24/ 7/ 365 oil extraction all over the metro area and even in central LA, so much, that I call it "Pumpjack City" at times ... because of the new technologies in oil drilling/ extraction, they have drastically reduced the amount of well derricks, but pumping away still at a high rate, back in the old dayz, you may have needed 50 derricks for one sector of town, today because of technology, you can have one derrick pulling from several dozen different locations. But I said to Randy ... "Hell Randy, oil is what made LA", he thought that the motion picture/ film industry of Hollywood did (which did to some extent as well), but oil is what made so much money for the town and still does to this day, Randy was surprised and interested about that, so I filled him in.
Sure, LA/ SoCal has had much more regulation/ oversight, and basically for like cosmetic reasons got a sort of facelift I guess, when they simply covered up and camouflaged all the activity ... some folks that commented on the first Vice News video thought it is unfair to portray LA like this ... it may be by some folks/ Angelenos standards, but the reality is that LA and all over the LA area, is saturated with oil extraction activity any way you slice it, and is one huge oil field, and still is dependent on such, I have been to so many cities coast to coast in America as I told Randy, and never seen a city with so much of this activity going on throughout it. LA's oil business was around before even many neighbourhoods were even built, new neighbourhoods that were built around the existing oil industry, not the other way around, this is a century old. It is so common in LA, that many residents dont even think of it ... in more upper income areas, it may be camouflaged within some structure built over/ around it, some even look like office buildings, then in some more lower income working class areas, it is right out in the open, outside your apartment/ home, school, neighbourhood store, restaurant,etc. Most folks ignore it ... and if your nose burns one day, you just think it may be the smog or whatever, but some have complaints about it too and questions as far as health concerns, the LA area is also saturated with fault lines and is known for earthquakes, but no, I dont really know the health impact of this, if any. I searched for some video and link for this, so some video and read I found below.
The Official Donald Trump Jam ... Thanx to FOX 10 PHOENIX
This posting will serve 2 series of this journal/ blog as well ... "Public Parasites" and "Thinking of the Kids?" series ... to take a look at what the Trump campaign has been up to, who will be this postings public parasites, who are alwayz so called 'thinking of the kids'. It's bad enough in the DNC with the email leaks as it is in this 2016 political season, and you may think that is about as low as you can go ... but the Trump campaign took it even lower and went rock bottom, screwing American kids out of a paycheck, promotions and expenses! First of all, I want to give credit to these kids for their patriotism, hard work and entrepreneurial spirit, and it seems like they and their dad/ manager Jeff Popick (dad of the youngest girl) learned something from this I would hope. The Trump campaign has gave these kids management one runaround after another, broke promises and their verbal contract to these kids that have worked hard to perform for the Trump campaign and even making a song just for it and Donald Trump. Not only were they scammed out of the next show and money for the performance, but also the money they put up for promotions, airfare, rental car and hotel expenses. They were supposed to do a show in Des Moines for the Trump campaign, jumped on a plane to Chicago, after landing they found out it got cancelled suddenly, and they would still have to drive in a rental car from Chicago to Des Moines too ... instead of the $2500 previously arranged and promised for a performance, they were hustled into a counter offer to have a stand set up at it to where they could sell their CD's, which they never even got that ... no performance, no stand to sell their CD's! The kids management tried to call, text, and email the Trump campaign to get answers and compensation ... the campaign wouldnt even answer to any of it. These kids are the embodiment of what a man especially like Donald Trump claims he values, the American ideals of opportunity, reward for hard work, straight business and entrepreneurialism, understand that this was all done by the Trump campaign to basically skim a few thousand bucks tops ... and to children at that ... a campaign that raises millions, for a candidate who is a billionaire. Damn right a lawsuit is in order here from the father/ manager Mr.Popick ... this kind of money is basically dinner money for Trump and a few friends ... it is disgraceful ... this isnt even conservative, this is cheap, un-American ... and of course business as usual! More below in the Washington Post link ... Word Out ....
Donna Brazile: Debbie Wasserman Schultz 'Deserves' to Be a Part of DNC ... Thanx to ABC NEWS
This posting will be for the "Public Parasites" and "Political Corruption & Ethics" series of this blog/ journal ... and of course to put Debbie Wassermann Schultz and her DNC crew in it, and to take a look at the email leaks that came out. I wanted to have a posting on this because it got swept under the rug as fast as it hit the media, and pretty much got spun to blame the Russians or whoever, without clearly looking at what is happening here, or what been happening. I was talking to my son- in- law the other day about this, and he told me that U.S. is becoming like Mexico politically, so I asked him to elaborate a bit on how?, anywayz he said that Mexico was like this, because for long the people calmly expected and accepted a "little" corruption, ignored it to the point where the Mexican government and elections got so bold to start doing it in the open since people ignored it for so long ... so now, the people are bursting out in various pockets across Mexico because of how widespread and open the political corruption has become basically ... he explained much more, but that's a briefing on it (he represents a large U.S. company in countries south of Texas/ US, so has to go to places like Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, etc ... he also has a ranch/ property outside Monterrey that he has to keep up with, but lives in Dallas). But I havent thought much about that until he brought up to me, what ignoring these things and casual slacking can lead to such as what he explained in Mexico happening, but it is happening here as he points out, that is why it is importante to not get sidetracked as to what is going on and keep challenging it ... it just gets us deeper and deeper into it. This is not about these little petty bitch fights between candidates, as much as it's about getting a handle on what is going on within our elections, which now there is clear evidence of, and lawsuits on this are justified and in order with extended investigation ... so you cant blame this on people with conspiracy minds making this up. I also disagree totally with Donna Brazile in the top video as far as dealing with Schultz, which is why I posted that first, which I will explain after. As far as blaming the Russians? ... I look at what they done in this as a favour to the American people if anything, if they are actually involved with this ... I mean, where else would we get this info or evidence ... from the DNC or RNC who are equally as deep in election manipulation and corruption? Some link read and video below, I wanted to also add Julian Assange here since it was WikiLeaks ... to give his view on what is happening, and Thank You to Julian! Also I wanted to add Bernie Sanders response to when he learned about the emails against him ... then I will add a little after.
For the record, I am also a Bernie Sanders supporter, but I do NOT think that Bernie has stabbed his supporters in the back as many may feel ... I actually commend him for what he has done, why? ... because the man made a commitment from the start, that he would not go 3rd party if not nominated, break up the only strong force against the Republicans ... to me he has kept his promise and integrity, I feel the same way when I make a commitment, I committed to support Obama 2 terms no matter what, and I did, Sanders is doing what he feels is the only way at this time to bring about change, so I have no issues with what he's doing. The Democratic Party if anything, should have been praising Sanders all along, not dissing him and his supporters the way they did ... the way I see it, is without Sanders, there wouldnt even be this half- assed so called progressive platform, and as far as Clinton winning anything would be more difficult ... he is a strong man and firm, a real leader. If Bernie ran as a 3rd Party candidate, I would definitely vote for him as well ... I'm not married to the Democratic Party as some folks may be, and I like to consider myself these dayz as independent, regardless of what they stamp on my voting registration, I am kind of beyond things like left/ right, good/ evil and related, I take what worx and utilize it, and discard in the trash what doesnt work ... and keep it simple.
As far as Donna Brazile's talk in the top video that Schultz deserves this and deserves that, etc, etc ... her view can go in the discarded trash too, you know who signs her paycheck ... what Schultz deserves? ... the only thing I see Schultz deserves out of the Democratic Party is a foot in her ass, which is long past due, because of the damage that she has brought to the party, along with many others in the DNC ... this is also the kind of shit that happens when you get desperate and panic, which is a weakness, not a strength. There is no proof that I seen that Hillary Clinton knew anything about this, I havent read all the email documentation or will, although it is hard to believe that anyone as intelligent and sharp as Clinton would not know this is going on. As for Schultz resigning ... that is just a show ... she had no choice at the convention, I knew she would step down or get the boot and been waiting for her day, the problemo is, is you didnt get rid of her at all, she and Hillary are tight for years, and Hillary already has even a more importante position for her campaign to give her, and if Clinton won, probably a spot in the cabinet ... so all you accomplished was not hearing Schultz's damn mouth this week at the convention. Clinton has become too dependent on Schultz, and that is NOT healthy ... Schultz worked for her so long and in depth, that Clinton feels that she cant do without her, as some employers think ... bottom line is, until you clean house, the house will NOT get cleaned, eh? ... the same is true as becoming too dependent on corporate money ... it leads to desperation and ill decision making ... Sanders proved you can be successful without corporate money ... learn from the man.
As far as this talk about blaming this on the Russians ... why? ... did not these folks in the DNC email, plot, distort and create this fusion of collusion? ... of course they did ... you can blame it on Russians, Martians, Sanders supporters or whatever you want, it dont change the fact of what they done collectively, which should now inspire further in depth investigation into voting poll fraud manipulation allegations, and what happened with voting during the primaries in importante places like NYC area and California, you have reason to expand investigation and it's justified because of this email thing they nailed. US officials now saying that DNC was warned about hacking months ago (CNN) ... if this is so, how in Hell could you be so dumb to pull a stunt like this? ... Hell, that's reason enough to fire a whole crew! What was really twisted about this to me that I seen, was trying to figure out wayz to make Sanders bring up his belief in God for their Southern Baptist people?? ... Sanders already made his beliefs clear, in front of Christians at that, when they invited him to hear him out at Liberty University. But, now you're so desperate in the DNC, as to now kissing the asses of the Christian fundamoralists? ... isnt it shameful enough how you kiss the asses of fundamoralist Muslims and suck- up to Arab countries that persecute women and kill people for being gay? ... both of these religious institutions, are more about politics and persecuting others that dont submit to their cult mentalities, than having anything to do with spirituality or belief in a God, I define "fundamoralism" as the extreme branches of major religions that contaminate societies and politics with force feeding their self tailored beliefs. WTF is wrong with ya'll? ... you call yourselves liberal, and progressive at that, what is liberal about that? heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-)
Whatever your belief or depth of makes no difference when it comes to getting the job done, you can have a person that prays 20 hours a day ... if they cant serve the peoples needs, it doesnt do the people a damn bit of good. This other talk about Sanders doesnt have his act together and trying to make a story out of it? ... good thing you didnt, you are the ones that need him now, even though you play it off like you dont, Sanders created a movement and raised millions of dollars and votes without kissing the corporations asses ... what have most of ya'll done?, obviously after this email scandal ... it is clear who doesnt have their act together, eh? I heard folks saying online, trying to lay a guilt trip on folks that may vote for Jill Stein or whoever, that if they dont vote Democrat now and Republicans win ... they will be responsible for all the harm that will come to gayz, women, people of colour, etc, ... nonsense, the Democrats and Republicans can share the blame for all those people have went through in the past, as well as the troubles that we/ they have now ... or the talk of, if they dont vote Hillary, that they hate women, and related nonsense, dont suck into that garbage, vote what is in your heart and interest ... that is what a democracy should be about, not being afraid or threatened by these parasites, that you need to kiss their ass. If these Democrats lose in the election or the Republicans for that matter ... they have their party's to blame ... not the people, if ya'll done your jobs to begin with and was even just halfway honest, you wouldnt get the reaction that ya'll do today, where you have to spend millions to manipulate voting, media, and pay people to like you, you wouldnt need to have militarized perimeters when you speak in public to protect you ... some of ya'll are so damn blind, you dont even know how you are seen.
This entry for the music/ arts honour roll society of this journal has to definitely go to a crew that I been intending to get in here for awhile ... the exciting French electro swing crew out of Paris "Caravan Palace", this is really a tight crew if you enjoy old swing or electro swing either way, a nice blend of swing and incorporating other elements of contemporary genres ... they really rock you, a crew that is hard to keep your feet in one place listening to them! This crew started out as a 3 piece, but had to expand to the 7 member team they are today, they officially been a company since 2008 on release of their first full album, but toured a year straight between 06- 07 off of singles/ demos they had ... they are one that enhances traditional swing, and was partly inspired by another old school French great of swing "Django Reinhardt". But I really enjoy everything about this crew ... and love their stage set lighting too ... the electronics really put some spunk into it, and traditionally combined with some great clarinet, saxophone, double bass and vibraphone, 3 members doing vocals ... and excellent front vocals by the beautiful Zoe Colotis, who I love to listen to her work ... a mix of smooth, sharp and sensual! {:-) ... another crew that I recommend for those who like new swing is "Diablo Swing Orchestra". Since there was a good selection of "live" work as far as visual/ audio, I wanted to go with their live work here, and I wish great success to this crew as well ... Enjoy!
This posting will serve both the "Pharmaceutical Cash Cows" and "From The FOXHOLE with Bernie" series of this journal/ blog. I wanted to record this in this journal because it's an importante issue that is not getting enough coverage, and especially now for the next several months, there is just going to be political elections coverage for the most part in America. Thanx to Senator Sanders, Huffington Post & Americans for Tax Fairness on this ... the read in the Huffington Post link below is incredible, and shows the depth of just how bad the tax laws and political corruption is in this country ... we are so desensitized to corruption these dayz ... that some actually expect and accept it as part of our American fabric, but to folks like myself, it is American stupidity, passiveness and neglect, to expect and accept. Too many Americans actually expect to get ripped off these dayz, some think nothing of it, it's even fashionable for some, even some of the largest companies have advertisements/ commercials in our prime time mainstream media and programming, actually pointing out and detailing how their competition is robbing you, politicians running for political office even tell you how corrupt and unfair the system is, some that are the key ingredient in the corruption themselves. But you cant just blame this all on the company is my point, after all, it took an act of Congress to even allow this to get to the point it is, without legislation to allow this to happen, these folks would NOT take advantage of us the way they do, eh? ... so you see my point. Senator Sanders points out and anyone with any amount of sanity and common sense would tell you ... "it is not acceptable", and it's not, not unless of course you like being robbed.
Gilead Sciences is a very importante biopharmaceutical company, importante because they have a specialty and concentrate much on research and development for some critically needed antiviral drugs that deal with large scale problems like Hepatitis C & B, HIV and influenza. I'm one that even believes in giving tax incentives especially to companies that really work, contribute and earn their way, and am even supportive of a good reasonable profit being made by companies as incentive and reward for investment, risk and research ... so I'm not out to trash companies as some may think ... but what you have here is ridiculous and basically robbery ... I wouldnt call the pharma industry quite a monopoly yet ... but it has matured into at least an oligopoly. This is a case where we got burned 3 times, the taxpayers bankrolled the research, we get the highest prices on the product/ drug Sovaldi for instance here in the world at $1000 a pill/ $84K per treatment, then this American company decides to be an Irish company to avoid even paying any tax in their home, the U.S. (another reason why these corporate drafted trade deals are a disaster to the member countries involved), some of the same folks that say they want us to be globally together and a big happy familia, when it comes to their interests only, some would even like to restrict our ability to buy what we want from where, as another country ... that is how twisted this is. This is why I point out throughout this journal how free market and business is being wiped out by some of these largest entities, and were basically getting bought out of everything we own, fund and discover ... from the researcher/ scientist to the common labourer.
They deserve to make a profit ... but having a CEO that's raking in $200 million annually, having us pay/ fund and develope everything, and just the combined tens of billions in annual profits for a handful of companies is not fair business or pricing, or even reasonable taxation ... this is a form of "racketeering" ... so call it for what it actually is. This is an economic virus to the taxpayers and consumers/ patients, we are even having our military veterans being taken advantage of in this, while also draining/ milking things like our Medicare system. This is also why when I talk to folks one on one about some of these things ... I say that we need to reform and start to utilize asset forfeiture laws we have (DOJ), why should it not apply to some corporations, CEO's, or even politicians that allow this? I had a fella tell me once that asset forfeiture and even imprisonment on these entities that I talk about to folks, seems like I am talking about some kind of "Robin Hood" thing, that takes from the rich or penalizes those with money ... NO, NOT AT ALL. I would not advocate penalizing anyone who earned decent wealth ... I think those who actually earn and contribute to society, deserve reward in fact ... so that's just a cheap argument to give me ... after all, did not the US Supreme Court say that "corporations are people" ? ... well then. The fact is, that this is even beyond civil law ... these actions fall into "criminal" by law ... how can you not make the case, that things like this dont fall into the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) category? Mainstream media and establishment flunky politics make fun of folks like Bernie Sanders, and say that he proposes things that are not possible, or even criticize legislation he drafts to combat things like this, people who say that nothing can be changed or done ... which is basically INSANITY! ... enough from me.
**** quote commonly credited to Einstein, but not proven it comes from him, still a great quote
This posting will serve as Part 42 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog. I wanted to record some jobs figures in here too, as far as green jobs and how it's also been a positive as far as business and the economy, because throughout this series I been trying to point out that this green move and renewable energy is a great investment for the future, although right now with the "fossil fuel industry gone wild", you dont hear enough about this. I also notice that every time the government decides to throw a few billion bucks into incentives, tax help and other programmes/ legislation, whether it's for solar, wind or whatever ... the fossil fuel industries flunkies are all over the media criticizing for instance, if our President and his administration want to subsidize these renewable projects ... they bitch, moan and bellyache over every couple billion that is put into this, coming up with a couple businesses that may have went bankrupt, or not meeting the expectations of our energy needs, etc. On the other hand, these fossil fuel flunkies are alwayz expecting 10's of billions in subsidies to go to their out of control extraction of fossil fuels ... of still ... the taxpayers money, that they complain about us using a fraction of just for cleaner renewable ideas, that will be the future any way you slice it. The politics are so insane beyond belief too, being paid by these fossil fuel flunkies, with a Congress alwayz trying to come up with new wayz to sell dirty fuel ideas, and coming up with a new package or name ... such as when they talk about "clean coal". These fossil fuel giants are also spoiled beyond belief these dayz, we have more drilling, fracking and everything imaginable offshore and onshore, besides all the subsidies they get ... yet they want to whine and bellyache over a few billion bucks that is spent of our same tax dollars on really moving in the direction of the future of energies transition. The whining out of this pro- fossil fuel crowd is incredible ... yet they laugh at environmentalists saying that their ideas are inefficient or not practical ... saying things like ... solar power is not practical because of the energy demand, and of course keeping the prices low. Germany for instance has really went far in renewable energy and even the use of solar, and currently have all the energy they need and then some, and countries like Germany are not actually known as the most sunny places, yet, they have went far with solar ... then you have a few manufacturers in Germany that threaten to leave Germany because of energy price increases, blaming it on going green ... yet some residents in European countries have seen decreases in energy bills, but the attacks on green energy continue. No, I think the money we spend in the U.S. is great to start up and give incentive to folks who will invest, and this has been going "global", not just the U.S. . I look at the long term instead of the short ... I also look at how much money we waste on wars/ occupations for example, especially while having to police and babysit places like the middle east ... so dont whine to someone like myself about a few billion bucks spent to promote cleaner energy/ fuel.
I'm not some hardcore environmentalist either, I havent even desired an electric car for that matter, I even point out in this series that oil is still needed ... but to a point ... I understand that we are in a "energy transitional period". As far as the "global warming" is concerned, I'm NOT even hardcore on that, but for a reason ... which is because, I not only think that natural global warming and climatic change is heavily accelerated by human activity and our excessive use of fossil fuels, but I also think that we have so much damage already done, it would not only take a total renewable energy transition immediately fast tracked to try to clean up our mess, but climate science to try to even repair damage already done and try to manipulate the weather/ climate. I have talked with folks one on one in person that dont believe in global warming being man made, and think that it's a silly conspiracy made up by environmentalists ... so these dayz, I dont bother to debate it with those folks, it's pointless and a waste of time, people are still tribal anywayz, and will follow what tribe they belong to ... politically, environmentally or otherwise. I simply look at the evidence and scientific findings is all ... the science shows that you cannot do what we do to the earth and not expect to get a negative reaction ... the clear evidence is the filth that we created as a species and the destruction that we done to the planet in general ... whether it's the forests, the land, the waters, or the air/ atmosphere. I would be the same way even if we didnt have this global warming/ climate change issue ... why? ... because lets face it ... we are downright filthy as a species, it's nothing to be ashamed of, I mean, we are what we are by nature. I look at trying to clean up our planet a little, the same as we would clean our yard, take a bath, pick up the trash, or the many other things we do to try to be a little sanitary. Again also let me point out, that there is a vast future of business to come from renewable energy, in fact so huge, it will make former transitions look small ... the talk that solar doesnt work for our needs on a large scale is nonsense ... the future will be solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, biomass and more that we havent even come up with yet ... in fact, all your largest fossil fuel investors who badmouth renewables now, are going to be first in line trying to buy and own all of the renewables in the future, and they know it, they are just letting everyone else do the legwork and ratholing all the wealth to buy up the next new thing. I look at this energy transition as being more diversified and expanded, with more new companies and innovation ... that will create many jobs, but not just installing solar panels like these fossil fuel flunkies say, but maintenance, manufacturing, marketing/ advertising, accounting, green construction, and more ... in time. A few pieces of read below I wanted to add ... Word Out ....
(left to right) Donald, Hillary, Bill and Melania ... just hanging out and lying to each other, the Clinton's probably trying to hustle Donald out of a few bucks, while Donald tries to hustle another tax loophole ....
This posting will serve as Part 3 of the "If Habitual Lying was an Illness, how many Politician's would call in Sick?" series of this journal/ blog, just a little cheap humour, inspired by the pre- paid excitement and seriousness that this election is being presented as ... and Thanx to Bernie Sanders, who is at least trying to force some reform in the Democratic Party. But frankly, this has to be the most bland, plastic, and overpriced elections that I've seen in my 4 decades of voting, despite what the pop- culture media sayz it is ... all it is worth to most voters, is simply fearing what either of these 2 and their establishment parties will do when they win, it's a choice of basically lesser evil vs. greater evil to most, just simply voting out of fear, instead of what they really want, and not really much choice at all. Probably one of the funniest things to me, is that the Republicans are kind of stuck with Trump, not unless something changes convention time (?), they did not have a Superdelegate system like the Democrats, they had to go with their voters choice it appears ... where Democrats had Superdelegates and can quickly mute their voters voice by using it to override Democrat voters choice if needed, from the information I gathered, that it how this seems to work, maybe something can change in the convention, I dont know. Although it's kind of obvious that the Democratic Superdelegates majority for example, and their banking/ corporate financial support, had already chose Clinton long before she ever even announced running. However, this is mainstream pre- paid American politics and bullshit at its best! ... I would assume that some of our European friends probably get a laugh looking at our system here and the corporate controlled duopoly, especially those that in their country actually use a paper ballot, that dont have to use electronic corporate controlled touch screen voting machines like many in America, at least what I have to use to cast my vote here in Texas. Nonetheless though, this election will at least be the best horseshit that money can buy ... both of these candidates pretty close as far as lies and hypocrisy, and when they jump into the ring, there will be more shit than a sewage treatment plant! {:-)
In the moderate right corner of the ring we have defending champ of bullshit Hillary "Dead Broke" Clinton, the self proclaimed "moderate right progressive" (????), and sponsored by some of the finest oligarch controlled corporate communism in the world ... coming in at 5'ft- 6"in and around 143lbs!, a decades old political veteran of lies, and amongst the best of the best at it in modern history. Hillary is no lightweight, she has been able to flip- flop, change faces, personalities and outfits at the drop of a hat ... she is slicker than owls shit and practiced law, she is also wife of former President Bill Clinton, one of the best bullshit artists and liars in modern presidential history. Hillary started decades ago in politics as a "Goldwater Girl" ... she even at a time early on, served on the board of WalMart and helped keep the employees pay low, so that WalMart can give you "alwayz low prices"! Hillary and Bill may sound modest and claimed to be broke at a time, but been able to rustle up over $150 million in paid speeches over the last decade and a half ... they have some of the biggest and best of Wall Street and banking in the world behind them, and enjoy 4 beautiful properties throughout the year. Hillary is the best of the best when it comes to avoiding questions and changing the subject as well ... look for some of her expertise in this during debates. The Clinton's are very popular for their past trade agreements that helped send tens of thousands of manufacturing companies out of the country, and crime bill legislation that led to mass incarceration of what is seen in their circle, as the lower peasant elements in our society, to be used for corporate incarceration profiteering and asset forfeiture/ seizure. The Clinton Foundation has also been able to rake in millions from some of the worlds top money including folks like Saudi Arabia, who donate money to them I guess, to make up for all the persecution of women and executions of gay men that the Saudi's do in their country? The Clinton's are one of the most popular household names in politics today, and have plenty of house workers at minimal pay to work their asses off for them.
In the other far right corner of the ring, coming in at 6'ft- 2"in and roughly 200lbs, the one and only self proclaimed "Great One" and phony religious fundamoralist, and sponsored by American neo- fascism, is Donald "The Great" Trump, and looking as great as his challenger Hillary ... with his great make- up, hair, and designer suits ... you look absolutely beautiful Donald! ... and I personally must admit, that your wife Melania looks good to me too! Even though Donald The Great does not have that political experience and background as his opponent Hillary Dead Broke, he is not one to take lightly either, he was able to beat out all the top of the chain worthless Republican candidates running against him in the primaries with only words, and this guy is more smooth than the silk ties he wears ... this guy is so smooth and full of shit that he could hustle the shirt off a pimp/ players back! Known for his lavish lifestyle, buildings and casinos, I myself even stayed at his Playboy Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City back years ago for a few nights, and had a great time Donald! Donald also takes pride in his vision of "The Great Wall of Donald", which will be built on our border with Mexico to keep out undesirables and Muslim terrorists, while smart terrorists simply use Canada to get in here (you wont find too many Muslim terrorists in Mexico setting up shop anywayz, cause they dont have enough social programmes or many mosques in Mexico as you would find in western European countries). At the same time, Donald is the one who sayz he will make America Great again, and bring back those thousands of jobs from places like China and Mexico, which I would assume would be the jobs/ business in Mexico and China that he has to make his clothing line and products that he peddles off to stores in America like Macy's, so his pop culture crowd can pay over inflated prices for them. Donald is famous also for his quickie insulting tweets on immigrants and women, he also easily hustled hundreds of millions in free political advertising in mainstream media because of them ... this guy knows how to stretch the buck. He like Bill Clinton is also well known for hitting on women "below" the belt ... he also knows how to keep labour cheap like Hillary, but instead, by shafting immigrant workers that he brings in to work on his jobs and sites in America ... having left many workers and business partners even holding the bill/ tab ... with a tax and bankruptcy legal team that can milk every dollar imaginable!
But there you have it ... which will Americans choose to be their next top multimillionaire or maybe billionaire? ... which of these 2 will be the best and No.1 at peddling off their bullshit to the voters? No doubt looking at the facts and history, you would really have to be hardcore into this election, in fear, or else totally wasted on drugs to buy most of this bullshit or get excited over it. At least this ought to be a little better year for Jill Stein and the Green Party, they should be able to hustle up at least a few more votes as a result! {:-) Below some challenging video for the viewer to decide on who's best, or in this case ... more full of shit ... Enjoy! {:-)
Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight ... Thanx to MICHAEL ARMSTRONG
This posting will serve as Part 24 of the "Police Brutality" series and Part 3 of "Michael A.Wood,Jr series of this journal/ blog. My condolences to the families and friends of the 5 police officers (one a Dallas Transit officer) who were killed during this ambush as well. Even though this was the action of one man, as so far found during this investigation ... I wanted to include this in the "Police Brutality" series because it is all connected to the growing issue of the communities, race and class relations with law enforcement, but in particular, those who control and manage law enforcement and legislation. The ironic part of this incident ... is that it happened in Dallas, which shows that this is a ticking time bomb that can happen anywhere coast to coast ... and what I mean by that, is that out of the largest U.S. cities, Dallas PD is a model for other cities as far as police community relations, Dallas is one of the most progressive cities when it comes to policing (see Toronto Star link below) ... and more ahead on this avenue than most of the so called "liberal cities" of the country, this may be hard to believe for some since it is in Texas, but it is fact, and much credit also can go to Dallas Police Chief David Brown. I had been able to talk to several people in the community here in Dallas since this happened to get their views and reaction, none of them I talked to though attended the protest event, nor was I at the event, and didnt even hear a thing about it as it was going down, I live in the City of Dallas, but I live about 15 miles northwest of downtown, I didnt hear anything until I woke up friday morning on the news. But for thousands of people that live in downtown and uptown, this was traumatic and continues to be, as well as for the peaceful protesters and officers who were trying to keep the peace, but got blindsided by this. But below I wanted to add videos about the condition from Glen Ford of "Black Agenda Report" (a blog I recommend for insight on related issues), and from former Baltimore Police Sergeant Michael Wood, both of these guyz are straight about pointing out the problems and should be heard out, and Thanx as well to The Real News Network for covering this from an alternative non- corporate controlled view. I also added a couple news links from Dallas and Toronto news ... after, I will add my own part to this.
While many officers that are in question of their lethal force and in some cases clear murder of citizens are being not held accountable for their actions, and because of policies almost impossible to be reprimanded in any significant way or brought to a trial or any kind of real justice served ... we had 5 innocent police officers killed in Dallas as a response, and others that were shot but survived, including 2 citizens. You have an Army veteran who was the shooter and determined to take down as many as he can, in particular white officers/ people ... technically it is a hate crime as well ... a police chief, who is being criticized for using a robot armed with a bomb to take out the shooter, the police in a situation and stand- off, and this man Johnson was NOT going to be taken alive, I would bet on it ... these are the casualties of war. Even though it seems ironic to me that this happened at a very peaceful march in downtown Dallas, like Michael in the above video sayz, "I was not surprised" either ... to me, it was just a matter of time, I wrote plenty about this in this series and journal, as far as the sophistication and proficiency of not just the police and militarization, but about folks that are trained in combat and tactical response/ resistance that will come ... in time. The opinions and blame on this is in the thousands all over internet/ social media ... I heard folks blame it on Black Lives Matter, Progressives, a conspiracy by the globalist elites to start it to disarm everyone, and some politicians blaming the gun ... to even blaming it on Hillary Clinton staging it so that folks dont talk about her email scandal, and everything in between ... it is just insane, I'm surprised to not hear yet that space aliens are to blame. This shooter just had enough frustration in him to go and do this alone (if indeed he didnt get help) if he needed ... the 'condition' and 'trauma' of the reality in this country is motivation all by itself without any conspiracies ... if Johnson didnt do it, you can bet that someone else would and there are plenty more that think like Johnson and even look at him as a martyr and hero in a domestic urban battle. I heard President Obama say that everyone involved with this shooting is going to be held accountable and brought to justice ... my question to the President would be ... "when are police officers that kill people with no good reason going to be brought to justice and held accountable?". I heard U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas say that "Washington wont be able to legislate themselves out of this one" (similar wording) ... the problem in that statement from Congressman Sessions is ... that there is no one hardly in our Congress in Washington or the states, that are legislating enough to improve this or doing a damn thing about it ... we need to as a society start to lay down the draft, present and demand legislation to these legislators, and making them actually change policies and how policing is done ... and especially what in Hell has his own Republican Party done? We have so many politicians telling us what the problems are that we already know, while they run their mouths over and over and are doing nothing, but kissing corporations asses like the private prison industry, who make a bundle off these bunk biased policies. What is the Congressional Black Caucus doing as Glen points out in the above video? ... what are cities that are so liberated supposedly with people of colour and Democrats that been running these cities like Baltimore been doing? ... Baltimore is heavily in this crisis, and the resistance from the people is 110% justified.
What lit the fuse for this incident in Dallas was not just past cases and policies against black, brown and lower income citizens, but these recent cases in the week around the Dallas Police ambush, the cases of Alton Sterling (CNN), Philando Castile (HuffPost), and Dylan Noble (LA Times) ... there was also another that is lacking mainstream news coverage of Delrawn Small (Democracy Now), today these are becoming a week to week or bi- monthly thing, more and more common, there are so many, that I cant even keep up with them ... rest assured though, that the resistance as well will become more and more common. Until action is taken, it will continue to get worse and worse, there is no avoiding it ... deadly force policy needs to change, the drug issue with addiction needs to be addressed and money to work on it, instead of our taxes used as a for profit industry, mental health issues as well ... you dont lock up people that are sick with an illness in penal institutions, especially corporate ran ones ... period. Legislation needs to also be made on a Federal Government level at first, to tear down this mass incarceration machine and police militarization, and it can then be adopted with enough pressure on a state to state level ... the same as how the states quickly adopted the 1993/ 1994 Federal Crime Bill on a state to state level to make money ... what we can make, we can also change and unmake ... those in Washington and on a local level that DO NOT attempt to change a damn thing, need to be ousted from political office ... this means on both these sides of Democrats and Republicans, they are the only ones doing all the damage in this country, and the citizens and police are paying the price for THEIR actions and lack of action. This is NOT the fault of radicalization or the Black Lives Matter movement ... why "Black Lives Matter" is needed? ... is because this country with it's intergenerational and systemic racism and neo- classism makes it so that all lives matter except those of colour and the working poor classes ... that is WHY you need organizations like BLM. We are going backwards in this country, there is even a war on our Civil Rights today, and everything from voting to workers organizing to our First Amendment Right of speech, assembly is being attacked and suppressed. The people/ citizens or Black community are NOT asking for "special treatment", as so many right wing advocates espouse ... this IS NOT about special treatment, it is about equal treatment and justice ... this does NOT penalize those with wealth either, it simply makes a fair playing field, and that is what Democracy and liberty should be about ... not this oligarchic controlled corporate communism you see today. The incident that happened in Dallas last week was just one man ... if there were really 3 or 4 involved in this ambush plot, with the same motivation and training as Johnson, there would have even been a significantly higher casualty rate, as it is right now, our military has been having to dismiss new recruits recently after screening them and finding connections with them to groups such as White Supremacist's ... they are joining for the training in other words. As long as our legislators allow this to continue, the police and citizens will suffer, and in time ... will come for you too in politics and high places ... bank on it. Enough from me ...