Why the name Ranch Chimp? it was in humour because, science says that humans have similar DNA to a chimpanzee,so I felt some way related biologically to a chimpanzee. 2nd, everytime I was out of Texas on a vacation or for whatever reason I’m always asked things like, do I live on a ranch?,or have cattle? so I commonly call Dallas the Ranch. "Politically Depressed" was also humour inspired by the 1993- 2002 Bill Maher TV/ tele show "Politically Incorrect".
This posting to be included in this journal's music/ arts honour roll society will be to highlight a young musician out of Brooklyn (NYC) ... Johnny Arco, who is an outstanding violinist, who has fell into the alternative genre of music. Johnny is someone I know from years back, and still in contact, who I know as Juan/ John, originally from Dallas and has been close with my daughter Bear for many years. Back in the performing and visual arts high school they attended as well, they played music together in the same band, Juan a violinist, and my daughter was a vocalist (actually my grandson as well, Jason, is trying for this high school who is into drama/ acting right now in middle school). Juan has moved on and found his new ground in Brooklyn gaining a music following in the New York City area and at the Green Room in Brooklyn as well, and been busting ass touring the country, working, writing, and teaching ... a hard working ambitious artist ... and congrats Juan on the EP too!
When I got an email on the Atlanta news piece linked below I was kind of shocked that he would have got arrested in a town like Atlanta for doing what is so common in a town like New York, and was even back in the day when I lived in Brooklyn myself many years back. Because Atlanta sure as Hell is not an anti- arts town at all, being I had played music myself year's back in Atlanta's Underground District venue's, even my buddy and artist Joe Christ relocated to Atlanta specifically because of the kind of town it was, and Joe is an alternative artist as well ... so I look at this as an embarrassing blemish on the City of Atlanta, and simply some free positive publicity for you guy {: ) But as you also know Juan ... you can find assholes everywhere you go too {: ) Johnny Arco writes/ composes music, and a music teacher/ instructor these dayz, part time. Below I wanted to highlight some of his work here ... and wishing you as well, the best to come Juan, in your music! ... Enjoy ....
**** POST NOTE: I also decided to include this posting now in the "Citation Violation Nation" series since it is a perfect fit for that series too ... with all the ridiculous money milking shit that we have these dayz poured down our throat's.
This Part 5 of "Peace On Earth Without Gun's" was included in this series first to show what a defenseless people/ citizen's must have to endure on any given day in the reality that most of us have to live in ... the victim this time was a young British soldier Lee Rigby. I also wanted to highlight this response video from a local English gent who represent's the EDL Mr. Tommy Robinson because he is considered a racist or right wing extremist by todayz pop culture and criticized as well as targeted by many himself ... but in my opinion ... he just make's good sense in what he sayz, whether he's right, left, or whatever other politipop title group make's no difference to me, what he sayz about this particular incident and the current state of the condition is what is importante food for thought. I dont see anything he sayz here as racist or extreme or even anti- muslim to be honest, he even speak's against those who attack muslim's and mosque's ... and it's one of the most straight forward non- bullshit, non- sugar coating responses that I heard on a mainstream level in any of this. Some news link's and vid's below ... even a Guardian piece on a supermarket worker who was suspended from work for wearing a support the soldier's badge, of course Morrisons market spokesperson said it was because of food safety reason's, etc. Then some additional input from myself.
I was somewhat amazed at the public response right at the scene of the crime/ murder on this, being a pro- defense blogger and living here in Texas ... I couldnt believe that the suspect was still alive after nearly a half hour waiting for police to arrive on the scene in broad daylight ... I thought if it was in a town like Dallas ... I doubt that he would even be standing there alive more than roughly probably 10 minute's top's, before some concealed carry permit person with a gun walk's up and take's him down on the spot, but then again ... Dallas and London have this unique difference in these area's and I have spent time in both town's. And of course, no gun's were needed to carry out this attack/ murder ... just some simple kitchen utensil's worked for the murderer. I also listened to the suspect in his video a passerby recorded ... and I DO agree with the man/ suspect 110% and have wrote plenty about this. The fact is ... that it is those entities in politic's with their corporate and banking affiliate's who go into these countries and meddle in their affair's and kill innocent people by the truckload over and over and over ... WE DO NOT belong in these nation's ... I have wrote about this and these consequence's since the start of this journal, we should have less dictating in many countries, especially in their political affairs, but we go into these countries trying to run things. We are creating terror onto ourselves with those who represent us. None of those who dictate us are vulnerable as we the people are to the consequence's of their action's, whether it's a terror incident, murder in the street, or enviromental tragedy due to the extreme weather contributed to their relentless raping of the earth, to the lower wage's and drop's in pay that we have to receive, because they try to drive labour cheaper and cheaper through this modern day slavery, or suffer from the austerity measure's they push and taking what is our's and actually legislating law's to make it legal to rob us on top of it.
There is also time and place with reason for segregation which I have pointed out time and again, there is reason for change in immigration policies as well as deportation of those who are a threat to our culture and way of life, plain and simple. I have NOTHING in common with a person that want's to take little children and force them into marriage, or those who want to kill gay/ lesbian people, or those who feel they need to cram their religion down our throat's, or those that tell me because my wife, daughter's, friend's that are female ... are whore's and slut's because they wear a dress that might show their leg's or whatever, or because they wear make- up or similar, or those who feel it is part of a healthy marriage to beat the shit out of your wife when she is out of line or whatever, I mean ... I been with my wife for over 30 bloody year's, obviously that speak's for itself, that this IS NOT part of my/ our culture, eh? ... and NO ... she is not with me by force, nor was our marriage arranged by some community council or whatever, what kind of man would even want that?, why would I possibly want to even be with a woman who dont want to be with me? so you can see how some thing's are completely foreign and alien to my way of life and value's of my familia, eh? ... why would I want to associate with a culture so different than my country/ tribe/ culture, that is against us totally? ... I dont even understand that ... wouldnt that be borderline insanity?, masochistic? ... to embrace that is being liberated? or to NOT defend yourself? ... how liberated is that? For those who may be a tad "uncomfortable" with the word/ term "segregation" ... look at it like this ... it simply reduce's violence and even death in many cases, eh?
These politician's with this politipop pandering and such are in my opinion in a way guilty of perjury too, do you not take an oath when you enter a position/ office like such? There are many good decent folk's of the muslim faith, but there are also those who have their own denomination and principle's as in any religion, even christian's ... that are NOT in alignment with what we value, and also cannot ever be comfortable in our enviroment ... when they show/ display these sign's that they cant function culturally with our society, why do we say they belong here? why are not any of these people when identified with these issue's just simply deported immediately?, you can even give them free airfare, and even a sum of money to just get out of our countries and make sure they dont return. Why would any of us also belong in their nation's and sector's? ... it hasnt a thing to do with hatred ... it's just common sense, listen to the man above Mr. Robinson with a clear head, and ask yourself ... what's radical about that? ... think about it a minute with a head clear of all the politipop nonsense and think simply naturally ... unless of course that's too difficult.
Word Out ....
***** POST NOTE (Wed 29 May 2013): I also wanted to include here that I knew nothing of this man in the above video Mr. Robinson, nor did I know a thing about this EDL organization, so on Mr. Robinson I done a brief research and viewed a few video's on YouTube of the man as well to try to at least determine if this man was really a racist, neo- nazi, or out to unfairly attack folk's of any faith (I know real racism and such when I see it and talked first hand one on one with REAL racist's, including Hammerskin's, etc, the kind that are for real, not some backwood's hillbillies who make joke's and slander using the word "nigger" or such, there's a difference) ... I could not find any evidence to convince me of that, only "talk" of such, which come's a dime a dozen in these dayz of this so called social media and bullshit propaganda dished out by the truckload. "IF" I would have found Mr. Robinson to be actually unfair or racist or in support of nazi type thought, I WOULD HAVE NOT highlighted him here in this manner.
However, I DISAGREE with Mr. Robinson on the thing that he sayz he would do as far as not allowing mosque's to be built (at least it appear's in the video that is an objective of his), being that I have friend's that are of the Islam faith (like Lotfi from Rabat and Nabil from Casablanca), I know how importante this is to them and their culture, they are also let me add some of the most straight up and decent people that I actually have known because of their value's, even the best man (Jamal, originally from Tanzania, but educated and raised mostly in London before relocating to Dallas) that I ever worked for who owned a small printing company was of this faith, and the most generous person I have worked for because of his faith and value's, honest and a man of compassion and "respect" unlike any I have seen, so you can understand also how I feel about depriving ANYONE of their faith ... to me that is WRONG ... to not allow prayer and worship is WRONG, for many people, this IS ALL that they have in life, those churches/ mosque's are a type of social/ familia gathering place's for those like minded to share and worship and should not be touched or prohibited, it isnt prohibited for christian's or anyone else and there should be no exception.
Part 32- A of "Veteran's Spotlight" (PT.32- B HERE), will be for this 2013 Memorial Day posting to remember and highlight the fallen heroes and those bonded who will continue to defend no matter what! ... that devotion to Duty is what never Dies ... those fallen are bonded in blood and spirit with the defiant living! ... Word Out ....
Weekly Address: Giving Thanks to Our Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day ... Thanx to THE WHITE HOUSE
Obama Speaks to Naval Academy Graduates ... Thanx to WSJDIGITALNETWORK
This posting to serve 2 series as well for this journal, and in these more trying economic times we have ... with Bernie ... we get the best of both the world's ... being the well suited politician with real integrity as a representative of the American people's interest's, and frankly a guy that you get 2 for the price of one as far as performance and job efficiency, with the most bang for our buck, and this guy keep's the whip cracking!
And this is not so sudden either, the Senator nearly 1 year ago as well sent this letter to the U.S. Attorney General and Federal Trade Commission ... so this stall- game politipop response from Senator Debbie Stabenow after is not good enough! ... you can tell just looking and listening to her, that she is trying to sweep this shit under the rug. But, first below a lil ole lesson in economic's with his latest probe proposal's, then a few cent's from the ole Chimp on the Ranch (me).
For the record again, I will first state that I am NOT against free market, wealth, corporation's, bank's, capitalism, etc, etc ... I am VERY much pro- business ... Hell ... I even support corporate tax break's/ incentive's! ... so look closely at what I say, not just the face of the word's. All you see happening here and now, is nothing but manipulation cut and dry ... and totally damaging to true free market, capitalism, and business across the board, from the top on down, as I point out alot throughout this journal and these series. In fact ... the design and basic foundation principle's of free market and all that ... has done so much good across the board for progress ... all you have here is some folk's with a knack and in some cases an addiction to gambling, other's just outright crook's or well educated racketeer's, so all folk's like myself are looking for is balance and a fair playing field, not asking much at all. And they think that they themselves are harmless and just playing the market's and no biggie, no one's hurt, etc, etc ... and most believe that what they are doing is really the answer to across the board prosperity in the long run for all, but like any addiction or addict, they deny alot and refuse to see the flip- side and consequence's, eh? But all this has a huge chain reaction, just like when one of these mega- entities of finance get so huge that they take down the whole house every bloody time they trip up. So it's not as much that we need to tighten our ship ... Lord know's we have already mega regulation's and rules already on the book's to work ... so what we need is to tighten up on these entities/ folk's is all ... for year's they have drafted plenty of legislative piece's on telling us what to do and what is law ... we need as a people to start to crack the whip as well, that's what were missing, and lolligagging around a lil too much with petty shit, so there can never be enough talk and question on this type thing. This posting is also partly inspired by some local guyz that like million's of other's across the nation wonder and worry about these thing's to make a living. The U.S. is a lil behind on getting thing's done in this area too, which is why were railroaded so much ... and because we have so much people's wealth up for grab's, many other nation's in Europe and other's continent's made this shit before us and are trying to do something ... so dont be one of those that just shake their head and look down, say woe is us/ me, were doomed, etc ... slacking and giving up never turn's out winner's! ... changes come from action.
This is something that I hear so much about from folk's as far as the pump price's, mainly those that have to buy gas/ petrol for large vehicle's, and CANNOT have smaller vehicle's and stay in business ... for instance I can call off right now 6 guyz off hand I know that this really hit's hard, Rick, Tim, Wolf, Randy, Chris, and Dan, all these guyz work for/ as independent contractor's in thing's like HVAC, electrical, mechanical, etc ... they all HAVE to have larger type pick- up's like F- 350's or such to haul around daily tool's, equipment, material's or what have you, and million's of other's like them, eh? These game's of market's speculation, manipulation, etc ... hurt's all business/ market across the board ... meaning ... yep, you got it ... even those in the top crust too eventually ... so everyone's wallet is feeling the pinch, get my drift? Wolf and Randy the other day asked me if I heard on the news that the gas price's were going to take a drop come summer (poor fella's looked almost excited over it .... geeeezzz), and do I think it will REALLY happen? ... and YES ... I have heard about that, and yes, of course that can/ will happen ... but this is only seasonal shit like I told them, you got this overall mindwave that all on the same level interacting with each other in these mega speculation circles. They know that price's will get driven down here and there ... that's all part of the game, other wise, they wouldnt have any game, eh? And you have to look at the fact that everytime you save a buck on something like this, one hand is handing you a $buck$, while their other hand is in your pocket on your wallet. It has to take some kind of drop during the summer, because it's a heavy travel season, if folk's dont spend and travel it's a loss, eh (?). Cost's are shifted in these thing's and such to offset losses to an extent, from holiday travel to the cost's of the seasonal changes due to the various formulation's that have to be made for certain region's, due to environmental reason's etc ... such as the summer blend's in this case, etc. Heating energy is another concern for million's like in Bernie's State of Vermont because of the cold too, as he point's out time and again.
I also hear talk all the time from folk's that think all the excessive drilling we been doing and mega production will bring down cost's ... as I been saying for year's and throughout this journal, IT SIMPLY CANT until we actually address the illness and how business as usual is being conducted, this is what the Senator is simply doing above and trying to point out ... he is NOT trying to shut down the world of business ... you just have these investor's and mega entities who are outright excessively greedy cheapskate's, way out of control that whine like lil spoiled brat's every damn time a self proclaimed socialist, environmentalist or even financial expert DOES point out the reality ... then claim's they're victim's, they will take their business out of the country, etc, etc, etc (as far as I'm concerned ... GO if you cant live by a simple standard of rulez ... take ya'll's business and asses wherever in Hell you want ... I frankly dont give a shit ... watch the goddamn door so it dont hit ya'll in the ass, there's plenty of folk's to take ya'll's place!). Look ... how many year's now have we been hearing energy independence, lower price's at the pump, mega job creation and all the other nonsense? We already boosted production to the gill's, are overstocked/ supplied to where even the Saudi's bellyached saying something like a few year's back at that ... " if you want us to produce any more ... show us the demand and business!" Where's all the independence, job's, capital, etc? No ... these SOB's are just producing and mega pipelining etc, etc ... to put more damn chip's to bet with on their table. Their just out of control hogwild at this time, and time they get slapped upside their head's once or twice to get enlightened, look at it as therapy of sort to rehabilitate their sickness ... just letting them continue as usual and not even feel any consequence's, bailing them out and handing everything to them over and over, will damage us ALL in the longrun.
This posting for Part 21 of the "Taste Of Texas" series will be some video of the Houston Galveston area on the Gulf Coast. This area is kind of sentimental to me, and Houston is a town that I visit from time to time, since it is so close to Dallas, being a 4 hour drive from the house and a nice cruise day or night. Houston I consider as my Texas birthplace, although I was not born in Texas and moved here first from Montreal, Quebec, and spent alot of time before that in the northeastern US and southwestern US ... but Houston is the first place I lived in Texas and was a great town then and even better these dayz for urban or leisure! It is also the largest "city" population in the State and 4th in the USA as far as population in the city. When many folk's just go to Galveston Island to spend a day at the beach, catch some wave's and have a few drink's at a local bar or such ... there is much more to this little island than just that ... it is quite beautiful and has a rich history to it as well, and one of the most beautiful historic district's that is well kept and preserved in the nation, and I have been coast to coast and really mean that! It's urban neighbour Houston is a large town atmosphere, yet it's distinctive unique culture of it's own as well, such as all the different area's of Texas has, it also is one the the largest port's in the nation, with a fantastic selection of art's, eateries, museum's, alternative music, etc ... and it doesnt get as cold as Dallas {: )
But I didnt have an official posting for Houston in this series, and a friend Mark bought a nice lil beach condo on Galveston Island, with some cash inheritance his mom left him, with a beautiful awesome view especially at night with that warm gulf breeze on his patio deck. But Houston goes back to them year's ago for me, playing music in local venue's, picking and choosing different job's as quick as the season's change, late night and day parties on the beach, kick ass nightclub scene, or hunting up in the Big Thicket of the southeast Texas wood's, cooking fresh deer over a groundpit fire and smoking joint's rolled as big as cigar's of Mexican dirt weed, and longneck Lone Star beer's with friend's, just alot of fun time's and one of the first experience's that made my love of Texas grow ... and this state has really been good to me! Also some news read below added about how Houston now, is the most ethnically diverse city in the country, surpassing now New York City and Los Angeles in that category, and a few vidz below from Galveston Island/ Bay/ Houston area . I also recommend this Houston Area attraction which is a fav of mine to visit.
Part 11 of the "Dont Be Alarmed" series will feature America's special guest, and one of America's finest (law enforcement) singing the American National Anthem. Being a sort of music connoisseur myself, it would be easy for me to criticize here ... however, I was truely amazed and in shock of these two and their presentation/ cover ... I am actually lost for word's here, except to say these have to be the best of the worst. The first one from Alexis Normand who IS A SINGER (Canadian jazz singer ... imagine that) done this piece at the 2013 Memorial Cup (Hockey) the other day ... and the second piece I dont know the officer's name, but he supposedly is a Hamilton County (TN) deputy sheriff singing his cover 5 year's back or so at a Chattanooga (TN) memorial for fallen officer's ... but Dont Be Alarmed ... after all, this is God's Country! {: )
2013 Memorial Cup- American National Anthem Butchered- Alexis Normand ... Thanx to WSUKEEPER30
Worst National Anthem in Chattanooga, Tennessee ... Thanx to WDEF
For Part 8 of this series, it will be to take a look at what has been all over the news recently like a cheap suit on sunday amongst our fine well paid leadership in Washington ... this time featuring the relentless whining, bitching, moaning, and bellyaching over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of course being an accomplice to murder, and our NOW Nanny President Obama being behind unfair targeting from the IRS on Tea Party group's and related, and ole Sen. Mitch's bitch of this conspiracy theory and much more on this American axis of evil ... then of course some common sense non bullshit from myself concerning this.
I really tried to refrain from even writing about this silly horseshit for over a week, but it just keep's getting deeper and deeper and deeper with the shit that is shoveled on to us, and one would figure that there are more serious domestic issue's for all these well paid corporate flunkies in Washington to work on ... but nope ... this is the big politipop conspiracy that we should all be focused on I reckon. Once again as usual ... one of the fastest flip- flopper's in Washington Sen. Mitch McConnell dominated this sunday's "Meet the Press" with all his indirect carefully worded conspiracy theories, then of course all the other folk's from the GOP (God's Own Party) been throwing in their few cent's as well. The most popular talk has been impeachment and sending folk's to prison, etc, etc ... c'mon man ... be for real ... geeezzz ... ya'll will do anything for a goddamn vote!
Did the IRS target Tea Party group's unfairly? ... maybe so ... but I see NO NEED for the President to have to apologize for it, nor do I think it was at his command or will ... sure as Hell dont need to apologize to me Sir. The fact is ... and as ole Mitch would point out himself ... any tax exempt group is subject to get targeted by the IRS ... and frankly they should be targeting more politician's in this country especially! It doesnt matter if it's the Tea Party or an affiliate of a Occupy Wall Street group, the NAACP ... even the ACLU has been also looked at closely, and pushed to do so by those same folk's who are bitching right now on the right about targeting folk's ... and Sen. McConnell talking about corporation's rights? .... pleeeaase ... that is so goddamn cheap, since your so worried about rights ... do something about all your finance contributor's who are violating our fucken rights, the voter's in this nation!
And this hammering of former Secy of State Clinton has been another snowjob ... blame her? ... for what?!! ... go after the goddamn freak's that done all the murdering ... that's like blaming the fucken gun ... ya'll wouldnt do that would ya? ... c'mon ... share with us some of your humanitarian love and all the other wimpy talk your dishing out. Shit like Benghazi happen's, eh? and there are a whole buffet of place's it could happen in the world due to the way some of your affiliate's have been screwing over these countries and inciting terror indirectly doing so. All this is just more left/ right bullshit as far as I'm concerned ... and nauseating as having to hear constantly about other related bullshit.
Word Out for now ....
**** POST NOTE: Also let me add to this and for all those American's that hate taxes and the IRS ... I'm glad we have both, and feel they both are one of the greatest thing's created in this nation!
Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie"
Part 5 of the "Arab World Tension's" series will be to take a looksy at the Iron Dome of Israel and the cost factor. And I wanted to highlight this news, because when I first heard/ seen this, like many other American's, I was appalled too! Why? ... because of the relentless reckless spending in Washington we have seen in recent year's, especially with all the privatization for profit's in military and defense and fraud, while we are also closing school's across the nation, cutting social programme's (but also gaining some programme's, which you wont hear much about, because it doesnt get folk's "angry", heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: ), cutting into thing's like benefit's to our disabled vet's, senior's, kid's, etc, etc ... so a news clip like this in these time's will easily get you upset ... and I'm not saying that is RT's objective here either ... I realize where they stand on this Palestinian/ Israeli conflict and have since day one, so I understand. I also realize the tension's in this region, our interest's, and have a friend who lives in a small town in Central Israel called Hadid, which is smack center between the major target's of big town's like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. But I dont want to take the popular left/ right stand on this one, and think more realistically after reviewing this defense strategy ... on this one ... I have to agree with Washington and Israel both after looking at the expense of what's spent here, this in other word's will help on defense spending in my opinion and try to at least minimalize some of the more reckless spending we've seen ... providing it worx the way it look's it could {: ) ... and not to just open a spending spree door for more toyz and trinket's ... this may be worth it's weight in gold in other word's, and a damn good investment for a tight budget!
First of all, war's are NOT CHEAP, especially in these dayz with all the corporate communist's influence in such! And the fact is, regardless of where we stand on Israel being a state/ country in this region, why it was started and where it stand's today ... it is there NOW, and we are going to have to deal with the condition of NOW, period! Again, you cannot use political diplomacy alone to try to change the condition between a group of wealthy folk's and politician's ... you must have desired change in the heart's of both people's, and we are not seeing that right now, so there is going to continue to be conflict's any way you slice it. We can spend this fraction of what we already promised to Israel on this and take the gamble that it will deter some of the bloodshed ... or we can just spend 10/ 20X more building more goddamn bomb's that even Israel wouldnt know what in Hell to do with they have so many as it is! which in turn mean's more bloodshed, more bitching and whining from both the left and the right. So on this one I also give credit to our President Obama since this was in his heart/ plan's as well, and his true bipartisan approach to an issue like this. A billion buck's for this? ... Why the Hell not, if it can prevent some more bombing expenditure's and unnecessary casualties? Enough from me ... Word Out ....
Military Millions: US spends fortune on Israels Iron Dome amid efficiency doubts ... Thanx to RUSSIATODAY
***** RUSSIA TODAY: Tempering Iron Dome: US may spend $680 million on Israeli missile shield .... this was an article back over a year ago when RT covered this ... they say "may spend" ... but believe me ... we WILL spend continuing to let Washington do business as usual and alot more $$$$ I may add, so I look at this as a "minimal" expenditure considering what it may save.
***** PD/ RCJ: "FUNDING & STUPIDITY ARE NOT COMPATIBLE" PART'S 4 THRU 1 ... this is sort of a related series, as far as military/ defense spending is concerned, that I just wanted to include here
***** PD/ RCJ: "NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR THREAT 2013" ... another posting here related as far as if/ when a actual threat of attack arrive's and my input on dealing with that direct threat
***** POST NOTE UPDATE (fri. 17 April 2013) ... I wanted to add this post note to try to point out a difference in this particular ungoing battle, and why I dont look at it as any part of this terror threat to the west or such that we been also occupied with. To me this battle is isolated with just a bunch of outside influence's trying to muscle their way into it, I'm looking at the actual condition and reality domestically for the Palestinian and Israeli people here ... so regardless of any of the outside affiliate's that have gotten involved in this, whether it is from America or other outside Arab's throughout other region's in the middle east, I want to look at this for what it really is, okay?
First of all, I didnt think it was the wisest idea to create the state of Israel, but it's done, period. At the same time at this point in time, I see no reason to kick out all the Jew's to satisfy the interest's of those Palestinian's and give it all back, any more than I feel we should kick out all American's born here, and just give back America to the Indian's, eh? I mean ... region's and territories change, ALL OVER THE WORLD, and all throughout human history, and all culture's, period ... I dont see a need to redesign all the map's of the globe to have territories mapped off as they were centuries or thousand's of year's ago ... shit change's, plain and simple ... America is no exception. I dont even look at this as part of this muslim/ christian/ jew conflict that has gained strength recently ... I see this as deeply rooted in this territory between two people's, with every dominating religious, corporate and political movement using it for their objective's ONLY. This to me is a matter of territorial right''s.
For this reason I have had much sympathy in past for the Palestinian people (and not a damn thing to do with religion!) ... I mean ... they feel railroaded, robbed and taken ... at the same time because of how long this dispute goes back, the Israeli's feel the same way (but you can thank bloody religion's and politic's for instigating so much, as they alwayz done throughout the world). I listened closely to Arafat for instance back in the day, so I understand that resentment. But I still believe that there could be a strong amount of social order, or what some may even call peace between these two people's, and that they could live and work together as a society in their own territory of the world, and be successful at it! ... I have no doubt ... I am one confident in the nature and need's of the human species in general and it's potential. Yeah, there are cultural difference's, but those change as well as we evolve.
Also the Palestinian people should understand that when you toss these bomb's into Israel, well ... you need to expect retaliation, this is what some dont understand, especially in these western media's alwayz painting Israel as evil and announcing all the casualties of the Israeli's retaliatory execution strategies in self defense, etc, ... the whimpering etc. ... again, it's not good or evil, it's action and reaction, plain and simple, and with those action's on both side's/ part's come's death, injuries, and the rest ... DEATH IS A RESULT IN CONFLICT ... plain and simple, so these media's, blog's or whatever ... get the fuck over it, or better yet ... take your asses over there and fight {: ) And maybe we should step back a lil as well at time's, after all, this need's to be worked out not by American's or Arab's ... but the people of that region.
Here's the bottom line in this ... you can continue to stay at each other's throat's and toss woof ticket's and these small scale bomb's back and forth and continue the bloodshed till ya'll are both blue in the face (like a corpse), like a bunch of spoiled toddler's who got their toyz taken away ... and both side's are guilty of this ... or you can start to REALLY change, and you dont change with just some stuffed suit's of so called leader's sitting at table's making ass- print's in their seat's over snack's and drink's running their jaw's about what THEY want or their corporate, political, or religious sidekick's/ affiliate's. Beside's ... all this old deadwood is on the way out the door in time and will die like everything else does and be done with ... so might as well start to really change and take into account what the free minded younger generation's REALLY want, because THEY will ultimately change what ya'll cant ... in time ... both of ya'll can bank on that!
City Rats- Sickurity (punk Israel) ... Thanx to RIOTPUNX13 **** and special Thanx to guitarist Hannah here in Dallas (who was born and raised in Hebron, Israel/ Palestine) for turning me on to this tight crew out of Tel Aviv, the song title is fitting for this posting {: ) **** also will be included in the "RCJ Music/ Art's Honour Roll Society"
Warrior, Prophet, & U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
This posting will serve as Part 2 of "Michele Bachmann" and Part 4 of "The End Must Be Near", part of this posting's title was also inspired by the 1975 Blue Oyster Cult LP/ CD "On Your Feet Or On Your Knees". I can tell you for me personally that Michele is a woman who could have me quickly on my knee's for sure, I just think she is one Hell of a good lookin woman, a lil over the edge of course psychologically, but then I like them crazy on the edge type's too ... however ... not for a job like representing the American people's interest's though. It was warrior's like Michele as well that partly inspired thing's like our national Wank Out Day of course and many other credit's to her portfolio I may add, she is also America's No#1 evangelical feminist ... you GO GRRRLL!! {: 0 . Of course it's that time of the year again and time for another round of the end dayz ... and no one does it like Michele ... so OFF YOUR FEET Guyz and ON YOUR KNEE'S !! ... Michele's hand of judgement is here ... and you can spank me any day Michele! {: ) Enjoy!
Michelle Bachmann: 9/11 And Benghazi 'Judgements' From God ... Thanx to THEZOOMANAGER
R.E.M: It's The End Of The World As We Know It (lyrics) ... Thanx to ROB WILLIAMS **** a song here that I wanted to add to dedicate to Michele, and I took my time trying to find just the right one Michele, I also been a very bad boy too as you can see ... so I deserve an extra hard spanking! {: ) ... This will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY"
This is basically a musician's posting more or less, to look at the evolution of a classic piece and how it's expressed and refined over time, a piece to be included in this journal's honour roll society. This is one of those classic tune's that so many drew inspiration from and certainly it had it's impact on me, for instance when I was going over Dave's home studio 4- track guitar piece a couple week's ago in Arlington and looking at different angle's to build on it, although his influence in his original had nothing to do with Tull's work, when I thought of lyric's to add and a direction to take it, looking at his rhythm pattern/ power chord's, what first inspired my thought was quickly Iron Maiden's work as far as their cover of Crossed Eyed Mary back in the 1980's of the classic Ian Anderson (Tull) composition ... but that was what first clicked as far as inspiring what I would do to it. This has been a classic that has been also covered by so many, I myself have loved it since it's original presentation by Tull and it's been one I've held close to heart for year's, and was just thrilled when icon's like Maiden, and later Metallica covered it as well. Just about every guitarist I've known covered it, even 2 girlfriend's from year's back, Margie Salazar as well as Gwen Taylor covered it on bass, also covered by the all girl band called The Iron Maidens ... so this is just a great piece here that I wanted to look at as far as it's original and a couple fine reworx of it from Metallica and Maiden, and Bruce Dickinson's (Iron Maiden) vocal work on this is A+ by far .... Enjoy! {: )
**** UPDATE & CHANGE (Friday 24 May 2013) ... Sadly the Metallica video that I had posted here of Metallica's cover of Cross Eyed Mary is a phoney ... not that the production of this piece wasnt good, it was great, however ... I cannot knowingly being a musician myself let this continue to stay on this posting. I became a tad suspicious while just enjoying this cover work by Metallica simply because of James Hetfield's vocal work, is what caught my atencion ... his range was almost identical as to Bruce Dickinson's of Iron Maiden, which knowing Hetfield's work, made me wonder why the sudden octave range change so much later in his career? ... it doesnt seem natural, unless he had some type of vocal cord surgery or something I reckon ... just something didnt add up. Bottom line, it was NOT Metallica doing this cover, but a rigged up independently engineered fantasy sort of video/ song, using Iron Maiden's audio studio tape's spliced in or whatever. So to replace it I used the all girl group "The Iron Maidens" actual cover version "live". I intitially also wanted to post these gal's work, and because Kirsten Rosenberg (aka Bruce Chickinson) really is a kick ass vocalist (I love this gal) ... but the sound engineering and production were not very good on what was offered, however the crew themselves is very tight and does a great job, I would have just liked to have a more pro type studio cut here to have posted.